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A.T.&T., 443, 460

Abrams, Hiram, 72-79, 81, 86-87, 95-99

Abrams, Miss (daughter of Hiram), 81-86, 89, 99

Academy Awards, 271, 303

Acord, Art, 223

Ad. See Schulberg, Adeline

Adams, Franklin Pierce (F.P.A.), 6, 15

Alonso, Luis Antonio Damasco del See Roland, Gilbert

American Tragedy, An, 356, 369, 393

“America’s Sweetheart.” See Pickford, Mary

Anderson, Gilbert (stage name). See Bronco Billy

Anderson, Sherwood, 420

Anti-Semitism, 5, 6, 103, 108, 296, 348, 408-9, 421

Arbuckle, Fatty (given name, Roscoe), 150-51

Aronson, Max. See Anderson, Gilbert

Arzner, Dorothy (film editor), 319

Autobiography of a Colored Man, 417-18

Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens, 437-38, 452

Baby Peggy, 161, 470

Baggott, King, 20

Bancroft, George, 241-52, 254-58, 319

Bankhead, Tallulah, 367

Bara, Theda (stage name), 8, 82, 100, 120, 176-77

Barrymore, John, 30, 31, 50, 364

Becker, Leon (pianist), 472-74

Beery, Wallace, 257, 318, 319

Beetson, Fred (of Hays Office), 314-16

Beldam, George F. See Bell, Rex

Bell, Rex (stage name), 178-81, 183

Ben Hur, 206

Benchley, Robert, 336

Bernhardt, Sarah, 31-33, 34-35

Bickel, Freddie McIntyre. See March, Freddie

Big Parade, The, 204, 205, 224, 268

Bill of Divorcement, 482

Birth of a Nation, The, 13, 38, 40, 206, 365, 419-20

Blue Angel, The, 276

Bow, Clara, 138, 157-66, 168-84, 204, 207, 209-10, 266, 304, 318, 363

Boyden, Frank (Deerfield headmaster), 407-9, 412, 413, 421, 422, 435-36, 437, 440-41, 451-52

Boyden, Mrs., 413-14, 452

Brent, Evelyn, 241, 318

Brick, Elsie (Sunday School teacher), 232-35

Broadway, 28, 31, 59, 67, 100, 176, 278, 392, 399

Bronco Billy, 20-21, 22, 59, 84

Brooks, Geraldine, 278-79

Browning, Tod, 313, 318

Bughouse Fables (author’s screenplay), 436-37, 438, 449, 461

Cantor, Eddie, 22, 169

Canzoneri, Tony, 239

Capra, Frank, 178, 303-4

Carle, Teet (Paramount publicity), 357, 364-65, 370-71

Carnera, Primo, 249, 254, 311

Carroll, Nancy, 444, 465

Cauchoin, Lily. See Colbert, Claudette

Chaney, Lon, 132, 198, 318

Chaplin, Charlie, 8, 11, 21, 36, 51, 76-78, 81, 90, 93, 95-97, 277, 291, 318

Chevalier, Maurice, 475

Chicago, 26-27, 79, 83, 117, 389, 450, 459-61

Cohen, Manny, 486

Cohn, Harry, 25, 258, 358, 360

Cohn, Henrietta, 166, 299

Colbert, Claudette (stage name), 364, 367

Conrad, Joseph, 403

Coogan, Jackie, 205, 347

“Coop.” See Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Gary, 173, 266-68, 270, 363-64, 487-88

Cooper, Jackie, 347

Cop’s Christmas Carol, A (film), 16

Coué, Emile, 45, 62, 332, 360

Crawford, Joan (stage name), 204, 206, 318, 381, 465-66

Crime and Punishment (film), 220, 265, 277

Crosby, Bing, 487

Darrow, Clarence, 418

Dartmouth University, 373, 441-42

Davies, Marion, 54, 150, 212, 483

Deerfield Academy, 373-74, 406-17, 421-24, 433, 435, 451-55

Defender Films, 14, 16

Del Rio, Dolores, 337-39

DeMille, Cecil B., 8, 11, 17, 33, 40, 51, 58-61, 93, 486

Depression, The, 330, 349, 364, 376, 424, 443-44, 453-54, 460, 469, 493

DeSano, Marcel, 136-45

DeVoe, Daisy, 177-81

Dewey, John, 424

Dickens, Charles, 85, 189, 248, 334, 358, 374, 403, 407

Dickson, William Kennedy Laurie (Edison’s assistant), 11

Dietrich, Marlene, 220, 276-79, 291, 355, 475

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. See Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The

