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The Art of Good Habits

Health, Love, Presence & Prosperity

Nathalie W. Herrman

Take ownership of your happiness through simple but effective changes to the way you approach health, love, presence, and prosperity. The Art of Good Habits presents a step-by-step action plan to achieve your goals and maintain them for continued success.

Join Nathalie W. Herrman on a life-changing journey toward wellness and satisfaction using this remarkable book as your road map. Gain empowerment and control over life’s challenges with effective exercises and easy-to-understand principles. Discover how to look within yourself for answers and change your habits for the better. With this book’s four-
pillar system—honesty, willingness, awareness, and appreciation—you’ll unlock the power of enlightened living.

978-0-7387-4600-5, 5 x 7, 264 pp.

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