BACKGROUND MATERIAL FOR THIS work, particularly in the early chapters, has been drawn from B. P. Schulberg’s unpublished manuscript, Thirty-Odd Years.
In the course of writing this book, the author has received invaluable editorial suggestions, at first from his late wife, Geraldine Brooks, and later from Jeanne Bernkopf, Maurice Rapf, Betsy Langman Schulberg, Alyss Dorese, and Sol Stein.
Over the years, Stan Silverman unselfishly has read and reread the manuscript with both friendly heart and critical eye, a combination that has aided and greatly encouraged its progress. The writer is also grateful to Mabel Nowark, whose magic fingers typed and retyped the manuscript around the clock, oblivious of weekends. To all the above, and to others who helped along the way—as we say in Mexico—“a thousand thank-you’s.”
—Brookside, February 1981