Unless otherwise indicated, all quotations are from interviews conducted by the author.
AE = Ahmet Ertegun
“He was”: Atlantic: Hip to the Tip.
“Ahmet had”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and Blues.
“Ahmet was”: Kissinger, Author Interview.
“the little Turkish prince”: Burke, AE Tribute.
“I loved”: Clapton, AE Tribute.
“a ducker and”: Hackford, AE Tribute.
“irony and”: Wexler, AE Tribute.
“Hey, homes”: Ibid.
“had no”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, thank you”: Ibid.
“Well, he hasn’t”: Wenner, AE Tribute.
“Ahmet was”: Jagger, AE Tribute.
“a diverse”: Ibid.
“Here’s our”: Nash, AE Tribute.
“Here’s something”: Ibid.
“entertaining”: Clapton, Clapton.
“I still felt”: Ibid.
“The older I get”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
David Geffen first heard: Geffen, Author Interview, 6/10/09.
posted on a well-read music blog: lefsetz.com/wordpress.
“a bit Barnum and Bailey”: Curbishley.
“Do you know why”: Ibid.
Trinity College: Motion, The Lamberts.
had been commissioned: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_Lambert.
“feel snubbed by”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“Ahmet, don’t go”: Howar.
“Boys”: Rudge.
was shocked to see: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, AE Archive.
“the Turk”: Kinzer, Crescent and Star.
“Europeans came to perceive”: Ibid.
“The Turks are”: Ibid.
“I shall always”: Ibid.
was present when the Treaty of Lausanne: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 12, 2009.
“in a house on the rocky hills”: AE, AE Archive.
a truly primitive land: Kinzer, Crescent and Star.
the grandson of a Sufi sheik: Selma Goksel e-mail, March 23, 2009.
Ozbeker Tekkesi: Selma Goksel e-mail, October 7, 2010.
Exempt from military service by imperial decree: Hanioglu.
short-lived first marriage: Selma Goksel e-mail, April 13, 2009.
“probably would have become a singing star”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
Bespectacled, with a thick mustache: Photo, www.londra.be.mfa.gov.tr.
piercing blue eyes: Kinzer.
they were now being held as hostages: Hanioglu.
soul searching: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 12, 2009.
chief legal adviser: Official Document, Department of State, Division of International Conferences and Protocol, June 25, 1934, AE Archive.
a handwritten document: Selma Goksel e-mail, March 23, 2009.
she was furious: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 12, 2009.
“I have no religion”: Mango, Ataturk.
“Although my father was basically a timid man”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
“left behind the teeming hodgepodge”: Ibid.
“the clean quiet serenity”: Ibid.
“this bland beautiful sterile country”: Ibid.
18 Kalcheggweg: Selma Goksel e-mail, May 13, 2009.
“a mixture of Turkish”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
eight days: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 15, 2009.
“Hanimefendi”: Selma Goksel e-mail, July 3, 2009.
A short, stout: Photo, AE, “What’d I Say.”
“the sad haunting Oriental”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
“would never participate”: Ibid.
“a beloved distant”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 2, 2008.
“a miserable-looking beggar”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 8, 2009.
“perhaps a bit spoiled”: Ibid.
“He was like a hero”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
In a photograph from this period: Photo, AE, “What’d I Say.”
“was always a bloody”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
33 rue de Villejust: Selma Goksel e-mail, May 13, 2009.
“I don’t like this”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 7, 2008.
broomstick as a mast: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 2, 2008.
Stephan Mallarmé, the actor Jean Gabin: www.forum.prepas.org.
Josephine Baker, the Mills Brothers: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“It’s nothing”: AE, undated autobiographical fragment, AE Archive.
a street full of holes: Mica Ertegun, 4/25/09.
“Mother, what happened”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, 11/13/02, AE Archive.
At his own request: Official Document, Department of State, Division of International Conferences and Protocol, June 25, 1934, AE Archive.
“a couple of ruffians who”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
his mother panicked: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 7, 2008.
July 23, 1932: Selma Goksel e-mail, April 5, 2009.
invited to dine: Selma Goksel e-mail, April 2, 2009.
practiced her curtsy: Ibid.
“they hardly ever saw”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 7, 2008.
