Thrusting a heavy ball against the wall is a challenging, energy-intensive drill that tests your throwing skills and accuracy, which are often under-trained. If you squat deeply and throw with all your strength, the exercise will have your entire body exhausted and burning while improving your mobility from toes to fingertips.
Medicine ball
Primary muscle groups
Legs, glutes, arms
Secondary muscle group
1 Stand facing a wall with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and turn out your toes slightly. Hold a medicine ball at your chest.
2 Push your hips back and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your weight in your heels and hips.
3 Vigorously push through your heels, stand up, and throw the ball about 3m (10ft) high against the wall. Follow through with your hands overhead.
4 Catch the ball with your extended arms. Bring it back to your chest. Immediately enter into the next rep. Repeat for the time given in your workout without letting the ball fall below your chest.