Chapter Three

Forcing herself to look the man across from her squarely in the face, Lily noted a slight tick over his left eyebrow. Did he plan to keep her in the dark the same way everyone else did?

“Have you met Cain Platero?” He folded his hands together and placed them on the desk. His broad shoulders and thick biceps encased in a red flannel shirt, he appeared in line with a farmer. Yet, his stern attitude reminded Lily more of a powerful businessman.

Trying her best to ignore his intense scrutiny, she narrowed her focus to the few people she’d met recently. Working and conversing with the same group of people day in and day out, she had a tendency to dismiss strangers as not worth her time. After all, if they weren’t involved in her research what importance could they have to her.

The name sounded familiar.

Oh, yes, the handsome man Mark had introduced her to when he told her he’d assigned Bruce the task of driving her back and forth to work each day.

“He works with Bruce. The two of them installed the lab’s new security system.” Lily straightened her arms, leaned against the back of her chair, and folded her hands in her lap. Happy this man couldn’t accuse her of being totally oblivious to the people around her, she smiled.

“That’s right. He was shot last night in the parking lot of your lab.” His words with their precise even tone took a moment for her to process.

She blinked.

He had to be joking.

Lifting her hand to her chest, she sputtered, “Excuse me, what did you say?”

“Cain was murdered outside your lab.” He rephrased the sentence, but her brain registered only one word—murdered.

She jumped to her feet and planted her hands on his desk. “Why didn’t anyone tell me this before now?” She glanced around for her purse. “I need to call Mark. We have to call the police and find out what the hell happened. Did they break into the lab?”

Without waiting for his reply, she turned and headed back down the hallway to where he’d left her suitcase. She didn’t see her handbag anywhere near it. Did she leave it in the small, tin-bucket-sized plane? Or had Bruce left it on the dock?

Desperate for answers to a whole host of questions, she rushed outside. “Damn it, Bruce, how do you expect me to stay in touch with home if you fly off with my purse?”

She dashed across the front porch, making it almost to the steps before a large hand on her shoulder stopped her progress. She spun around and slapped the man’s chest. “Did you pick up my purse?”

The giant of a man caught her around the waist and held her against the hard line of his body. “No, but there’s no need running out to the dock to look for it. I didn’t see it when I picked up your luggage. You must have forgotten it on the plane.”

Shoving against him, she glared at his square jaw, his long, hawk-shaped nose, and into his dark chocolate brown eyes. Something in their depth called to her, a deep sorrow that offered a soothing balm to the overwhelming panic. Her mind slowed, then cleared, and words flowed from her mouth with no conscious consideration on her part. “You knew him, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Cain was my best friend.”

Pain sliced through her, ripping the scab off the misery she’d endured when her parents had unexpectedly died. She guided her hands around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry.”

He tightened his arms around her, drawing her close. Lily rubbed her cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt and absorbed the heat from his body. She closed her eyes and wrangled with the anguish, threatening to tear her apart and leave her bleeding on the ground. How could this be happening? They’d taken every precaution to safeguard not only the lab but their employees, too.

It made no sense. The results of their testing had a release date of this Friday. Why kill an innocent man over information that would become public knowledge in less than a week?

Unless Cain had stopped them before they broke into the lab?

The sudden anxiety of losing her life’s work sickened her. Her heart raced, pounding persistently in her chest. Gasping for breath, she struggled to draw in air.

A warm caress ran along her spine, reminding her she stood in the arms of a complete stranger, crying over a man she barely knew. Damn, with the stress of the last few weeks, she’d lost it.

Using the skills she’d learned years earlier to calm herself, she drew air into her lungs and let it out slowly. After taking a few more deep breathes, she noticed an alluring scent—aroma…pine…maybe mint.

Shifting back, she focused on his shirt’s buttons and brushed away her tears. “I’m afraid I’m not good at this sort of thing. Please tell me what happened?”

“No.” He slid his finger under her chin and tilted her head until her gaze met his. “What I’d like to do is kiss you until I forget everything else in the world except the two of us.”

