Chapter Twelve

The man had been a blind fool. Sebastian stared into Lily’s beautiful face, wondering if perhaps he’d heard her incorrectly. “What?”

She shifted closer and slid her hands under his suit jacket. The edges locked her deeper in his embrace. “He claimed humans are basic primates and need the variety of different partners.”

“And you didn’t find this out until after the wedding?” He struggled to understand why she’d married Mark in the first place. Not only had he been years older than her, but a player to boot.

Lily lowered her head to his chest and groaned. “No. I just naïvely believed he’d change for me. Stupid, stupid, stupid.”

He held her close and lowered his head to whisper in her ear, “The man was a fool.”

She peeked up at him. “This from a man who—”

“Lily, what did you say to Olivia to get her to back off?” Violet nudged a space between them and demanded Lily’s attention.

Wanting to tell the woman to back off, he relinquished his hold and stepped back. His gaze stayed on Lily’s face, making sure the other woman didn’t say or do anything to upset her.

“Just that she didn’t want to cause a scene,” Lily responded and slid an arm around Violet’s waist. “She doesn’t like Karen being here, probably any more than you do.”

Whoa, what beef did Violet have with Mark’s first wife?

“Yes, well, that was a long time ago. We’ve all moved on.” Violet glanced around nervously. “Remember, Zane doesn’t like to be reminded of my affair with Mark.”

“Right.” Lily smiled. “You’ve been in Mark’s life a lot longer than I have. Can you tell me how all these people know him?”

“That’s easy. Most had him as a professor or worked with him at the university.” Violet steered Lily to a group of men standing a short distance to the right.

Sebastian followed along behind them, half-listening to their conversations with the other guests. He stood beside Lily or held her hand, making sure whomever they met understood she belonged to him even while he struggled with his perception of Mark.

On the surface, he appeared to be a renowned university professor who strived to make headway in genetics. As a smart businessman, he envisioned a way to market his product and opened his own lab while he continued to do his research. Still, the man’s personal life read like a porn flick.

From the way Lily described him, Mark had no problem sleeping with any woman he wanted. Married or not, he hadn’t cared. Could that be who killed him, a scorned lover?

But if that were true, why kill Cain? Or had Zane decided to eliminate the competition?

Searching the room for the older man, Sebastian noticed him striding toward them.

Zane slid his arm around Violet’s shoulders and tucked her close to his side. “Hey guys, I’ve had more fun than I can stand. I’ve even managed to convince Jenkins to do some more computer programming for us. Now, I’m ready to leave. Can I convince you to go with me?”

Violet blushed and giggled like a teenager. “You know we haven’t been here that long. It’s been—” She glanced at her watch and groaned. “Two hours. I had plans not to stay more than an hour.”

“Then go,” Lily suggested and shifted restlessly. Her sensible shoes were probably reminding her she’d been on her feet this whole time.

The other couple frowned.

Knowing they didn’t want her here by herself, Sebastian edged closer and secured an arm around her waist. “Don’t worry. I’ll stay with her.”

“Has Karen left?” Violet asked as she searched the area for the lady.

“Yes, she left close to thirty minutes ago. Said she had some other business to take care of.” Zane released his grip on Violet when she spun in the circle of his arms.

“You talk to her?” Violet’s harsh tone accused him of committing an unspeakable crime.

“Yes, at one time we were friends, then, well…” He gave Violet a telling glance. “I wanted to check on her and tell her Mark didn’t forget her in his will.”

“He left her something?” Violet jerked back as if he’d hit her.

“Yes. Even though, they got a divorce, they remained friends.” Zane ran a hand over Violet’s arm, trying in some way to reassure her. “You knew that, didn’t you?”

Violet shook her head and appeared stunned by the revelation that a man she’d worked with for years had kept her in the dark. “Mark never mentioned word one about her to me.”

“Mark and his secrets,” Lily grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest. The two women exchanged a knowing glance.

Sebastian wondered if another of those hidden intimacies might have gotten Mark killed. Determined to dig deeper into the man’s life, he scanned the dwindling crowd around them. “It looks like Olivia has settled into her role as a grieving fiancée. Are the rest of us needed?”

“No. You two head on home. I’ll stick around until the end.” Lily waved the other couple to the door. “Wait, Violet. If you could send out a company-wide email to let everyone at the lab know we’re closed tomorrow.”

“Not a problem, but are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be fine. Now, go.” Lily smiled.

Testing what he’d learned about the other couple, Sebastian studied their body language as they left. Both appeared committed to the other with Zane keeping his hands on Violet at all times. They did pause several times to speak to people but made steady progress toward the exit.

Deciding to dig a little deeper into their past, Sebastian became aware of the empty space beside him. Where was Lily?

A loud slapping sound echoed through the room.

Swiveling on his heels, he spotted the catfight on the other side of the room. “Awe shit, I can’t leave that woman alone for one second.”


Shocked not only by her reaction to Olivia’s comment but also the stinging sensation sizzling over her palm, Lily stared at the red mark on Olivia’s cheek. “I—”

“Why you, bitch,” Olivia shrieked and lunged forward. Her hands rose, her artificial nails appearing like claws as she pounced.

