Chapter Sixteen
After scanning his security badge to get into the lab, Sebastian strolled down the aisle. Paying no attention to the activity and noise around him, he had one thing on his mind, finding Lily. She had managed to avoid him yesterday evening by locking herself in her bedroom again. He also missed her this morning when she snuck out while he’d been talking to Violet.
He wouldn’t allow her to keep it up. Bruce had her under lock and key in her office, giving Sebastian the perfect opportunity to talk to her. He especially planned to question her as to Mark’s plans for his company.
Seeing his partner sitting outside a corner office, Sebastian nodded a greeting and offered, “Why don’t I take over for a while and give you a break.”
“Sure, but you might want to step inside her office so she doesn’t see you. She just went to the restroom a few moments ago and should be back any second.” Bruce stretched his arms up over his head and shoved his chair back from the desk where he’d been sitting.
“I don’t think there are many places she can hide in here.” Sebastian leaned against the doorway to her office. The gray walls inside were covered with large pictures of sunny beaches and tropical paradises. Her desk, guest chairs, and a side table were made from white wicker, which looked like they should be in a sunroom somewhere not in an office building.
“Wow, this is unexpected.” Sebastian strolled in and stared at the large conch shell on her desk. “I can see why she wanted to spend her vacation at the beach.”
“It would’ve been her first one in over five years. Apparently, the lady is known for being a workaholic.” Bruce rested his shoulder against the doorframe and glanced down the hallway. “Her research has given me some insight into what it means to have Neanderthal DNA.”
Sebastian wandered around her office picking up other shells and a sand hourglass. “Like?”
“How we are overprotective of certain people and our primal desire to mate.” Bruce grinned and checked his watch.
Having heard similar comments from his grandfather for years, Sebastian glanced out the window and noticed a car leaving the parking lot. “Yes, and we all know about the special talents we each possess. Though, I can’t understand why Rex sees it as such a problem for the rest of the world to know we have Neanderthal DNA in our blood.”
“I don’t see how you can miss this discovery as a sign that the Ancient Warrior Prophecy is coming to pass. We don’t have long to prepare ourselves for the battles that lay ahead.” Bruce frowned and stepped down the hallway. “I better go check on Lily.”
Sebastian tried to recall the old stories of how his people would be called upon to form a new world order. How a warrior of men would protect and teach the people to live in peace and appreciate the gift mother earth offered. He’d just never bought into the ominous prediction.
He opened Lily’s desk and searched for her purse. Like most women she’d go nowhere without it and her cell phone. Pulling his from his pocket, he brought up the app, showing her current location. Seeing the dot glide away from the building, he darted for the door.
“She’s gone,” Bruce called as he raced down the hall.
“Yes, she’s on the move.” Lifting his phone, he indicated the GPS tracking app.
“Let’s go then.” Bruce sped for the exit.
The moment they stepped through the door, Sebastian cupped a hand over his partner’s shoulder and tugged him to a stop. “You stay here in case she comes back.”
“Then you don’t think someone took her?”
“No, I get the feeling she’s up to something. Why don’t you check out the surveillance tapes from the lab and check to make sure she left alone?” Sebastian glanced around the parking lot. “Since I have your car, she must be driving hers. Where did you guys park this morning?”
“You’re right. She gave me the slip.” Bruce pointed to an empty spot near the door.
“Yes, and I bet she started planning it yesterday after you accused her of having a motive for killing Mark.” Sebastian didn’t believe her guilty of murdering Mark or Cain, so what was she up to, he could even begin to imagine.
“Do you think—”
“No, but she might know who did. I’ll call as soon as I catch up with her.” Sebastian waved a hand and hurried to Bruce’s car.
Damn, he should have broken down her bedroom door last night. Not only would it have relieved his frustration, but he would’ve discovered why she felt the need to run away today.
Seeing the park where Devin wanted to meet, Lily pulled into the parking area. Familiar with the place because they had occasionally eaten lunch here, she glanced around for his car.
