The classic barbell bench press is crucial for building upper-body strength and defining your chest muscles. The movement helps prevent injury and corrects muscle imbalances between your chest and your back muscles.
Bench, barbell
Primary muscle group
Secondary muscle groups
triceps, biceps, shoulders
Recruit a spotter if you are new to this exercise.
1 Lie down on the bench with your shoulders beneath the bar. Hold the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing away from you.
2 Straighten your arms to unrack the bar. Hover the bar above your chest. Do not let the bar drift forwards or backwards. Exhale.
3 Inhale, and in a controlled manner, use your chest muscles to lower the bar and gently tap your lower chest. (Do not let the bar bounce off your body.)
4 Exhale and straighten your arms to return to the step 2 position. That is one rep. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the number of reps given in your workout. Then re-rack the bar.