“was very British and very strict”: Ibid.
“We wore our party”: Ibid.
“was interested in women”: Goksel.
“Ahmet just sort of left”: Ibid.
“the King of Jazz”: Newspaper clip, source unknown, Richard Havers e-mail, July 2, 2009.
“His Famous Orchestra”: Newspaper ad, source unknown, Richard Havers e-mail, July 2, 2009.
The grandson of a former slave: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellington_Duke.
“typically expected of black artists”: Harvey G. Cohen, “Dawn of the Jazz Age.”
“the primitive, discordant, rule-breaking”: Ibid.
three huge cardboard cutouts: Photo, ibid.
pearl gray: Lawrence, Duke Ellington and His World.
nearly four thousand: Ibid.
9 pence: Newspaper ad, source unknown, Richard Havers e-mail, July 2, 2009.
the kind of extended ovation: Harvey G. Cohen, “Dawn of the Jazz Age.”
three trumpet players: Photo, ibid.
“a display of neat and fast footwork”: Newspaper clip, source unknown, Richard Havers e-mail, July 2, 2009.
“the original snake hips girl”: Lawrence, Duke Ellington and His World.
“the program to a happy conclusion”: Ibid.
“scores of smartly dressed young English people”: Ibid.
“hundreds in the hinterlands”: Ibid.
“a small army of”: Ibid.
“besieged the Duke”: Ibid.
“a precursor to Beatlemania”: Harvey G. Cohen, “Dawn of the Jazz Age.”
“It was nothing like”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
to see Cab Calloway: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“I was twelve”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“there were very many cowboys there”: AE letter, October 21, 1934, AE Archive.
“I kiss you”: Ibid.
“making the trip”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
four days, thirteen hours, and fifty-eight minutes: en.wikipedia.org/SSRex.
“a rung above the first-class cabins”: Selma Goksel e-mail, November 20, 2009.
“But when the sea”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“There were only”: Selma Goksel e-mail, March 27, 2009.
“enjoyed roaming around”: Selma Goksel e-mail, November 20, 2009.
“thousands of dollars”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“We arrived in”: Ibid.
“the black Pullman”: Ibid.
“very strict”: Ibid.
“Americans were savages”: Ibid.
“a shameful act”: Akcam, A Shameful Act.
“outlawed ethnic and minority”: Balakian, Author Interview.
“earnestly hoped”: Minassian, Musa Dagh.
“utterly negative”: Ibid.
“If the movie is made”: Ibid.
“Munir Ertegun became”: Balakian, 2/16/09.
“My personal view”: Selma Goksel e-mail, 2/8/09.
donated $3.5 million: Draft of press release, August 26, 1994/For release September 12, 1994, AE Archive.
“There are different”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“made it clear”: Sassounian, “Ahmet Ertegun Knew What’s Good for Turkey.”
“a shame that the”: Ibid.
“I could not write”: Ibid.
“When I was just”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“seat and center of domestic”: Federal Writers Project, The WPA Guide to Washington, D.C.
“John Law”: Ibid.
“rows of small squalid houses”: Selma Goksel e-mail, January 26, 2008.
“to spend and to dream”: Scott, “Turkish Delight.”
“architectural elements of”: www.Turkeyembassy.com.
a huge ballroom: Photo, Scott, “Turkish Delight.”
cost $400,000: Scott, “Turkish Delight.”
“So we wound up”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
one of the first things: Ibid.
“I first found myself”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“unfortunately mentioned”: Ibid.
“excused from both chapel”: Letter from the Reverend Albert H. Lucas, April 13, 1935, AE Archive.
“glad indeed to”: Ibid.
“Your Excellency”: Ibid.
“learned to regard”: Ibid.
“sympathy with”: Ibid.
“Mr. Headmaster”: Letter from Mehmet Munir to the Reverend A. H. Lucas, April 16, 1935, AE Archive.
“My father took me”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“at least three times”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 2, 2008.
“imitation black speech”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“Washington was like”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“a dime apiece”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“things that others”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“a habitué of”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“shilled for a while”: Ibid.
“was really just colored water”: Ibid.
“greasy place”: Ibid.
“all the strippers”: Ibid.
“Eastern European Gypsy”: Ibid.
“beer joints where”: Ibid.
