Chapter Nineteen

Twenty minutes later, Sebastian glanced across the breakfast table with renewed energy.

Lily had emerged from the bedroom with a smile, her long, lush body encased in a red tank top and a pair of white shorts. She’d eaten breakfast without any reference to their discussion in bed and appeared perfectly content to continue in such a manner.

“Because we’re trying to avoid the police, I’m afraid we’re confined to the condo, which means you need to stay inside and out of sight.” Sebastian slid back his chair and rose with his plate in his hand.

“Right, and have you thought anymore about my theory that Devin might be Mark’s killer. If you let me run a DNA test, we could determine if Mark is Devin’s father.” Lily stood and retrieved her items from the table.

Her soft footsteps behind him informed Sebastian she’d followed him into the kitchen. He paused by the dishwasher and set his plate on the counter. “Could someone else do the test?”

“Yes, but do we really want to involve someone else? It’s not like it would take a long time. And if we did it after the lab closed, no one would have to know we were even there.” She placed her plate beside his before she returned to the breakfast nook area.

“I believe you’re onto something, but it could take weeks for the police to run DNA testing to determine the identity of Devin’s parents.” He raised his hand to cut off her argument. “I know you can do the test much more quickly, but going to the lab would also expose you to possible danger. Not only are the police looking for you but also the killer. We can’t take that chance.”

“Fine,” she answered, her irritation showing in her high pitched tone.

Bringing in the rest of their breakfast dishes, she set them on the counter and circled around to the other side of the kitchen’s bar. “Great, then that gives us plenty of time for you to explain yourself.”

“In regards to what?”

“With your wild caveman antics and the you belong to me.” She pounded her fists against her chest.

“I thought women liked it when men said they were a valued addition to their lives.” He started loading the dishwasher to keep from spouting off something equally as lame as she was the center of his universe.

She grinned. “That only makes me wonder if you’re buying a car, not telling a girl you care about her. Of course, some men like their vehicles better than their girlfriends.”

“Now, you’re just being obtuse,” he grumbled.

“Really? Tell me what you think of when I say ‘Sebastian, sweetheart, you belong to me.’” She rolled her eyes. “I must be old-fashioned, but I prefer a simple I love you. Which if you remember correctly, I’ve already admitted to you that I do.”

He left the remaining dishes on the counter and walked out of the kitchen. “And you think you belong to me and you’re mine don’t cut it?”

“Exactly, man up and say those three little words every woman longs to hear.” She crossed her arms and stared at him when he stopped in front of her.

Dammit, didn’t she understand the depth of his feelings for her? “You pass muster?”

His attempt at humor fell flat and she frowned. “Try again.”

“Sex with you is awesome—wait, wait, that’s too many words.” He stepped closer and caught her around the waist, drawing her close. “I can’t imagine living without you.”

“You still don’t have it right. And I’m beginning to think you have more Neanderthal DNA in you than I initially thought.” She rubbed her hands over his chest.

“I told you they are my ancestors. Their life revolved around their tribe and family. Every special skill they possessed was to protect and provide for the ones they love.” He needed to make her understand how important that made her to him. How important his people were to the world, at least if he believed what Rex and his grandfather were telling him.

“Yes, I believe you mentioned it helps you tell if a person is lying.” She cocked an inquiring eyebrow.

He tightened his hold, unhappy she’d recalled that little tidbit from their conversation. She had him so strung out with need and anger, he’d blurted it out without thinking. “It’s also how I know you are a part of me.”

“Right. Maybe this will help. The first word is I and the last word is you.”

“Yes, I know and love goes in the middle. The problem is, the simple statement doesn’t even come close to what I feel for you.” He monitored the expression on her beautiful face while a thousand conflicting thoughts ran through his head on the correct and the incorrect way of convincing a woman he cared. His stomach twisted into knots at the possibility of doing this wrong, and he deliberated the likelihood of losing his breakfast. “When I said you belong to me, it’s like saying a part of me has been missing for my entire life. The minute I found you, I became whole. You are the missing piece I’ve been searching for, which makes you mine.”

She blinked. A smile bloomed on her lips. “I believe that’s a laymen’s definition of love, a feeling of being complete when you’re with the one you love.”

“But that’s not all of it.” He wanted not only to love her but also to take possession of her and have her life center around his alone. “I can’t share.”

With a light chuckle, she slid her arms around his neck and rose onto her toes. “That goes both ways. I don’t share either.”

