Why get strong?

The best way to sculpt a healthy physique is by training with resistance, and with proper training, your body is capable of lifting very heavy weights. The movements you do in the weights room translate to stronger, more confident movements in your daily life, empowering both your body and your mind.

Build confidence

You’ll be surprised by how quickly the shape of your body begins to change when you lift heavy weights. Even within the first week, your muscles will feel firmer and more defined. Plus, when you work out, your body releases endorphins, chemicals produced in the brain that can boost your mood and relax you during times of stress or pain. Exercising triggers actual positive feelings. Your resulting confidence and euphoria are not superficial – they are your body’s natural way of encouraging healthy fitness, which rewards you with a more sculpted body and more graceful movement.

Improve functional movement

By training your body in multiple planes of motion with added resistance, you also improve the way you move in daily life. The movement patterns you execute in the weights room translate to more stable, flexible, and balanced movement in general – no matter where you are. This functional training approach reduces your risk of injury and lets you confidently approach any movement challenge.

Enhance lean muscle mass

Lifting weights and training for power will increase your body’s lean muscle mass. Do not let the fear of getting big or bulky dissuade you from heavy lifting. In reality, the opposite is true; although muscle weighs more than fat, it occupies less space and is more shapely. Even though you might not see the number on the scales go down as you gain muscle mass, you will notice a drastic difference in your appearance as you become slimmer and more sculpted. Your glutes will become tighter, your waist trimmer, your legs leaner, and your posture taller and stronger.

Reduce body fat

Strength training causes a lot of stress on your body – in a good way. This extra resistance forces the body to work hard to recover, which heightens your metabolism while at the same time increasing muscle mass. Lifting weights boosts your resting metabolic rate (also known as your RMR), meaning that you will burn more calories throughout the day, even long after you’ve left the gym.