“Black Broadway”: Virtual Tour of Shaw, www.pbs.org/ellingtonsdc/vtVenues.htm.
“the Washington equivalent of”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“everything clicked”: Ibid.
“a lot of the teachers”: AE, Landon Magazine.
“school’s more traditionalist”: Ibid.
“We were always”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“a long list of names”: Selma Goksel e-mail, January 9, 2009.
“is a made-up word”: Ibid.
“waited till the”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Satchelmouth Swing”: Weeks, interview, www.allaboutjazz.com.
“Lips Page’s special”: Ibid.
“started collecting very seriously”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“Collecting Hot”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“a big head”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“didn’t have Communist tendencies”: Ibid.
“European”: Ibid.
“including my parents”: Selma Goksel e-mail, January 22, 2009.
“disgraceful episode”: Ibid.
“My first meeting”: Document, AE Archive.
zoot suit: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 8, 2009.
“not well known”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“You started out”: Ibid.
“jewel of the program”: Ibid.
“My first question”: Ibid.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Documents, AE Archive.
Because she had cared: Selma Goksel e-mail, January 31, 2008.
“an intellectual bookshop”: Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“said was a”: Ibid.
“a mixed crowd”: Ibid.
“very unusual”: Ibid.
“a young guy”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“We’ve been reading”: Gottlieb.
waiters in white jackets: Bill Gottlieb photo.
huge bust of Kemal Ataturk: Selma Goksel e-mail, November 23, 2009.
the only restaurant: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“quite possibly the hippest”: Rolling Stone magazine as quoted by Katz, “Lester Young Turns 100.”
“bread”: Ibid.
“That’s cool”: Ibid.
“You dig?”: Ibid.
“I feel a draft”: Ibid.
“bells”: Ibid.
“to be”: Mezzrow and Wolfe, Really the Blues.
“outraged Southern senator”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“It has been brought”: Ibid.
“that God had created”: Selma Goksel e-mail, January 28, 2009.
“errand boy”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“When we gave”: Ibid.
“advertised in the white”: Ibid.
“little flyers”: Ibid.
“didn’t know it”: Ibid.
“make a big scene”: Ibid.
“Swingtime in the Capital”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Man, you gotta give”: Ibid.
“The Turkish Ambassador came”: Memorandum to the President from Adolph Berle, Assistant Secretary of the Department of State, April 6, 1940, AE Archive.
“There is a”: Ibid.
“My father”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
life in the nation’s capital: Conant, The Irregulars.
“the star”: Goksel.
“Listen, you return that”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“I don’t know”: Ibid.
“heart used to sink”: Ibid.
“stand at attention”: Ibid.
“At which point”: Ibid.
“difficult, if not impossible”: Selma Goksel e-mail, April 1, 2009.
On March 14, 1944: St. John’s College Commencement Exercises Booklet, AE Archive.
medieval philosophy: Weiner, “Ahmet Ertegun.”
“whole embassy was astir”: Selma Goksel e-mail, June 19, 2008.
In a photograph: Photo, George Skadding, http://google.com/hosted/life.
“I am deeply grieved”: Statement by the President of the United States, November 11, 1944, AE Archive.
On January 25, 1946: Memorandum for the President, original signed and returned to Dean Acheson on January 25, 1946, AE Archive.
“the battleship on which”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Although we felt”: Selma Goksel e-mail, June 19, 2008.
“After the Second”: AE, Author Interview, 3/11/88.
“visited by close friends”: Selma Goksel e-mail, December 16, 2009.
some of her personal belongings: Selma Goksel e-mail, May 14, 2009.
$100: Ibid.
$5 to $25: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“I get more than”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
turned down offers: Ibid.
“working hard”: AE, Letter to Selma Goksel, July 3, 1947, AE Archive.
“didn’t feel like”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
even to speak out against: http://en.wikipedia.org/Conscription_in_Turkey.
a very attractive young: Selma Goksel e-mail, June 29, 2009.
send Ahmet $30: Selma Goksel e-mail, June 23, 2009.
“Ahmet had some”: Selma Goksel e-mail, February 8, 2009.
“I have not found”: Undated letter to Selma Goksel, AE Archive.
want ads: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“a bunch of crooks”: Ibid.