She blinked and silently envisioned herself falling down a rabbit hole into never, never land. Men didn’t say those types of things to her, not after knowing her less than ten minutes, hell, not even if they’d been acquainted for weeks. Most considered her a freak who didn’t warrant their attention.

What was wrong with this man? Did he hope to jolt her back to reality by making such a crazy suggestion?

“I, uh…” She was at a complete loss for a response.

“You’re still reeling from having arrived in Alaska instead of Cancun, upset about Cain, ticked at Bruce for running off with your purse, and all while running on less than a few hours of sleep last night.” He released her with a smile and slipped an arm around her shoulders. Guiding her to the front door, he stepped inside and shut the door behind them.

Instead of leading her back to his study, he escorted her over to the couch and drew her down on the cushion next to him. “Why don’t we start over?”

A thick lock of dark hair fell onto his forehead as he leaned back and captured her hand. “I’m Sebastian Berlin. I live here in Alaska. You…”

The pause stood like a huge question mark between them. She worked to fill in the silence. “My name is Lily Sinclair Winslow. This week, I planned to relax in a tropical paradise without giving a thought as to what is going on with work, Mark, or the hundred and one other problems I should address. Now, I…”

Her mind froze, and she struggled to address the problems facing them.

God, what should she do? Check in with Mark and find out if she should head for home or—

“If he wanted you to return to California, he’d have contacted Rex. Then he’d have phoned me. There’s not much you can do. The police are still gathering information. Rex assigned another man to the security team. He’s heading to the lab to review the surveillance tapes right now. If he finds anything, he’ll hand the evidence over to the police.”

He set her hand on his thigh and smiled. “What I should probably do is show you to your room so you can get some rest, but the minute I leave you alone, a thousand questions will suddenly pop into your head.”

She studied his square face, then the raven curls playing around his head, not tight, frizzy ringlets, instead touchable, wild locks. The coloring of his skin revealed his Native American heritage along with his dark hair and eyes. Most wouldn’t describe him as handsome. Strikingly unique sounded more politically correct, but she found him extremely attractive.

With him sitting beside her and holding her hand, she became even more confused. “I guess that’s the reason for the change in plans. Mark wanted me to be in a more secure spot after he learned Cain was shot. Why didn’t he tell me before I left?”

Sebastian shook his head. “He didn’t know. Rex decided to reroute you here and call Mark after you left but couldn’t get a hold of him.”

“Then I’m stuck here until they decide what they intend to do with me,” Lily grumbled. For years, she’d planned to take a vacation, hoping to see a new world full of people and excitement. Now stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere, she had no place to go and nothing to do. Could she handle such serenity?

“Well, you’re free to lie on the beach and soak in the sunshine. I won’t mind,” he suggested as if she’d seriously consider such an absurd idea.

“Right, and I’ll catch pneumonia if I step a foot into the frigid water.” She freed her hand and rose. “Why don’t you go ahead and show me to my room? I’m so exhausted at the moment, I can’t even think straight.”

He rolled to his feet and turned to the staircase. Dark curls played with the collar of his shirt. With the tail tucked into his jeans, she scanned the nice curve of his ass and thick length of his thighs. The man presented a powerhouse body of a linebacker—wait, maybe a guard. Damn, how did men remember all the different positions for each sport out there?

She shrugged and followed him up the stairs. It didn’t matter. The man was smoking hot. Perhaps even interested in her, if her womanly instincts hadn’t completely gone offline after all the years she’d spent hiding in books. She inspected the male perfection in front of her and noted how merely looking at him made her heart race and her skin tingle.

Not good. She allowed a few more feet to separate them. I don’t need the heartache when he dumps me.


“I hope you will be comfortable in here.” Sebastian cupped a hand over the doorknob and turned the handle. The bedroom sat at the top of the stairs, which some might think wasn’t the best place to put her. He didn’t see anyone making it onto his island much less into his house. This room also had the least masculine furniture of the four guest bedrooms.

He checked the room briefly before stepping over the threshold. A full-size, iron bed stood against the far wall. Two nightstands guarded each side. A large picture window on the adjacent wall let in plenty of light. At each end, blackout curtains hung to the floor and offered complete darkness in which to rest.