Grabbing for the woman’s wrists, Lily shifted quickly to one side and managed to keep the talons from her face. Instead, they hooked her hat, jerking it from her head. Her hair spilled from its top knot and flowed around her shoulders.

Olivia tangled her fingers deeper in the mess and tugged. Pain fired through Lily’s scalp.

Furious, Lily lowered her head to ease the pain and powered forward into Olivia’s stomach. The woman rocked back on her heels. Hastily adjusting her footing, Lily wrenched her head back and broke free of Olivia’s grip before she fell to the floor. The woman’s head hit the floor with a thud.

Stepping out of the woman’s range, Lily glared at the woman. “Don’t you ever say anything like that about Mark again.”

With a low groan, Olivia shut her eyes.

Satisfied, the bitch had learned her lesson, Lily tossed her hair from her face and looked around on the floor for her hat.

“What are you doing?” Devin squatted beside Olivia and waved a hand in front of her face. “She didn’t mean anything by her comment.”

“Right,” Lily scoffed and scurried back. She bumped up against a solid wall. Raising her gaze to Sebastian, she read the concern on his face. “Don’t say a word.”

He frowned and cupped his hands over her shoulders, then eased them down her arms to capture her hands. Lifting one then the other, he examined both before he gave each a kiss. “I believe now would be a good time to leave.”

Wanting nothing more than to escape, Lily forced her eyes from the welcoming warmth of his and stared down at the woman still on the floor. Like the attention diva she’d always been, Olivia had tears running down her cheeks and clutched at Devin’s hand as if she were dying. Her blubbering comments sounded like pure gibberish.

Sickened by the sight, Lily turned away. “Unfortunately, I’ve made a mess. Now, I have to clean it up.”

The resentment bubbling through her rose to the surface with every snide remark the woman had thrown her way. Lily had managed to swallow her annoyance on numerous occasions until today when Olivia stepped over the line and insulted Mark. Like she had any right to throw stones.

The gentle caress of Sebastian’s hand on her shoulder pulled her back from the brink of tackling the woman again. She glanced at him again and edged a little closer to his solid form. “You’re probably right. I’ve done enough damage. We should leave.”

“That’s my girl.” He guided her away from the crowd gathering around them. Their accusatory gazes drove home the point Olivia had their sympathy. Sebastian didn’t seem to notice and led her toward the exit.

He had tucked her away in the passenger side of her car and slid into the driver’s seat before she had a chance to change her mind. She stared at him, wondering why he hadn’t asked her about her attack on Olivia.

After starting the car, he reversed out of the parking space and drove away from the funeral home. Once on the road home, he glanced at her a few times. The worried looks and persistent silence pierced through her false bravado.

Hoping to hide from him, herself, and the rest of the world, she buried her face in her hands. God, how stupid. Not only had she made a fool of herself, she’d probably given Olivia a concussion. The woman had hit her head hard on the floor.

“Why don’t you tell me what happened?” Sebastian brushed his hand over her hair and cupped the back of her neck.

Tears of regret didn’t form behind her eyelids. Just a feeling of complete numbness filled her. What did it matter? Mark couldn’t get upset with her, and after tomorrow, she’d never have to see Olivia again.

One more day, and Lily could have come away from her all-too-long acquaintance with Olivia untouched. Now, she had to face her and everyone who had been at the funeral home again tomorrow.

“Lily?” His stern tone had her glancing in his direction. “What did Olivia say to upset you?”

He drew the car to a stop at a red light and captured her wrist. Holding her hand against his chest, he captured her gaze and refused to allow her any means of escape.

“I lost it.” She shook her head and relived the moments before she slapped Olivia. “She was talking to Devin, telling him how several women had approached her with tales of sleeping with Mark. Each had confided that Olivia was lucky she hadn’t married him.”

Biting her lip, Lily fought the urge to scream and forced air into her lungs. One breath, two, until the fury she’d experienced earlier receded to a controllable point. “Devin offered a silly platitude of how lucky it was Mark doesn’t have a horde of illegitimate children scattered across the state.”

“At least not that we know of,” Sebastian added, sarcastically.

Annoyed by the comment, Lily tugged on her hand, but the irritating man wouldn’t let go. “Release my hand.”

“Finish your story, and I will.” He lowered the hand folded around hers to his thigh.

Again, trying to rein in the anger building, she drew in several lengthy breaths. “Olivia chose to make a discriminating remark about Mark, and well, I slapped her. End of story, now let me go.”

“That’s it?” He loosened his grip, and she snatched her hand from his.

“Yes.” She swiveled to stare out the side window.

“What exactly did she say?” Sebastian pressed, not getting her subtle hints that she no longer wanted to talk to him.

She rested her elbow on the passenger’s doorframe and placed her head in her hand.

“Lily, what exactly did Olivia say?”

Silently, she prayed for patience and refused to repeat Olivia’s nasty comment.

Sebastian cupped his large hand over her knee and squeezed. “Tell me.”

She angled her leg from his grip and waited until they drove into the driveway. The slow progress of the garage door opening reminded her she had stashed her purse in the trunk, and Sebastian had her keys. With the front door locked, if she wanted inside, she’d need to go through the garage.