Dostoevsky, Feodor, 248, 263, 265, 374

Dreiser, Theodore, 167, 356, 369, 393, 420

Duffy, Oliveretta. See Thomas, Olive

Edison Company, 6, 18, 20, 29

Edison, Thomas, 11-14, 17, 25, 29, 117

Eisenstein, Sergei, 368-71, 423

Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, 21, 92, 159, 371

Europe, 29, 38, 245-56

Fairbanks, Douglas, 43, 73, 76-77, 81, 95-98, 133

Famous Players Film Company, 8, 29-34, 36-37, 40, 43, 45, 48-50, 53, 57, 59, 61, 64-69, 72-78, 92-93, 96, 101, 117, 187

Faulkner, William F., 3

Fiermonte, Enzio (prize fighter), 311-13

Film Reports, 6, 14-15, 22

Film Trust, 25, 30, 33-36, 38-39, 62, 71, 117. See also Motion Picture Patents Company

First National, 74, 76, 81, 95, 96, 107

Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 30-31, 50

Fitts, Buron (district attorney), 175, 180, 479-80

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 121, 125, 155

Ford, John, 365

Forman, Tom (director), 121, 132, 224

Fox, Sidney (actress), 467-70, 492

Fox, William F. (producer), 33, 100

Francis, Kay, 444

Freaks, 314

Freud, Sigmund, 55, 100, 155, 166, 216, 402, 424

Frohman, Daniel (Broadway producer), 32, 34

Garbo, Greta, 51, 195, 212, 213, 355, 466

Gasnier, Louis, 121, 126-29, 155

Gelsey, Irwin, 379, 401

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 17, 318

Gilbert, John (Jack), 177, 195, 212, 213, 215-16

“Girl of a Thousand Faces, The.” See Lawrence, Florence

Girl Who Wouldn’t Work, The, 137-39, 142

Gish, Lillian, 46

Glyn, Elinor, 169-70

Goetz, Billy (producer), 398

Goldfish (later, Goldwyn, q.v.), Sam, 9, 33, 58-61

Goldwyn, Sam, 11, 39, 61, 93, 98, 147, 357.

See also Goldfish, Sam

Gone With the Wind, 13, 241

Goodman, Theodora. See Bara, Theda

Goulding, Eddie (writer-director), 298-99

Grand Hotel, 300, 318, 466

Grant, Cary, 266, 268, 487, 489

Great Train Robbery, The, 14, 28, 32

Greed, 150, 154, 218

Griffith, D. W., 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 38-9, 40, 51, 76, 81, 90, 96-97

Hart, William S., 76, 81, 85, 96

Haver, Phyllis, 91, 274

Headrick, Baby Richard, 127-30

Hearst Syndicate, 17, 150, 290

Hearst, William Randolph, 54, 150-51, 295, 430, 483

Hecht, Ben, 241, 258, 300, 311, 399-400, 461

Hemingway, Ernest, 133

Hepburn, Katharine, 482

Herzbrun, Henry, 487

Hitler, Adolph, 238, 279, 475

Hodkinson, W. W. (theater owner), 71-72

Hollywood, 8, 17, 60, 72, 78-79, 93-94, 113-14, 125, 138, 145, 155, 167-68, 175, 188, 213, 216, 257, 260, 281, 302, 305, 355, 359, 431, 443, 447, 455