He’d surprised her this morning by not showing up for work. An hour after his normal start time, she’d called him.
“Why aren’t you at work today?”
“I’m not feeling well.” His voice sounded normal, giving her the impression he was struggling with the aftermath of accepting Mark’s death.
The pain of losing her mentor, husband, and friend tightened her chest. “Is that the only reason?”
“What else could it be?”
She had wanted to warn him of the potential problem he could have with Sebastian. “Devin, Sebastian knows Mark fathered an illegitimate child and then arranged for the baby’s adoption.”
“And he thinks that’s the reason someone wanted Mark dead?”
“I’m not sure what he’s thinking. I just wanted to talk to you first and make sure you’re prepared for his questions.” Lily wondered if Devin had even approached Mark and asked if he was his father. After all, Devin could probably use a donor to help with his cancer treatment.
“All right, let’s meet at Bayland Park?”
Again, she ran over the theory of Devin being Mark’s son. She’d spent most of the night debating with herself as to whether or not it could be true. If so, why hadn’t Mark admitted the truth? Who was he trying to protect? Devin, himself, Violet?
It just didn’t make sense.
Devin’s parents were Mark’s friends and the real reason behind him hiring Devin in the first place.
Not seeing his car in the lot, Lily debated sitting in the car or going over to the picnic table where they normally ate lunch. After locking her purse in the car, she slid her keys and cell phone into the shallow pocket of her pants and walked across the park. She chose a table where she could see the lot’s entrance and sat down to wait.
Between worrying about Devin and fighting her hunger for Sebastian, she hadn’t managed to sleep much. She had even considered telling Sebastian her theory, but figured she should talk to Devin first.
A light breeze ruffled her hair and threw wayward strands across her face. She brushed them back and scanned the empty park again. At this time on a weekday, no one enjoyed the playground equipment or the scenic hiking trails. A strange unease joined the weariness and grief she’d struggled with for the last few days.
What was keeping Devin? He had to know once Sebastian came to the same conclusions she had, he’d be a suspect.
A familiar looking car pulled into the parking lot, and she rose to go greet Devin. Two steps down the path, she stopped. The car wasn’t his.
Sebastian pulled into a slot and slid from behind the wheel.
Even from this far away, she could tell he wasn’t happy. He pinned her with an angry gaze as his stride quickly ate up the space between them. “What the hell made you come out here alone?”
Her excitement at seeing him clashed with her resolve to keep him at a distance. She bit her lip and debated the likelihood of him believing a lie. “Would you believe I needed some air?”
Two large hands closed around her shoulders, and he invaded her personal space. “No. You came out here to meet someone. I want to know who?”
His massive bulk blocked the view of everything around her. Caged in, she struggled to rein in her control, but her body fell victim to his sensual touch and need washed through her. Irritated at the power he had over her senses, she pressed her hands against his chest and shoved, hard. “Who do you think—”
Either the sudden shift in her momentum or simply because she startled him with her reaction, he rocked back on his heels and pulled her close. The movement threw her off balance, too. The two of them danced around each other’s feet and tumbled to the ground. Only a quick move on his part kept his weight from crashing down on top of her.
She landed on his chest with his arms clamped around her. Gasping for air, she barely drew in a breath before he rolled and pinned her to the ground.
“Who were you planning to meet here?” His warmth seeped through her clothes and reminded her why she had to keep her distance. With his body lying over hers, she felt the steady beat of his heart against her palms, the hard line of his cock against her thigh, and his hard stare cutting her into pieces.
With nothing to indicate he had a soft spot for her, she clenched her back teeth and shoved. “Get off me, you big lug. What I do and who I do it with is none of your business.”
“Wrong. With very little effort, I could have you cooling your jets in jail.” He sneered. “So don’t mess with me, Lily.”