“Wow, what a beautiful room.” Lily entered behind him and strolled to the mirrored dresser. She grazed a finger over the granite surface and opened one of the top drawers. “I haven’t seen this type of furniture since my grandparents died.”

His senses tingled. The lady wasn’t lying. She did appreciate the furnishings. He placed her bag on the cedar chest at the end of the bed. “My mother loves antiques and helped me pick out the items for this room.”

He eyed the quilt spread over the mattress, trying to determine if she’d be warm enough or if she’d need extra blankets. Images of how he’d enjoy keeping her nice and toasty flashed in his head. He pointed at the chest. “There are several quilts in here if you get cold.”

“Thanks.” She proceeded to the window and stared out at the rough terrain.

Unable to stay away from her, he followed, pausing beside her to take in the spectacular landscape. Trees blocked the ocean and only showed the wilderness around them and the mountains in the distance. “If you close the curtains, it will be dark. You should be able to sleep.”

“Right.” She turned abruptly to him and brushed her hair back over her shoulder. “I’m sure you don’t want me here anymore than I want to be here, so I’ll do my best to stay out of your way.”

His skin prickled, and he immediately understood the lie for what it was. She had been in this position before, placed somewhere she hadn’t felt comfortable being. He smiled and caught her hand, bringing it slowly to his lips. “If you were anyone else, I might be pleased to hear you say that, but I’m having trouble leaving you alone so you can rest.”

“But you don’t even know me.”

“Exactly, my point, I’m hoping to get to know you better.” He kissed the knuckle of her index finger and stared into her perplexed face.

“I don’t see why unless…” Her eyes narrowed, and she tugged her hand free. “You’re curious like everyone else regarding the results of the tests we’re doing for the group in Germany.” She edged back a few extra steps and glared at him.

Unable to contain a chuckle, he pivoted toward the door. “We both know that’s not the reason I’m glad you’re staying here.”

By the door, he glanced over his shoulder. “As for your results, I’m already aware of the fact that Neanderthal’s DNA is in the modern human. They are my ancestors. So it’s no amazing revelation scientists have finally found the proof to substantiate our claim.”

“Are you crazy? A genetic breakthrough like this is huge. The team extracted DNA from a forty-thousand-year-old bone.” She marched to him, waving her index finger in the old-fashion style of an irritated schoolmarm. “You don’t understand the hours of painstaking research this has taken. Human DNA corrupted the samples, and the team had to end up working in a completely sterile environment. Then once they were able to extract a viable sample, it had to be replicated.”

The intensity of her argument kept him captivated, not because of the scientific data she divulged. No, he enjoyed watching how her eyes lit up and her whole body come alive with her enthusiasm for the subject. He envisioned all her passion centered on him, excited by his touch, flushed and animated by desire. His palms itched, and he waited until she meandered closer.

Wrapping a hand around her waist, he pulled her against him. “Doesn’t matter how they did it. The results are the same as what I already knew.”

She lightly slapped his chest. “You’re right. You are a complete Neanderthal. Because any man with an ounce of sense would see how this will impact the world.”

Undeterred by her perceived insult, he slid his arms around her and guided a hand under the silky waterfall of her hair. Holding her head in place, he lowered his lips to hers.

Seconds before his mouth covered hers, she whispered, “Sebastian, I don’t—” The rest of the sentence died under the quick spear of his tongue, seeking entrance into the hot moist haven of her mouth.

The fight he expected didn’t fully materialize. She gasped in shock, and her body stiffened. Then she lifted her hands to his shoulders, leaving the few inches between them vacant.

Tightening his grip, he drew the soft cushion of her breasts invitingly against his chest. All too quickly, he moved past the point of a simple kiss and fed on her unique flavor. He’d gone too long without the seductive touch of a woman. Today, she’d tempted him with the fire of her anger and the gentle concern for him at the loss of his friend. Holding himself in check, he’d resisted until she’d revealed her passion for her research. Now, he couldn’t contain his enthusiasm for her any longer. He ate at her lips, nipping and sucking until they opened wider.

Lily moaned, and he captured the sound, swallowing it as he flicked his tongue against the roof of her mouth. She welcomed him by drawing him deeper. He thrust in and out, over and over mimicking the ancient rhythm of sex.