Hollywood Reporter, 144, 464, 465, 479

“Hook, The” (author’s unfinished novel), 248

Huston, John, 467

Huston, Walter, 467

Indians, American, 85-86, 425, 461-62

It, 169-70, 180, 266

It Girl, The. See Bow, Clara

Jaffe, David (Uncle Dave), 4, 391, 394, 395

Jaffe, Hannah, 4, 191-2

Jaffe, Max, 4-5, 6, 25, 38, 116, 191-2, 432

Jaffe, Mildred (Aunt Milly), 307-8, 355, 427, 437-38

Jaffe, Rosalind (Roz, cousin), 391, 401

Jaffe, Sam (Uncle Sam), 188, 307, 437-38, 444, 463

James (chauffeur), 188, 285-92

Jannings, Emil, 271-76, 279

Johnson, Cornelius (Corny, track star), 477-78

Johnson, James Weldon, 417-18, 419, 420

Judge Lynch (author’s novel), 449, 461, 492

Jungle, The, 421

K.K.K. See Ku Klux Klan

Kaplan, Señor (Paramount representative), 340-42

Katz, Sam, 486

Katz, Stan (theater owner), 376, 488-89

Kaufman, Al, 8, 22, 37, 45, 57, 66, 104, 429

Keaton, Buster, 51

Kennedy, Jeremiah J. (of Film Trust), 25, 33, 35-6

Keystone Kops, 8

Kleptomaniac, The (film), 15

Ku Klux Klan, 39, 348, 419, 420, 421

Laemmle, Carl, 11, 20, 33, 39, 62-63, 292

Laemmle, Rosabelle (daughter of Carl), 398

LaMarr, Barbara, 147

Laseur, Lucille. See Crawford, Joan

Lasky, Bessie, 167, 291

Lasky Feature Play Company, 59-61

Lasky, Jesse, 8, 11, 33, 39, 40, 59-61, 71-72, 188, 196, 265, 268, 270, 376, 486

Last Laugh, The, 272-74

Lawrence, Florence, 46

Leach, Archie. See Grant, Cary

Leiner, Benjamin. See Leonard, Benny

Leonard, Benny (nom de ring), 22, 103-10

Lewis, Sinclair, 420

Lichtman, Al, 22, 32, 45, 57-58, 66, 68, 100-101, 104

Life of an American Fireman (film), 11, 13, 14, 40

Lindbergh, Charles, 267, 440, 451

Lindsay, Judge Ben, 171-72

Lindsay, Vachel, 7

London, Jack, 15, 40

Loos, Anita, 17

Loring, Hope (writer), 132, 188, 268

Los Angeles, 89-94, 95, 113-14, 295, 298, 329. See also Hollywood

Los Angeles High School, 329-32, 343-47, 360, 381

Lubitsch, Ernst, 51, 291

Lyman, Abe (and orchestra), 126-29, 259, 379

Lynching. See Racism

MacArthur, Charlie, 311, 399

MacConaughy, Mac, 414-15, 421, 435, 453

MacDonald, Jeanette, 299, 301

MacDonald, Katherine, 100-101, 121, 125, 157, 196

MacPherson, Aimee Semple, 169, 350

MacPherson, Jeanie, 12

Madame Butterfly (film), 461, 487, 493

Magnin, Rabbi, 191, 232, 235-38

Mamoulian, Rouben, 353, 359

Malibu, 178, 296-98, 303-9, 311-16, 384, 491

Mankiewicz, Herman (“Mank”), 261, 347, 358, 436-37, 487

Mankiewicz, Sarah, 296, 355

Mannheimer, Al (Maurice Rapf s cousin), 470-72, 473-74, 491

Mannix, Eddie, 377, 380

March, Freddie, 177, 359, 364, 366, 428-29

Marion, Frances (writer), 17

Marx Brothers, 239, 436-37, 461

Marx, Zeppo, 260, 262, 436

Maupassant, Guy de, 199, 360

Mayer, Irene, 115, 296. See also Selznick, Irene

Mayer, L. B. (Louis), 25, 90, 93, 100, 114-17, 121-23, 145, 147-50, 154-55, 215-17, 292, 377, 381, 406, 439-40, 483-86

Mayer, Margaret, 295-96, 382, 484-85

Mayer-Schulberg Studio, 114, 117, 125, 136

Méliès, George (magician), 12, 15

Melville, Herman, 189, 358, 403

Menjou, Adolphe, 207, 318

Merry Widow, The, 154, 215-18

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. See MGM

Mexico, 151, 335-42, 491

MGM, 115, 118, 146-47, 154, 206-7, 213, 380, 397, 483

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 168, 420

Monkey Business, 436, 441

Morrison, Marion Marshall. See Wayne, John

Motion Picture Patents Company, 29, 30, 33-34, 38-39, 117. See also Film Trust

Murray, Mae, 51, 212, 215-17

N.A.A.C.P., 418-21, 425, 437, 449

Nabokov, Vladimir, 9, 23

Negri, Pola, 195-96

Neilan, Mickey (Marshall), 18, 51, 93, 145-46, 149, 153, 156, 259, 468-69

Nettles (pigeon breeder), 321, 325

New York, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 22, 27, 33, 38, 39, 43, 73, 103, 107, 109, 125, 139, 158, 163, 191, 279, 390-94, 395-403, 405, 453, 457

