1. We learn in the opening sentence that Lia lost her husband eighteen months earlier. Do you think there is an appropriate length of time for a spouse or long-term significant other to remain alone before thinking about being part of a relationship again? Discuss Lia’s reasons for returning to Languedoc to heal and move on with her life.
2. Our faith largely shapes our views of the afterlife. How do your religious views affect the way you perceive death and what happens to the soul?
3. Lia was raised in Africa, by European parents. As a child, she identifies herself as African; later, she comes to regard Languedoc as home. Discuss her evolving cultural identity. Why did she never feel “American”? Discuss Lia’s yearning for a home. Where do you think she belongs? How do you define home? Have you left behind a place that’s left a significant impression on you? What do you think it was like for Rose to give up her home and family in the United States to make a life in France with Domènec?
4. Jordí and Lia discuss history versus the past. What do you think of Lia’s assertion that history is what we can prove and the past is what we can only guess at? Lia states her role as a historian is to “[correct] history when the truth is known.” What does she mean?
5. Lia has few long-term personal relationships. What about her past has made her reluctant to open her heart to others? Why was she so drawn to Rose? How did you feel about Rose’s “meddling” in Lia’s love life?
6. Discuss the tension between Lucas and Lia. Why is she attracted to him, and what about him makes her pull away? If she hadn’t met Raoul, do you think she could have formed a deeper relationship with Lucas?
7. Do you think Lia and Raoul could have made a life together in the present? Do you think Lia did the right thing in returning Raoul to Paloma?
8. Why did Lia return Raoul to Paloma? Do you think she really believes Gabriel is lost to her?
9. Depictions of loving marriages are rare in literature—marriage is most often the source of conflict. In Another Life shows three loving relationships: Rose and Dom, Lia and Gabriel, and Raoul and Paloma. Discuss how Lia’s marriage to Gabriel may have led her to return Raoul to his wife.
10. What do you imagine happens after the novel ends? Does Lia remain in Languedoc? Do any of the characters return to her? What becomes of Lucas? Of Jordí?
11. Forgiveness and atonement are two major themes of the book. Who do you think has the most to atone for, and why? Do you believe they each achieved redemption at the end?
12. Do you think the story ends on a hopeful note, despite the obvious tragedies?
13. Is there a true antagonist in the story?
14. Archdeacon Pierre de Castelnau was murdered for his potential heresy. Lia says, “If he’d started spreading the word that he believed the Cathars, that could have ripped apart the Church. It would have changed Christianity.” Why was the archdeacon’s change of heart about the Cathars so threatening to the Catholic Church?
15. Why did Jordí leave the scene of Gabriel’s accident without identifying himself? How do you think Lia reacted when Jordí took her to the shed to show her his damaged Mercedes? Do you think he told her the truth?
16. Why does Lia mistrust religion? How does her skepticism change by the end of the book?
17. Who was responsible for Gabriel’s death? Do you think Lia continued pursuing the lawsuit against the Mountain Cyclist Federation after learning Jordí’s truth?
18. Can you relate to Lia’s ambivalence at the beginning of the book, her grief and her loneliness? Have you and your spouse or significant other ever discussed what you would do if one of you passed away unexpectedly? Could you imagine marrying again? Do you think it’s possible to hold grief and longing for one partner while falling in love with someone new?
19. The historical context of In Another Life may be one unfamiliar to readers. Before reading this novel, were you aware of the history of the Cathars in the South of France? If these events were unfamiliar, what was your reaction to learning of this religious/cultural purge?
20. In Another Life is based on historical events but uses paranormal events that border on fantasy. Discuss which events you believe are real and which the author created. What is the responsibility of the fiction writer to present a realistic representation of historical events?
21. Did Paloma’s level of literacy and independence surprise you? Do you believe that women of that era could choose their husbands or be allowed romantic love?
22. What do you think is the emotional and symbolic significance of the falcon, the eagle, and the dove?