Determined to sample every inch of the hot, moist cavity, he drank in the rich, sweet nectar. As stimulating as wine, he became drunk on her and tangled his tongue around hers. Time lost meaning. He forgot everything except her hands in his hair, her body plastered against his, the relentless need to consume her.

Somewhere in his subconscious, something reminded him that women didn’t progress from “Hello, it nice to meet you” to “Do you want to go to bed with me” this quickly. On the other hand, maybe, the light tingling of his scalp as she curled her fingers in his hair helped jog his memory. He had to take things a little slower if he wanted to win the girl.

He lifted his head and noticed the light flush on her cheeks. Her mouth appeared swollen from his kisses. Eyes closed, she moaned softly before her lids fluttered open.

“Please tell me, I’m already asleep and dreaming.” Her dazed look and wistful words nudged his memory. He recalled her saying she’d gotten very little sleep last night. With jet lag and him hitting her with Cain’s murder, she had to be beyond exhausted.

Not exactly pleased with his options, he bent and swept her up in his arms. Her head fell on his shoulders, and she nibbled on his ear.

“It may sound silly, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a man carry me to bed. I kinda of like it,” she purred.

His good intentions of setting her gently on the bed and walking away took a detour, replaced with the conviction to make sure she could relax first. After laying her in the center of the mattress, he shifted a hand to the buttons of her shirt. “Is it okay for me to undress you?”

She sighed, settled her head back on the pillow, and closed her eyes. “That would be heavenly. I feel as if I can’t move a muscle.”

Sebastian stared at Lily’s face as he unbuttoned her blouse and revealed a light pink bra. Eyeing the lacy fringe, he pulled her silky shirt from her waistband and quickly unbuckled her belt. Unzipping her pants, he caught sight of her bikini underwear.

He stroked a finger across the center of her belly. A smile fluttered across her lips briefly. Forcing his hand away from her delicate skin, he slipped off her shoes, dropping them heedlessly on the carpet. He gathered his resolve and tugged on her slacks, exposing creamy thighs and tight shapely calves. Swallowing the hunger the succulent vision evoked, he worked his hands under her shirt and over her back, lifting her to remove her blouse.

A soft breath whispered from her lips, and her hands fell around his shoulders. Like a rag doll, her head sank back to the pillow the minute the material broke free. After unhooking her bra, he edged back and tugged the straps down her arms as he shifted away from her.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep his gaze off the tight red tips of her nipples or the full creamy swells. Her amazing breasts offered him a mouth-watering treat, tempting, teasing, completely robbing him of the ability to move.

He forced his eyes lower, hoping to gain some perspective, only to encounter a juicier treasure. The small scrap of pink seduced him with what lay underneath the silky barrier. His mouth watered, greedy for a taste of her sweet cream. He drew in a breath to calm his carnivorous appetite. Still, his hands shook with the overpowering urge to strip away this obstacle.

Shuffling back a mere inch, then two, he allowed his gaze to flow slowly back over her enticing curves and settle on her face. A serene angel, she appeared totally relaxed and well on her way to sleep.

Fighting every instinct to crawl in bed with her, he shoved away from the bed and moved to the end. He lifted her suitcase out of the way and retrieved a blanket from the cedar chest. He unfolded the velvet-soft square and covered her tantalizing body.

The minute, he finished the task, he bolted for the door and a quick means of escape. Silently, he walked down the stairs and commended himself for not touching her. He had to give her time to rest before he explored the attraction between them.

Even so, his control didn’t have even a remote chance of lasting. He had to make love to Lily Sinclair. Not once or twice either, he promised himself and debated if his craving for her could be satisfied in a week.

She somehow awoke a hunger inside him. He wanted to act like the Neanderthal warrior she accused him of being and drag her into…a cave?

No, onto his king-size bed. Then he’d taste every luscious inch of her. Pound into her wet cunt until she screamed with her release. When they were both spent, he’d wait long enough for her to recover and do it again.

The pressure in his groin inhibited his stride, and he paused outside his bedroom.

Back to work or a cold shower?