New York Mail, The, 6, 22

New York Times, The, 184 (excerpted), 221, 274

Normand, Mabel, 150

Novarro, Ramon, 147, 207, 212

Oakie, Jack (stage name), 366-67, 492

O’Fearna, Sean Aloysius. See Ford, John

Offield, Lewis D. See Oakie, Jack

Old Ironsides (film), 318-19

Olympic Games, 475-78

O’Neill, James (actor), 30, 31

Palmer, Stuart (writer), 481, 492

Paramount Pictures, 25, 40, 71-78, 86, 188, 195-96, 239, 268, 276, 319, 357-59, 365, 368, 370, 376-77, 381-82, 392, 397, 428, 430, 433, 439, 443, 463, 475, 486

Parsons, Louella O., 17, 126, 183, 291, 430

Photoplay, 81, 195

Pickford, Mary (stage name), 8, 18, 31, 36-38, 43, 46, 48-51, 58, 64, 73-74, 76-77, 81, 95-97, 101, 195

Pigeon racing, 321-27, 492

Pinsker (Adeline Schulberg’s uncle), 9-10

Plastic Age, The, 159, 160-63, 165, 169

Porter, Edwin S., 11-18, 20-21, 23, 25, 28-31, 35, 36, 38, 39-41

Powers, Pat, 62-63

Preferred Pictures, 100-101, 113, 121, 134, 138, 188

Queen Elizabeth (film), 31-33, 34

Quid, The. See Boyden, Frank

Racism, 46-47, 131, 204-5, 282-83, 417-21, 425, 437

Rapf, Grandmother (Harry Rapf’s mother), 205-6, 238

Rapf, Harry, 149, 204, 205-6, 306, 380-81

Rapf, Maurice, 149, 204-8, 210-13, 223-27, 231-38, 252-53, 317-19, 321-27, 360-61, 407, 465-66, 470-72, 491, 492-93

Rapf, Tima, 205-6

Ray, Mutt (Deerfield student), 410-11, 412-13, 441-42

RCA, 397, 443, 444, 460

Reeves, Arch (Paramount publicity), 357, 378, 379

Rice Elmer (writer), 401-2

RKO, 397, 444, 481-82

Roche, Joe (writer), 22-23

Rogers St. John, Adela 311-13

Rogers St. John, Elaine, 313, 464

Roland, Gilbert, 160, 168

Roosevelt, Franklin, D., 424, 460

Roosevelt, Theodore, 117-18

Rugg, Elaine (author’s friend), 472-74, 492

Russia, 4, 9-10, 61, 64-65, 115, 406, 421-25

Santa Fe Chief (train), 83-86, 113, 140, 141, 145, 259, 307, 433, 450, 455

Schulberg, Adeline (mother), 4, 6, 8, 9, 21-23, 44-48, 53-55, 73, 75, 77, 86-87, 92-94, 99-101, 107, 122-23, 137, 143-45, 166-68, 171-72, 189, 193-99, 203, 225-26, 254-55, 260, 282, 291, 295-97, 306, 350-51, 353-55, 375, 395-96, 398, 400-3, 405-6, 421-25, 438-40, 445-47, 464-65, 475, 483-90

Schulberg, B. P. (father), 6-8, 11, 14-18, 21-23, 25, 30-37, 39-40, 44-51, 53, 57-58, 61, 66-67, 72-79, 80 (excerpted), 81, 84-85, 86-87, 95-101, 103-10, 117, 119-21, 131-43, 154-55, 157-59, 166, 170-76, 181-82, 187-89, 194-99, 218-20, 227, 231-32, 244-47, 254-55, 257-58, 260-63, 265-71, 273, 306, 349-51, 353-55, 358-60, 375-78, 382-84, 427, 429-30, 432-433, 438-40, 444, 453, 458-62, 488-90, 493-94