He didn’t think she fully comprehended what he meant, but with her lips just inches under his, he opted to let the distinction slide. With a sigh, he took her mouth and drank her in, enjoying her unique flavor. The heady rush hit him like a pint of hundred proof whiskey.

Applying more pressure, he had her mouth opening under his. She tasted sweeter and fresher than the orange juice they drank moments ago and a thousand times more mouth-watering. He wanted to consume her.

Fighting to rein in his control, he slid his lips off hers and nibbled his way to her ear. He nipped at her earlobe. “Tell me we can have a short engagement, because I don’t think I can wait very long to claim you as mine.”

She giggled. “Shouldn’t you ask if I’m willing to marry you first?”

He raised his gaze and met hers. “It’s not a matter of if, but when, we will get married.”

“Not right now. I can’t even think about a long term relationship until I know for certain I’m not going away for the next twenty years on a murder charge.” She cupped her hands around his face and offered him a quick kiss. “I do, however, accept your proposal.”

“But…” The sudden urgency to get this case cleared up had him rethinking the idea of cooling his heels here with her while the police continued to believe they were after the true killer.

“We can enjoy our time here in paradise, though.” She looked out the large window, lining one wall of the living room and pointed to the deck. A custom spa sat against the iron railing. “Can I interest you in a dip in the hot tub?”

“Do you have a swimsuit?”

“Do I need one?” She stepped back and lifted the hem of her tank top up over her head. It landed near the breakfast table. The sight of her lush breasts had his mouth watering, and he wiped his lips to contain any drool that might have escaped. He couldn’t recall ever seeing such a gorgeous woman.

Then she stepped out of her shorts. All blood drained from his head and pooled in his groin. Blindsided, he simply ogled the treasure under his hands because he couldn’t be this close and not touch.

“Is that a no?” She released a soft moan at the caress of his thumbs over her nipples.

“Sweetheart, the spa will have to wait. I’m thinking we’ll be lucky to make it to the couch.” Sebastian swept her into his arms and managed the few steps it took to reach the buttery-soft leather sofa. He tossed her onto the cushions and fell over her.

“Okay for now, but I want a rain check on the spa.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed her lips against his.

He couldn’t remember later how long they were on the couch before they moved to the spa and then back to bed. All that mattered was how much he enjoyed touching, tasting, and holding the woman of his dreams.

Only one thing kept nagging him. How could he get the murder charges dropped against her and get their lives back on track?


“I know Devin hasn’t been into work since Mark’s murder, but you…” Bruce waved his finger absently. His gaze locked on Lily, a few feet away. The lights in the lab bounced off his rumpled hand-combed hair. Roused from his bed at three a.m. in the morning, he appeared half-asleep. His clothes were wrinkled. It looked as if he’d slipped on the first thing he’d found on the floor before he started for the door. He arrived a few minutes after they had.

After a moment or two, he turned to Sebastian. “We’re here, I take it, because you want to know if the DNA test will provide the concrete evidence we need to prove Devin killed Mark or, at the very least, has motive.”

“Yes, but we couldn’t think of any other way to get the DNA results right away. With the police’s backlog, the test could take weeks before they’d be able to determine if Mark is Devin’s father. By that time, Devin could have left town or, depending on how his cancer treatment is going, be dead. We’re looking for more immediate results.” Sebastian paced along the hallway. For the last two days, he and Lily had remained in hiding at the beach condo.

At first, he’d enjoyed his time with her, then he’d started to compare the few hours he’d had with her to the possibility of having her for the rest of his live. Doubts plagued him, and he’d become more and more restless for answers.

The police, according to Rex, had talked to a few other people, but they were still convinced Lily killed Mark. After all, she had the most to gain from his death, and they loved the old adage of follow the money.

However, in this case, Sebastian had come to believe revenge lay at the center of this crime. He and Lily had gone over and over Devin’s motivation. Yes, Mark had been willing to help Devin with the cost of his cancer treatment. But Lily held firm to the theory that Mark would never have been willing to undergo medical treatment to help Devin beat his cancer. As much to silence Lily as to learn the truth, Sebastian had finally agreed to let her do the test.

“Was it so bad spending a few days alone with Lily?” Bruce’s gaze ran over Lily’s sleek form.

The jealous rage firing through him surprised Sebastian. He punched his partner in the arm. “Watch it, or I may not remember we’re friends. The problem is Lily believes Devin is Mark’s and Violet’s son. She won’t rest until she knows for certain. That’s why Lily wanted you to swipe a few strands of hair from both of their brushes so there will be no doubt about them being Devin’s parents.”