“Oh, yeah? Simply because he threatened to pay me off and run the lab without me.” She rolled her eyes at the absurd idea. Working to combat the relentless pressure on her arms, her strength faltered, and she gave up the fight.
Sebastian collapsed over her, his nose mere inches from hers. “Good motive considering you were also the one responsible for buying Mark those vitamins.”
“He followed the Christian Science beliefs of using only natural alternatives. He needed more greens in his diet to help keep him from having a problem with his eyes. His father had Macular Degeneration, which, if you’re not familiar with the disease, is hereditary.” She drew in a shallow breath, unable to get the full extension of her lungs with his bulk on her chest.
“Quit stalling. Who did you come here to meet?” Sebastian rose onto his elbows giving her room to draw in more air.
The loud chatter of children drew her attention. She couldn’t see anything in her current position but heard the patter of shoes on the path where they had just stood.
Sebastian rolled to his feet. He lifted her off the ground and turned her in the direction of the parking lot. “Come on. We need a less public place to carry on this conversation.”
He placed a hand on her lower back and trapped her against his side while he kept her moving forward. Once they reached the parking lot, he ordered, “We’ll take Bruce’s car and come back for yours later.”
Tired of his high-handed manner, she turned in front of the passenger door and leaned against it so he couldn’t open it. “Don’t pull this macho stuff with me. Devin should be here any minute, so I’m not leaving.”
His gaze narrowed, and he crowded closer. In less than a second, he had her pinned against the car, the warm metal not even close to the heat radiating off him. “Lily, I have no patience left. Last night, I left you alone. This morning, I allowed Bruce to go with you to work.” He dipped his head and drew in a breath, as if drawing in her scent. “I’m in no mood to argue with you at the moment. However…” His crotch nudged her pussy. “I’d be happy to discuss other alternatives if you’d like.”
The thin barrier of clothes between them didn’t hide his need. He drilled his hard length against her pubic bone. A quiver ran through her. She bit her lip and knew he’d felt her reaction when he growled low and nailed her with a hungry look that held more than just lust. It felt as if he reached inside her chest and closed his fingers around her heart.
She struggled to gain some control over the situation. “What if I told you I’m not interested?”
“I’d know you are lying. Remember, I told you I have Neanderthal DNA. Well, it gives me the skill to know when people are lying. Now. Get in the car.”
Was he serious? Was Neanderthal DNA an identifier for psychic abilities? A strange urge to dig deeper into what he meant by the statement had her wanting to rebel. She stood there for several long seconds, wondering what he’d do if she demanded answers. Awareness trickled through her, and goose bumps popped out on her arms. Still, she didn’t move. “How does that work?”
He growled. “It’s all part of an ancient warrior prophecy that says we’ll need to help people cope when the world starts falling apart. Now, get in the car.”
With a step back, he provided enough room for her to turn and open the car door. Still, she stood with her mind whirling, her heart pounding in her chest, and her palms itching to pull him back to her.
A scream from a child on the playground broke the spell, and she glanced around at the empty parking lot. Having studied a few ancient myths in college, she shoved aside his explanation as a manipulation to get her to move and muttered, “I should wait for Devin. I believe he might help with your investigation.” The words tumbled out of her mouth but didn’t provide the incentive she wanted to stand up to Sebastian again.
“Don’t worry. We can talk to Devin later.” Sebastian prodded her to one side and opened the door. Without waiting for her to initiate the move, he caught her hips and guided her into the car.
Once seated, she emerged from the trance she’d fallen into. She turned to speak to him, but the door closed in her face. The exhaustion from lack of sleep suddenly caught up with her. She slumped in the seat and stared out the front window. Without Sebastian’s warm gaze on her, she dissolved into a dark pit of despair.
The driver’s side door opened. He slid into his seat and turned the ignition. “Put on your seatbelt, and we’ll get going.”
She glanced at the buckle and debated whether it mattered if she lived or died. Mark was dead, and Devin hadn’t bothered to show up when she called him. The lab could survive without her. Why worry about wearing a seatbelt on the off chance they had a wreck?