Schulberg, Sarah (grandmother), 5, 457-58

Schulberg, Simon, 5-6, 25, 38, 116

Schulberg, Sonya (sister), 44-45, 193, 198-99, 225-26, 228, 254-55, 281, 296, 313, 374, 398, 405, 438, 446, 464, 468, 473, 487-88

Schulberg, Stuart (brother), 254-55, 313, 331, 374, 416, 464, 487-88

Scottsboro Boys, 420-21

Screen Club, The, 20-21, 22

Selig, Colonel William N., 18, 114, 116-19

Selznick, David, 61, 69, 306, 360, 396-400, 480-82

Selznick, Irene (wife of David), 396-98, 480. See also Mayer, Irene

Selznick, Lewis J., 61-69, 100, 396

Selznick, Myron (brother of David), 67-69, 396, 446-47

Sennett, Mack, 21, 90

Shadows, 132-34

Shannon, Peggy, 367

Shearer, Norma, 148, 212, 291, 318, 398

Shoulder Arms, 77-78, 203

Sidney, Sylvia, 351, 353-56, 358, 373-75, 381, 382-84, 393, 424, 431, 439, 443, 444, 459, 461, 487

Sinclair, Upton, 168, 370, 421

Skippy, 347

Smith, Gladys. See Pickford, Mary

Sound, 176-77, 224, 376

Squaw Man, The, 8, 59-60

Stalin, Joseph, 422-24

Stammering (by author), 53-55, 62, 100, 164, 317, 330-34, 411, 438

Stanton, Mrs. (U.S.C. professor), 384, 416, 492

Star is Born, A, 366

Steffens, Lincoln, 370, 406, 420, 438, 479

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 165, 248, 358-59

Stewart, Anita, 90, 93, 100, 121-22, 125

Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The, 358-59, 366, 428

Swanson, Gloria, 93, 121, 259, 304, 371

Talmadge, Constance and Norma, 64

Tarbell, Eaton (Deerfield student), 411-12, 455

Tashman, Lilyan, 308-9

Taylor, Elizabeth, 130-31

Taylor, William Desmond, 90, 150

Temple B’nai B’rith, 189, 191, 232-38

Tess of the D’Urbervilles (film), 149, 153

Tess of the Storm Country, 8

Thalberg, Irving, 51, 65, 136, 138-39, 148-49, 265, 304-6, 318, 360, 380, 398

Thirty-Odd Years (B.P.’s unfinished novel), vii

Thomas, A. W. (writer), 7

Thomas, Olive (stage name), 64, 67-9

Tolstoy, Leo, 189

Trust, The. See Film Trust

Twain, Mark, 358

20th Century Limited (train), 81-83, 395, 450, 459

“Ugly” (author’s short story), 198, 273, 384, 416

Underworld. 241-42, 256, 265, 275

United Artists, 76-78, 86-87, 95-98, 100

Universal Film Manufacturing Company, 19, 62-63, 69, 92, 96

Unsell, Eve (writer), 132, 133, 188

Urban Military Academy, 202-3

Valentino, Rudolph, 51, 133

Velez, Lupe, 266, 286, 338-39

Vidor, King, 282

Viertel, Salka, 396, 400, 401

Vitagraph, 63, 100

von Sternberg, Joseph, 220, 241-44, 265, 275-79, 291, 318, 451

von Stroheim, Erich, 51, 121, 139, 149-50, 153-54, 212, 215-21

Warner Brothers, 204

Warner, Jack, 292, 360

Wayne, John (stage name), 134, 202, 365-66

Wellman, William (Wild Bill), 265-66, 269-71

West, Mae, 487

Wilkerson, Billy (publisher), 144-45, 479-80

Wilma (governess), 44-47, 188, 281-83

Wings, 236, 265-71, 275

Wolfe, Thomas, 396

Wright, William Lord (writer), 18-19

Wurtzel, Sol, 449-50, 455

Young, Clara Kimbell, 63, 69, 100

Young, Felix (producer), 305-6, 373-74, 380, 431, 443, 463

Zanuch, Darryl, 301-2

Zeidman, Benny (writer), 481-82

Zeleznick, L. J. See Selznick, L. J.

Zukor, Adolph, 8, 11, 25-34, 36-40, 43, 48-50, 57-58, 60-61, 65-69, 71-75, 98, 187-88, 270-71, 350, 357, 376, 391-92, 486

Zukor, Lottie, 32, 54