“After that”: Ibid.
“he could memorize”: Selma Goksel e-mail, June 21, 2008.
“a cheap recording studio”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“could sing the blues”: Ibid.
“all these guys who”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“knew what black life”: Atlantic: Hip to the Tip.
“around to thinking”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“breezed in”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“I’d like one of”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“made a lot of money”: Ibid.
“Oh, I’ve got money”: Ibid.
“a rich friend”: Letter to Selma Goksel, August 22, 1947, AE Archive.
“who had an avant-garde”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“I’m not interested”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“in the Forest Hotel”: Ibid.
“a very tough lady”: Ibid.
“the star dressing room”: Ibid.
“with the big star”: Ibid.
“It quickly became”: Ibid.
“best friends for”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“We didn’t have”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
Born in Brooklyn: White, “Herb Abramson.”
published a small newspaper: Abramson.
Erasmus Hall High School: Erasmus Hall High School records.
“the poor man’s Harvard”: www.barrypopik.com.
“he could find”: Abramson.
“he was a Jew”: Ibid.
“a lot of very”: Bienstock.
“tried desperately to”: Bienstock.
“I already lost”: Abramson.
“ran five miles”: Ibid.
“very late in”: Bienstock.
“did a lot of things”: Ibid.
Abramson’s two biggest hits: Kramer, “Atlantic and R&B Trend Developed Side by Side.”
“He didn’t like”: Abramson.
“a different kind of mind”: Bienstock.
“The reason”: Abramson.
“his heart was”: Ibid.
“Atlantic was formed”: Ibid.
“knew all”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“where to get pressings”: AE, Author Interview, 3/11/88.
“Ahmet was such a”: Sander, Trips.
“They all knew”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“We all went”: Goksel.
“thought he was”: Ibid.
“Over a two-and-a-half”: Abramson.
“Dr. Sabit hasn’t been”: AE, Letter to Selma Goksel, Selma Goksel e-mail, June 24, 2009.
a contract consisting: Document, AE Archive.
“The name Atlantic”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“active in promotional”: Ibid.
“We were grabbing at”: Ibid.
“We must have”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“the major companies”: Ibid.
“just thrown in the garbage”: Ibid.
$60 a week: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“The name sounds good”: Letter to AE from Nesuhi Ertegun, January 22, 1948, AE Archive.
“time to be properly”: Ibid.
“Received press release”: Ibid.
“By the way”: Ibid.
“Nobody believes”: Bienstock.
“Ahmet was still very”: Gottlieb.
“He didn’t have”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Bienstock.
went to number twelve: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“selling most of the”: Selma Goksel e-mail, April 2, 2009.
“I only hope”: Letter from Selma Goksel, May 13, 1948, AE Archive.
“very sweet”: Bienstock.
“He could do”: Ibid.
“We were very”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“It was a funky”: Wakschal.
“dozens of small”: Jackson, Big Beat Heat.
“the Street of Hope”: Ibid.
“Dearest sweetest darling”: Letter from AE to Selma Goksel, January 28, 1949, AE Archive.
“patent development”: Ibid.
“sixty odd”: Ibid.
“working very hard”: Ibid.
“getting the patents”: Ibid.
“usually had quite”: Ibid.
“The record company”: Ibid.
“and this figure”: Ibid.
“26 distributors”: Ibid.
“$90.00 to”: Ibid.
“tremendous master”: Ibid.
“elderly couple”: Ibid.
“extremely nice”: Ibid.
“absolutely schmaltz”: Bienstock.
it would “make”: Ibid.
“either Montgomery Clift”: Letter from AE to Selma Goksel, January 28, 1949, AE Archive.
“We made a recording”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“did not sell”: Bienstock.
“Dear Ahmedakis”: Undated letter to AE from Vernon Duke, AE Archive.
“in Variety, Newsweek”: Ibid.
“a series of”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“the music of”: Ibid.
“of course a mistake”: Ibid.
“Can’t you push”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
while pushing around: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/mcghee_stick.
In a photograph: Photo, Frank Driggs Collection; in AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Drinkin’ wine”: Tosches, Unsung Heroes of Rock ’n’ Roll.
“The only blues singers”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“That’s my brother’s”: Ibid.
