Chapter Eight
The sight before Sebastian didn’t surprise him. He’d left the room as much to check on Lily as to escape the vile woman sitting by the fireplace. Mark may have loved Olivia Hart, but the other people associated with him didn’t seem to care much for her.
Sebastian could understand how she made Lily sick. Not one nice word had left the woman’s mouth since they entered the room. Olivia’s words seem convoluted in half-truths, but when measured against what he’d already learned from Lily they were simply lies. Though, he couldn’t blame Lily’s upset stomach entirely on Olivia. Lily had refused any form of food since they left the house this morning. She’d existed solely on coffee, which had added to her irritability and probably contributed to her throwing up now.
He checked under the bathroom counter and found a washcloth. After wetting it, he offered it to her where she sat on her knees in front of the toilet.
Her head down, she closed her fingers around the rag but remained motionless, as if waiting for the next wave of nausea to hit.
He pushed the lever to flush the bowl clean, leaned against the sink, and waited for her to recover. He ground his teeth at the dejected slump of her shoulders, the white parlor of her cheeks, and the slight wheezing sound of her breath. “Next time we fly you need to eat something before we get on the plane.”
“There won’t be any next time, not if—”
Footsteps sounded in the hallway.
Sebastian looked out the open doorway at the woman who’d welcomed Lily upon their arrival. “Violet, isn’t it? Do you know if there are any saltine crackers in the house? Lily didn’t get a chance to eat this morning and needs something to settle her stomach.”
Violet ignored him and stared at Lily. “Why didn’t you have a ginger ale or soda on the plane?”
Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes, and she shook her head. “I drank coffee to stay awake.”
“God, no wonder you’re sick.” Violet offered a reassuring smile and glanced at him. “If you’ll help her up to her room, I’ll go see if I can find her something to settle her stomach.”
Lily wiped at her face with the washcloth and groaned. “No, I have to go back in there, or Olivia will convince Detective Callahan I killed Mark.”
“You weren’t even here when he died,” Violet argued. The motherly concern on the older woman’s face had Sebastian questioning their relationship.
The woman had been Mark’s assistant for years. Was she here when Mark brought Lily home? Had Violet at one time resented the interference of the younger woman at Mark’s lab or maybe here in his house?
From the way, they had greeted each other and the signs of worry on Violet’s face, the two of them appeared close, but not mother-daughter close. More like just friends close.
“I believe she’s right. Detective Callahan would probably rather have us all in the same room while he relays the details of Mark’s murder.” Sebastian regretted his choice of words when both women cringed at the last.
Lily shoved the rag onto the counter next to him and rose onto her knees. “Then I guess I better get up.”
Closing his hand around her elbow, he lifted her to her feet. “Violet, why don’t you head to the kitchen and see what you can find while I help Lily back to the living room?”
Violet shuffled back a few steps to give them room to exit the bathroom and paused in the center of the hall. “Are you sure, Lily? I mean, if you’re not feeling well, how are you going to get through this? Hell, I can barely keep it together, and I don’t have the dragon bitch accusing me of murder.”
Lily offered her friend a weepy smile and slumped against him. Her soft curves enticed as her arms circled his waist. With a weary sigh, she rested her head against his chest.
Sebastian held her close and silently offered her his support for what lay ahead. He wanted to hear Callahan’s speech for more insight into the case and the players involved.
“True, but you have Zane, and I have Sebastian.” Lily brushed a strand of golden blonde hair from her face. “She can’t touch either of us because she no longer has Mark to protect her. She’s on her own now.”
Violet’s eyes widened and a small laugh burst from her lips. “As much as that pains me, you’re right. Though, you could throw her out of the house tonight.”
Lily shifted, the stiffening of her body telegraphing her unease. “How can I do that? Mark told me he was changing his will so she’d inherit the house and everything in it. She might be the one kicking me out.”
Leaning in close, Violet whispered, “He told me, he had the will ready, but he wasn’t signing it until after the wedding, which means you’re still his beneficiary.”
“Oh, shit.” Lily buried her face against his neck.
A wave of apprehension washed through Sebastian, not because he suspected her of any wrongdoing, but the will would provide the police with a motive. He shook his head at Violet when she stepped closer. “It’s okay. She’s just tired.”
Violet patted Lily on the back. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel better once we—”
“Mrs. Winslow, can you please step back into the living room?” Detective Callahan’s voice boomed from behind Sebastian.
With a quick glance over his shoulder, he caught sight of the man in the doorway of the living room. Knowing Lily didn’t have the energy to fight this battle alone, he bent at the knees and swept her into his arms. Giving Violet a pointed stare, he indicated she should head to the kitchen before he turned. “Sorry, Detective. Lily didn’t get much sleep last night after she found out about Mark. We had to catch an early plane this morning. Perhaps you can forgive her for feeling a little under the weather.”
Lily wrapped her arms around his neck. “Violet has offered to get me some ginger ale and crackers, which should help. But shouldn’t we wait until Devin is here, too? After all, wasn’t he here when Mark died?”
