
This challenging movement targets the entire abdominal region and strengthens your lower back to protect the spine. The total-body reach also increases your flexibility and improves your balance. Try your best to touch your toes on every rep.

exercise profile



Primary muscle group


Secondary muscle groups

Core, hips, Quads

1 Lie on your back, extend your legs, and lift them off the floor. Extend your arms straight above your head, and lift your shoulders fully off the floor. Engage your core, and inhale.

2 Exhale and use your core to lift your torso completely off the floor. Keep your arms and legs straight as you reach for your toes with your hands. Then inhale and return to the starting position. That is one rep. Repeat for the number of reps given in your workout.



harder variation

Weighted V-up

Hold a light dumbbell or medicine ball in your hands and perform the exercise as described.