“No man”: Ibid.
Wilbert “Big Chief” Ellis: the houndog.blogspot.com.
“sometimes sing 13 bars”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“gave us confidence”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“a stack of”: Ibid.
“the police couldn’t have”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was eyeing”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“and from then”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
describe the relationship: Trow, “Profiles.”
“I hired a singer”: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
“got a job”: Smith, Off the Record: An Oral History of Popular Music.
“Washington’s elite would”: http:culturemob.com.
A curving replica: www.pbs.org/ellingtonsde.
elegantly dressed guests: www.gwu.edu.
“Rendezvous of the”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“a gorgeous lady”: Ibid.
“high energy performance”: nfo.net/usa.
offered the singer: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
sent a telegram: Bienstock.
“There is a girl”: Ibid.
“She was”: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
“Ruth Brown was”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
Her biggest number: Trow, “Profiles.”
“Ruth Brown wanted”: Atlantic: Hip to the Tip.
“Capitol also”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
Waxie Maxie Silverman: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“The well-established”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“ ‘manager’—in quotes”: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
Billie Holiday: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“in her powder-blue”: Ibid.
“on which to scribble”: Ibid.
$1,000: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
“love of Ahmet”: Ibid.
“already in”: Ibid.
John Hammond: Marsh.
“what I would”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Ruth Brown wanted”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“I said, ‘Let’s sing’ ”: “The World of Soul,” Billboard.
“For us”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“He said, ‘Yeah. But’ ”: Ibid.
“went nowhere”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“I had tasted”: Ibid.
“loved and respected”: Ibid.
“the more forceful”: Ibid.
“made many of the”: Ibid.
composed “especially”: Ibid.
seven-inch 45 RPM: Ibid.
“They were charging”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Calloway Assoc. Formed”: The Billboard, July 30, 1949.
“I actually called Ruth”: Marsh.
“What did it mean?”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Blanche Calloway diplomatically”: Deffaa, Blue Rhythms.
“I was Ruth’s manager”: Bienstock.
“The whole thing”: Ibid.
315-pound: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lomax.
first field trip down: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“any real funky blues”: Ibid.
“Unfortunately”: AE, Keynote address to Music Row Industry Summit, undated, AE Archive.
“Herb and I”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“the most incredible”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“playing incredible”: Ibid.
“could tell it”: Ibid.
“Have you”: Ibid.
“Man, I am”: Ibid.
Lomax had recorded: en.wikipedia.org/Blind_Willie_McTell.
“No man”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“made himself”: Wilentz, Bob Dylan in America.
“a musical magician”: AE, “What’d I say.”
“I ain’t going”: Ibid.
muddy field: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“the rhythm”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“or rather”: Ibid.
“like an animated”: Ibid.
“there had never been”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“We’re from”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Just put”: Ibid.
“because they figured”: Ibid.
“creating these weird”: Ibid.
“singing in the”: Ibid.
“My God!”: Ibid.
“I’m terribly”: Ibid.
same studio in Atlanta: www.jazzdisco.org.
Star Records: en.Wikipedia.org/Professor_Longhair.
and His New Orleans Boys: www.jazzdisco.org.
Roy Byrd: encyclopedia.stateuniversity.com.
Selective Service Act: en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Training_and_Service_Act_of_1940.
“male alien who”: Letter from Welsh to AE, November 22, 1948, AE Archive.
three more letters: Letter from Welsh to AE, February 23, 1949, AE Archive.
“not now entitled”: Letter from Welsh to AE, March 29, 1949, AE Archive.
“that is, your”: Ibid.
“draft holiday”: www.history.com—Peacetime Conscription.
“continue my studies”: AE, Undated letter, AE Archive.
his political views: en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Heimann.
“Dr. E. Heimann”: Examination Booklet, January 30, 1951, AE Archive.
“Please explain”: Letter to AE from Nesuhi Ertegun, November 21, 1952, AE Archive.
“preference immigrant”: Undated letter to Sadi Koylan from M. M. Notkins, Levitt, Rosenberg, Stone, and Notkins, AE Archive.
On June 8, 1953: Letter to AE from United States Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, June 8, 1953, AE Archive.
“Although Ray”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“I remember when”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
$4,880: AE, Withholding Statement, W-2 Form, 1950, AE Archive.