“And what if they aren’t? Then what? You’ve both taken a big risk in coming here.” Bruce crossed his arms. “If Rex knew, he’d have my hide. You know he believes Lily is the key to staying informed of every aspect of the Neanderthal DNA research project.”

“Yes, well, if she’s in jail, she won’t do us much good,” Sebastian grumbled.

Rex’s fascination with the project still didn’t completely make sense to Sebastian, but at this point, he didn’t care. Lily believed she had the answer to Mark’s murder, and he couldn’t deny her the chance to find out.

“She’s also lucky. She bought me a lottery ticket before we flew out to see you. And damn, if it didn’t win.” Bruce smiled and patted his back pocket.

“Two bucks?”

Bruce smiled. “No, close to ten thousand, which means I probably owe her dinner. Mind if I take her out after this case is over?”

“Don’t even think about it. As soon as this case is solved, she’ll have a ring on her finger and be off the market for having dinner with the likes of you.” Sebastian glared at his friend and wondered if she had the special talent of buying a winning lottery ticket? Hell, he didn’t even know if she had Neanderthal warrior DNA. Yet, something told him it was the reason for their almost instantaneous connection.

Bruce laughed. “God, you’re easy. After less than five days, she has you hooked. Maybe, I’m lucky she just bought me a lottery ticket.”

Ignoring the jab, Sebastian gave him a one-finger salute and walked over to Lily. “Have you made any progress?”

Awareness tingled through Lily. She fought back her feelings for Sebastian and continued to study the results in her hand. She checked them three times, and they still revealed she had been wrong about Mark. Guilt at falsely accusing him twisted her stomach into a knot. Being wrong about Devin didn’t help either. Still, she had learned something, but not what she had expected.

She nodded and turned to convey the facts as she saw them. “I’m afraid I was right and wrong. Violet is Devin’s mother, but Mark is not his father.”

“What? I thought Mark and Violet were a couple back then. How can someone else be Mark’s father?” Sebastian’s dark gaze burned through her, revealing how much he, too, had believed her theory.

“I don’t know. Violet never mentioned dating anyone else, but then why would she?” Lily racked her brain for an answer. “The only thing I can come up with is she had sex with someone else not long before she slept with Mark. Because when I asked her, she said Mark was her baby’s father.”

“That’s right.” Bruce stepped closer and offered his support with a simple nod.

“Then the theory of Devin killing Mark because he wouldn’t help him with his cancer therapy is pure bullshit.” Sebastian fisted his hands on his hips. “I should have never allowed you to talk me into coming here.”

Lily could sympathize with his disappointment, but saw no reason for him to take it out on her. She opened her mouth to tell him to…

“Hold on, partner.” Bruce laid a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Let’s review what we know. Devin’s parents secured his adoption through Mark. Therefore, it stands to reason Devin believed Mark could help him find his birth parents. Even if Devin did a DNA test on Mark and found he wasn’t his father. He would still need Mark’s help. If he refused, it’d give Devin a powerful reason for wanting to kill the man.”

“Yes, but that’s only speculation.” Sebastian raked his hands through his hair. “It’s just our word against his.”

“Yes, well…” Bruce stepped back and glanced at her.

Scrambling for an answer to the mystery, she blurted out, “Shouldn’t we at least talk to Violet and see what she has to say?”

“No.” Sebastian barked and grabbed her arm.

His unbending answer lit an angry fire in her gut. She jerked free of his hold. “Who the hell do you think you are? It’s my ass on the line here. If I want to go see Violet, I’ll go.”

He recaptured her by clamping a large hand around her waist and blocked her path to the exit. “And do you want to end up in jail?”

She squared her shoulders and tightened her hands into fists. “If that’s what it takes to find the answers I’m looking for, then yes.”

“Are you nuts?” He laid his other hand on her shoulder. “I can’t let you do that.”

“Guys, timeout,” Bruce yelled to get their attention and silence their shouting match.

Lily glanced at him and edged away from Sebastian. The stress from the last few days had finally caught up with her. For days now, she’d believed the case would be over if she could get the results of the DNA tests. Instead, she’d found the theory she’d developed couldn’t hold water.

“Shit.” She dropped her forehead to Sebastian’s chest. “I was so sure Devin had the best reason for killing Mark. Now, it could be anyone.”