
Nov. 10, 2007

Mom called me, ecstatic about an old lotto ticket she’d found in her purse that when she checked, it turned out to be a winner.

“One point four million dollars, Jason! I don’t even remember buying the thing, but thought I was gonna have a heart attack when I checked the numbers!” Her voice was so emotional, I couldn’t tell if she was jubilant or crying. Maybe both.

I sat there with a knowing smile on my face. “Mom, just breathe, okay? That’s amazing! You deserve it. Do something nice for yourself.”

“First thing I’m gonna do is pay off the mortgage. Then, I’m going to go visit the spa for a few hours. Oh, and get rid of this old junker that’s got over a hundred thousand miles on it. I like those Lexus SUVs I see around a lot…”

I listened to her prattle on for a while and plotted my next tactic for getting her into the doctor’s office.