Triceps dip

It is easy to neglect the backs of your arms, but this simple bodyweight exercise will make your triceps burn. The movement tones the muscles in the backs of your arms from shoulders to elbows, while also strengthening your core and chest.

Exercise profile



Primary muscle group


Secondary muscle groups

Shoulders, core, chest

1 Sit at the edge of a bench and place your hands shoulder-width apart by your hips. Shift your hips forwards off the bench and extend your legs. Shift your weight to the palms of your hands.

2 Inhale and bend your elbows to lower your body until your elbows are bent to 90 degrees. Then exhale and push through your palms to return to the starting position. That is one rep. Repeat for the number of reps given in your workout.



Harder Variation

Single-leg triceps dip

Raise one leg and perform the dip as described. Do half the reps on this side, then repeat with the other leg.