“How do you know that?” Callahan’s gaze narrowed, as if she’d divulged some unknown truth.
Sebastian wondered the same thing. He hadn’t told her anything other than Mark had died.
“Well, I guess I just assumed. He was here when I left yesterday, and you said there were undigested vitamins in Mark’s stomach. He always takes his supplements with breakfast so I figured it happened around that time.” She bit her lip and closed her eyes.
Sebastian drew her closer and kissed her forehead. “Easy, honey, your timing is off a little.”
The detective raised an eyebrow at the endearment and pointed back into the room they had exit a short time ago. “Why don’t you two make yourself comfortable while I herd Ms. Dodson in from the kitchen?”
“Don’t worry, Violet won’t be long,” Lily answered and whispered near Sebastian’s ear, “I’m not saying another word.”
He grinned and strolled into the living room. Choosing the same place they had sat before, he sank onto the couch with her in his lap. She wiggled and tried to slide down beside him, but he held her in place. “You’re fine where you are.”
“My, my, you two sure are cozy. Don’t tell me our prudish virgin has taken a lover?” Olivia lifted a knowing brow and glanced down her snobbish nose.
The elegant background added to her pretentious persona. The fireplace mantel held regal gold statues at each end while the picture above sported the artistry of a master.
“All in less than twenty-four hours, which makes one wonder what she’s hoping to gain from such a romance?” Olivia gave a nonchalant shrug.
Seeing as he was the one who couldn’t keep his hands off Lily, he didn’t see it as a problem. She’d answered a number of his pointed questions on the plane. None had indicated her involvement in Mark’s or Cain’s murder. Every sixth sense he had suggested her incapable of committing such a crime.
“Olivia, Lily is old enough to make her own decisions,” Zane offered as if he were trying to rein in the other woman’s viciousness.
For the first time since entering the room, Sebastian studied the man. The information obtained on Zane had revealed the basic facts—forty-eight, single, Mark’s business partner as well as his lawyer. He lived a comfortable life, had his own house close to Mark’s, drove an expensive car, and appeared to be in love with Mark’s assistant, Violet. Was there contention between the two men or had they differed on how they wanted to run the lab?
Being friends for over twenty years, surely they both had secrets only the two of them shared.
“Oh, I didn’t say she couldn’t have a lover. My question is why she chose the man who’d been assigned to find answers to your security breach.” Olivia toyed with her necklace and crossed her legs. “I mean what better way to have the inside scoop on any new information they uncover.”
Lily shifted uneasily in his lap but laid her head on his shoulder. “Please tell me this will be over soon because I can’t take much more.”
He rubbed his hand across her back, hoping to ease her anxieties as he asked a few questions of his own. “Tell me Ms. Hart. What do you have planned now that Mark’s gone? Move back into your old house or search for a new husband?”
“Why you—” Olivia sprang to her feet, and her black, knit dress inched a little higher on her toothpick thighs as she stalked forward. “You have no right to—”
“Ms. Hart, sit down.” Detective Callahan charged through the door. “Mr. Belin is tired of your snide remarks just like the rest of us. So refrain from commenting unless you have something important to add to the conversation.”
Stifling a smile, Sebastian settled deeper into the couch and brushed his hand under Lily’s hair. “Once we’re finished here, you can go upstairs and get a few hours of rest. Rex arranged for Bruce to come by, and we’re heading to the lab.”
She nodded and whispered against his neck, “Do whatever you want. Tomorrow, I’ll—”
“Lily, we need to head to the funeral home later today.” Zane turned to the detective. “Do you have any idea when the coroner will release the body?”
A shiver fluttered over Lily’s skin, though had she not been sitting in his lap, Sebastian wouldn’t have been able to gauge her reaction to the prospect of planning her ex-husband’s funeral. She turned her head and her voice appeared calm. “Mark has a couple of plots not too far from my parents. I’m sure he planned to be buried there.”
“I’m free at around three o’clock. We can go then,” Olivia stated with a formality that grated on Sebastian’s nerves.
As much as he wanted to tell the woman to back off, he didn’t have to worry. According to the information he’d gathered on Mark, the man had probably taken care of every detail.
“There’s really no need for you to waste your time, Olivia. Lily and I only need to sign some papers. Mark has taken care of everything else down to the music.” Zane rose when Violet walked into the room carrying a tray.
“Are you serious? He never told me he—” She stopped suddenly and narrowed her eyes at Lily. “He made all the arrangements for you, didn’t he? He didn’t want you to have to bother with the slightest decisions after he was gone. He always pampered you, as if you were made of glass.”
Lily ignored the woman and shifted off his lap. “Thanks, Violet. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
The silver tray Violet set on the coffee table contained a white porcelain plate with toast and an etched glass goblet. Bubbles rose to the top and proclaimed the soda had come from a newly opened bottle.