“one dollar and”: AE, Document, July 10, 1950, AE Archive.
fathered twelve children: en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Charles.
first began using: Charles and Ritz, Brother Ray.
“in a style modeled”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
the Lotus Club: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“I want a”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“I guarantee”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Done deal”: Ibid.
“Ray Charles, Blind Pianist”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
no hurry: Ibid.
“Ray Charles!”: AE, The Charlie Rose Show, 2/21/05, AE Archive.
“produced four jazz-influenced”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
New York musicians: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“very temperamental”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
spent a week: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“such a small”: Kornbluth, “Ahmet Ertegun.”
“I Know”: Standard Uniform Popular Songwriter’s Contract Agreement, December 14, 1950, AE Archive.
capital letters: Document, AE Archive.
“a flimsy vinyl”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“an eccentric”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“Some people”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“had a great”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“We’d get”: Kornbluth, “Ahmet Ertegun.”
“I wrote teenage”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
setting the tempo: Lydon, Ray Charles.
died three months: en.Wikipeida.org./wiki/Pinetop_Smith.
“Whereas we thought”: AE, Speech for Ray Charles, AE Archive.
Nesuhi called: Gottlieb.
“a very attractive”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
Carl Enstam: AE, Marriage License, January 28, 1953, AE Archive.
a minister: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
eight different movies: www.imdb.com.
“glamour girls”: cgi.ebay.co.uk/Glamour-cigarette-cards-Actresses-Showgirls.
married once before: AE, Marriage License, January 28, 1953, AE Archive.
After studying drama: http://library.uncg.edu/Women’sVeteransHistoricalCollection, Oral History Interview with Coralee Burson Davis.
mental cruelty: AE, Marriage License, January 28, 1953, AE Archive.
Hodgkin’s disease: http://library.uncg.edu/Women’sVeteransHistoricalCollection, Coralee Burson Davis Collection.
Hartford Agency composite: Document, AE Archive.
in a photograph: Photo, Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“did stage sets”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“a nice apartment”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“When they”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“artist”: AE, Marriage License, January 28, 1953, AE Archive.
Sadi Koylan: Marriage Certificate, February 6, 1953.
Charles Addams: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003.
“finally found an”: Ibid.
“She then became”: Ibid.
“They got married”: Bienstock.
“getting very tan”: Letter to AE from Jan Holm, July 23, 1954, AE Archive.
“He used to be”: Hughes.
“When I was”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“He told me then”: Goksel.
“It was difficult”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“decided to separate”: Ibid.
“She said”: Ibid.
“a good friend”: Bienstock.
“I was very”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“After Jan and I”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“who had”: Mica Ertegun.
Ray Charles would: Atlantic: Hip to the Tip.
“Are you coming”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“What are”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 23, 2003, AE Archive.
“Tokyo Rose”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“If the distributors”: Bienstock.
“as coldly neutral”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“Herr Doktor”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“Nein, nein”: Ibid.
“ ‘Oh, this’ ”: Ibid.
opera singer: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Dowd.
“He was”: Bienstock.
“In those days”: Kornbluth, “Ahmet Ertegun.”
“What tools”: Tosches, Unsung Heroes of Rock ’n’ Roll.
“Hell, if you’re”: Ibid.
“began to approach”: Ibid.
“Jesse Stone”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“like people”: Ibid.
“In half an”: Ibid.
“I listened”: Tosches, Unsung Heroes of Rock ’n’ Roll.
“based on”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“was all wrong”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“With Jerry”: Smith, Off the Record.
“When I left”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Everyone was worried”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“considered them”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“Being your”: Ibid.
“guru”: Ibid.
“Ackerman said”: Stein.
“an ecstatic Marxist”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“always a flaming”: Ibid.
“Gerald is”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“I’ve never”: Ibid.
“oedipal implications”: Ibid.
“Freud, shmeud”: Ibid.
“an affinity for”: Ibid.
“I was the only”: Holland, “I Met Everybody in the Business.”
“Rhythm and blues is”: Wexler, Interview by McFarland and Titus, KKSU.
“because she”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“fell into”: Ibid.
“about our craft”: Wexler, Speech for Jesse Stone, Urban League Dinner, Orlando, Florida, 1996.