A hand bumped her shoulder. Sebastian reached over, grabbed the seatbelt, and clipped it into place.
Sebastian’s lips were moving, but the meaning of the words didn’t register. Giving him a slight shrug, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. Did it really make a difference one way or the other what she said? He’d do what he wanted.
The gray haze behind her eyelids might hide him from view, but with each breath she drew, his alluring scent—a masculine fragrance—reminded her of a hot, hard body in the middle of the night and the comfort he gave her.
She turned in her seat as the car started. Her mind drifted. Darkness turned into pictures, dreams, another reality, and sleep claimed her.
Sitting at a stop light, Sebastian considered the options of where to head next. If he drove back to the lab, Lily would insist on going back to work. He glanced at her sleeping form in the passenger seat beside him. She probably had as much sleep, if not less than he had, which meant they could both use a nap.
He reached into his pocket for his phone, just as the device rang. After juggling it for a moment, he lifted it to his ear. “Hello.”
“Where are you?” Rex’s voice echoed through the receiver and like so many times before set Sebastian’s nerves on edge.
“I’m in the car with Lily. We’re heading back to her house. Why? Do you need me to be somewhere else?” Sebastian turned the car onto the main thoroughfare and half listened to his boss’ response.
“No. Head out of town. The police are at the lab now. They’re looking for Lily. They want to arrest her for Mark’s murder.”
Uncertain if he’d heard correctly, Sebastian verified his orders. “Excuse me. You want me to hide Lily from the police. I thought you said last night greed was a good motive for murder.”
“It is, but Lily doesn’t need the money.” Rex clucked his tongue as if chastising a child. He acted like an old man, even though he was a few years younger than Sebastian. “You did the research. You know Lily is the sole heir to her parents’ estate. With the money she’s making from their research patents, she’s set for life. Why do you think Mark worked so hard to bring her under his wing and convince her to marry him?” Papers rustled in the background. “Though I have to say her parents did a good job of setting up her trust so no man could gain control of her funds.”
“It still doesn’t explain why she married Mark?” Sebastian didn’t have a satisfactory explanation for that one. However, he did see why Lily had idolized the man. He not only helped her after her parents’ deaths but offered her a job in her chosen field of study.
“Doesn’t matter now. You need to take her to one of our safe houses so we can buy more time to figure out what our next move should be.”
Sebastian ran through the different places in the area. “Does it matter which one?”
“No, just stay there until you hear from us.”
Deciding on the perfect location, Sebastian mentioned the address and added, “Make sure the place is stocked with food for us.”
“You got it.”
Sebastian tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “What convinced the police to arrest Lily?”
“I was on the phone with Bruce when the police arrived. Detective Callahan claims he has a witness who overheard Lily threaten Mark.”
“What? Who?” Sebastian ran through his list of suspects. Was that the reason for Devin not showing up at the park?
“The detective didn’t say. Olivia seems to be the most likely candidate. After all, if she knew of Mark’s scheme, then she probably talked to him about how Lily and Zane would react to being ousted from the company.”
“Best guess or your special insight talking?”
Rex blew out a frustrated breath. “I’m sorry to say best guess. My ability to read the outcome of this case seems cloaked in uncertainty.”
A wave of rightness filled Sebastian, but his boss’ willingness to admit he didn’t have all the answers spoke volumes as to how unsettled he was by current events. Sebastian shoved aside the problem and focused on what he needed to do. “Okay, then I’ll take us off grid. Tell Bruce Lily’s car is at Bayland Park if he wants to retrieve it.”
“Got it.”
A click, and the phone went dead.
Sebastian drove onto the entrance ramp to the freeway. With any luck, they should be out of the city and in a nice remote location within two hours. Then he’d wake Lily and get some clear cut answers to all his questions.
Like why had she wanted to meet with Devin? Did she believe him guilty of murder? And if so, why?