“She said he was nothing but a man whore who chased every woman in a skirt.” Without staying around to hear his reply, she bolted from the car.

Slamming the door behind her, she raced through the garage and into the kitchen. She darted through the living room and up the stairs. Running not only from Sebastian but from herself as well, she envisioned the hounds of hell were behind her.

Knocking her door closed, she spun on her heels to flip the lock before she dove for her bed. Her face buried in the bedspread, she pounded her fists, ashamed of her lack of control. “God, I hate—”

Myself, Mark, my life.

He had tried so hard to teach her how to hide her feelings in a crowd and exhibit the perfect front. She’d mistakenly believed she’d acquired a few skills, and with one little slip, she’d blown it. Now, she’d have to live with this debacle and hire someone else to raise money for their research.

A sudden sense of awareness sizzled down her spine.

Damn. She’d forgotten to lock the door to the bathroom. Twisting her head around, she caught sight of Sebastian and rolled over to sit up. She never made it that far.

The man leaped on top of her and pinned her beneath him.

She tried her best to break free, but the man met each of her countermoves. “Sebastian, get off me.”

He captured her wrists and shoved them over her head. “Don’t ever run from me like that again.”

“Why? It didn’t stop you from making your way into the house. Hell, you even made it into my bedroom.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t break down that door.” He tossed his chin in the direction of the entrance to her bedroom and settled more snuggly over her. Shifting onto his elbows, he relieved the air-robbing pressure on her chest.

She drew in a few breaths and glared at him. “And why, may I ask, is it so important for you to be in here?”

“Because you’re in here.” His dark gaze drilled into her, telling her without words of his concern.

She didn’t want the responsibility of him caring for her, not when she’d only let him down. “Go away.”



“Because you don’t need to be alone. You’re upset by what happened with Olivia, and I don’t understand why?”

Unable to comprehend his issue with the confrontation, she bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, effectively shutting him out. Her mind raced with what she should do? Logic was her safety net for all situations, so she fought for a reasonable explanation for her current situation. After a concentrated effort to relax, she stated in a calm voice, “Given my past, I can see why you might want to check on me. But I assure you, I’m fine.”

“Then why were you so upset by Olivia’s comment? You said yourself Mark couldn’t be faithful to any woman.” Sebastian cupped her cheek and brushed back several stray strands of hair. The gentle warmth of his fingers should have soothed her frazzled nerves, but they didn’t.

“I know, but I didn’t insult the man by calling him a man whore a few feet away from where he lay in his coffin.” Lily struggled again to keep her anger in check. “She was his fiancée, for God’s sake. Couldn’t she show a little more respect?”

“That’s why you slapped her? Because she insulted Mark at his wake?”

“Yes. We were there to show the world he deserved to be honored for his accomplishments, not lambasted him for his flaws. The whole reason the Neanderthal project succeeded was due to Mark. You more than anyone else should understand how important the discovery is to your people, the world.”

She shifted her hands, hoping he’d loosen his grip even as the heat of his body seeped through her dress, awakening a hunger inside her. Her gaze fell to the collar of his shirt, the knot of his tie.

Somewhere along the way, he’d discarded his suit jacket. The buckle of his belt bit into her abdomen. The hard line of his erection told her he wasn’t immune to the position he had above her.

She gazed into his dark brown eyes. “Was I wrong?”

He released her hands and cradled her face in his palms. “I can understand your reasoning, but if Olivia really didn’t know of Mark’s carousing ways, she may have been hurt to find out he’d slept with several other women besides his ex-wives.”

“I didn’t even think…” A sudden ache formed in her chest. She lowered her hands and grabbed his wrists. “No wonder she called me a bitch.”

“She did a little more than that. For a moment there, I thought I’d have to pull you up off the floor.” Sebastian brushed his lips over hers and nibbled on her lower lip before he pulled away. “I decided right then, if you felt the need to wrestle, I’d be glad to accommodate you.”

She lifted an inquiring brow. “Oh, really?”

“Yes, but I have a few requirements.” He dropped his hands to her shoulders and one eased under her back. Insistent fingers located the tab of her zipper.

“And they are?” She toyed with the knot of his tie, excited by the idea of working off some of her frustration with physical activity. Her normal workout had taken a backseat with all the extra time she had been putting in at the lab for the last few weeks.

“First, you have to be naked.” He rolled to one side and tugged her over enough to unzip her dress.

Cool air met her skin, and she shivered. “Wait a minute. I think you have something else in mind.”

“No, I plan to pin you to this mattress and take full advantage of having you under me.” He pressed her back onto the bed and wedged a knee between hers. “Then as the winner, I plan to enjoy my prize.”

Knowing exactly where this would lead them, she held up her hands. “Can I take a shower first?”

“Want to wash off the stench of the funeral home?” He rotated away from her and rose beside the bed. He held out a hand to help her up.

Surprised, he understood her reasoning for a shower, she let him pull her to her feet. “It’ll only take me five minutes.”

“Nope. I’ll just join you to make sure you’re primed and ready for what I have planned.”