Violet smiled and returned to her place beside Zane. “I’m sorry for taking so long, Detective. Rosa put away the toaster, and I couldn’t remember where she stores it.”
“Not a problem,” the detective said. “I talked to Rosa this morning at her house. She said she only works here from three to seven during the week and seven to ten on Saturday, right?”
“Yes, but she sometimes works extra hours if we need her to,” Violet offered and glanced first at Lily then to Olivia. “Mark had me handle her schedule so Lily didn’t have to deal with it, considering the long hours she was putting in at the lab.”
“Did he mention he wanted you to take over the chore once you were married, Ms. Hart?” Detective Callahan eyed Olivia questioningly.
She shrugged and crossed her legs again as if the idea of her dealing with the help was beneath her. “No, we hadn’t worked out that particular detail in planning our life together.”
“Then you were also aware Rosa had the responsibility of refilling Mark’s pill container once a week with his vitamins and meds?” The detective shifted his focus to Lily.
Sebastian followed suit. His gaze marked the distance from the rim of her glass to her rosy red lips. Need seared through him as he recalled the hot, unique flavor of her mouth.
A quick sip and she lowered the glass. “He always kept his medicine in the cabinet by the stove, and his pill organizer sat on the counter below by the coffee decanter.”
Olivia raised an arrogant brow and shot a dirty look at Lily. “However, as I told you earlier, I’m not the one who insisted he take so many vitamins.”
“Right,” Lily muttered under her breath, “because you weren’t concerned about his health. Your only concern was his money.”
With her sitting right next to him, Sebastian figured he was the only one in the room privy to the comment. Happy to see she had recovered some of her spunk, he slid his arm around her shoulders and toyed with her hair.
“Detective Callahan.” Lily glanced around and spoke to the room at large. “We all had access to Mark’s pill organizer and his vitamins because at one time or another Mark had us get him something from the medicine cabinet. Now, why don’t you cut to the chase and tell us who did it?”
Surprised by her impatience, Sebastian waited for the detective to respond.
The man grinned. “I’d love to Mrs. Winslow, but like you just said, each of you have motives for wanting Mark dead.”
“Right, and what’s my motive?” Olivia toyed with her necklace and locked eyes with the detective.
Violet shifted to the edge of the sofa. Her eyes twinkled with a malicious spark. “What about Mark wanting you to sign a prenuptial agreement? The last time I talked to him you still hadn’t gotten back to him with the signed paperwork.”
Olivia waved a dismissive hand in the air. Her long elegant fingers adorned with gold and diamonds. Light sparkled off her hands and sent sparks of color around the room. “Oh, please, that was merely a formality. I have as much money as Mark does.”
Sebastian rubbed his fingers across his mouth to hold in his response to her lie. From the data he’d received, Olivia Hart didn’t have anywhere near the investments and property Mark owned. However, from the jewelry sparkling on her hands, she might have other valuable assets to add to her portfolio.
“And with us not having gotten married, I’m sure I’m not even in his will.” She glared at Violet for a few moments, then swung her light blue glare in Lily’s direction. “It seems to me his ex has more of a reason to kill him than I. After all, from what I’ve seen of his will, she stands to inherit his house, his other holdings, and a portion of his business.”
The toast Lily raised to her lips paused in midair. “Yes, well I guess that also means you’re out on the street because personally I’ve had enough.”
She threw the slice of bread on the tray and rose. “Olivia, please be so kind as to pack your things and leave. You’ll be much more comfortable in that wonderful house you’re always spouting off about.”
“Why you—” the woman sputtered.
Lily didn’t give her a chance to continue. She spun around and walked toward the detective. “If you had proof I killed Mark, I’d already be in jail so let’s end this farce. I’ve had very little sleep in the last three days, and I’m exhausted.”
The detective frowned, but only said, “Don’t plan any trips out of town.”
“I’ll be happy to simply make it to my room.” Lily kept moving and stepped through the arched doorway.
Unwilling to let her out of his sight, Sebastian threw a warning glare at Olivia and met Lily in the hallway. “Would you like a lift up to your room?”
A sad smile spread over her lips, and she shook her head. “If you don’t stop carrying me everywhere I need to go, I’ll forget how to walk.”
He slid a hand around her waist and drew her into his body.
She rested her hands on his chest and leaned into him. “Though, at the moment, I’m not sure I have enough energy left to make it up the stairs.”
“Wore yourself out with that little display of bravado back there, didn’t you?” He nodded in the direction of the room they had just left.
She sighed. “Yes, but I couldn’t take anymore. I…”
The sudden halt to her words and the sudden tears in her eyes revealed how close she was to collapsing. She wobbled against him. Her soft body caressed his and he drew in her unique fragrance.
“Easy, baby, I’ll have you upstairs and in bed in no time.” Sebastian didn’t pause once he had her in his arms. He mounted the stairs and started along the hall in the direction she indicated. Remembering his own lack of sleep, he decided a few hours of shuteye might be good for both of them.