“always looked on”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“If I was”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“ravening fear”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“We were very similar”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“little playlets”: Ibid.
“two ‘Miss Fines’ ”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“The road trips”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“do you no good”: Cohodas, Spinning Blues into Gold.
“He was like”: Chess.
“the New York Jews”: Ibid.
“poured them out”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“chaya”: Ibid.
“The Chess brothers”: Ibid.
“ ‘Listen, motherfucker’ ”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“Ahmet used to”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“I can’t bother”: Cohodas, Spinning Blues into Gold.
“If his records”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“was a good friend”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“I liked Leonard”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“Get the fuck”: Cohodas, Spinning Blues into Gold.
“a steady”: Ibid.
“Motherfucker”: Ibid.
“It’s fashionable to”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“We weren’t”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“The Basie Band”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“the toughest”: Ibid.
“shouldn’t be”: Ibid.
“Okay, if you”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“For four”: Ibid.
“All right, cuz”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“I threw a”: Tosches, Unsung Heroes of Rock ’n’ Roll.
“the perfect record”: Ibid.
“a story of”: Marcus, “Atlantic Records 1947–54,” quoted in “What’d I Say.”
“a great actor”: Ibid.
“their heads off”: Ibid.
“a flashy”: Ibid.
“still sounds”: Ibid.
“These guys”: Paul Wexler.
“very inexpensive motel”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“I’ve got something”: Ibid.
“stunned”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“an amazing succession”: Ibid.
“anxious stream”: Ibid.
“had found”: Ibid.
“The record blended”: Ibid.
“a sing-along”: Ibid.
“It was a real”: Ibid.
“quick mimic”: Ibid.
“played a”: Ibid.
“Totally focused”: Ibid.
“followed the news”: Ibid.
“Ahmet looked upon”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“Herb’s Back”: News from Atlantic press release, April 25, 1955.
“the bobby soxers”: Cohen, Machers and Rockers.
“Up-to-date”: Ibid.
“You can’t”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“So, foolish”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“exasperation and exacerbation”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“Nesuhi was the”: Hentoff, quoted in AE, “What’d I Say.”
“let us decide”: Ibid.
“they knew Nesuhi”: Ibid.
“There was also”: Ibid.
“moldy fig”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“That was”: Ibid.
“When Herb”: Bienstock.
“Herb came”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“an absolutely”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“He fancied himself”: Ibid.
“Herb lost”: Bienstock.
“I think Herb”: Gottlieb.
“never knew”: Abramson.
“Herb was”: Confidential Author Interview.
“He came back”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“She was very”: Bienstock.
“To this point”: Ibid.
“to prove that”: Gillett, Making Tracks.
“It behooved us”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“The Ahmet Ertigons”: Louis Sobol, “New York Cavalcade,” New York Journal-American, November 20, 1957.
“the muse for”: Bienstock.
“the cool all-American”: Time, December 22, 1961.
“The girls I was”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“Ahmet and I”: Julio Mario Santo Domingo.
“Welcome home”: Confidential Author Interview.
“In those days”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“Aston Martin”: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“I think I was”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“I made a”: Ibid.
“and a band”: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“Of course”: Ibid.
“No future history”: Herb Abramson, Cash Box, July 28, 1956.
“shout incessantly”: Jackson, Big Beat Heat.
“The baksheesh”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“good enough”: Jackson, Big Beat Heat.
“doing dives”: Abramson.
“a beautiful $80”: Ibid.
“with this beguiling”: Ibid.
“was missing”: Ibid.
“the boys down”: Ibid.
“Principals of Atlantic”: Memorandum from Paul G. Marshall, Marshall & Ziffer, February 11, 1958, AE Archive.
“take place”: Ibid.
“Mr. Youngstein”: Ibid.
“I am”: Marshall.
“Max Youngstein”: Ibid.
“Herb always”: Abramson.
“Jerry was”: Marshall.
“the United Artists”: Ibid.
“Herb didn’t”: Abramson.
“It was”: Ibid.
“Let me tell”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“Herb insisted”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“I had”: Ibid.
“Herb tried to”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“was not for”: Ibid.
“lost all his money”: Ibid.
“I sometimes look”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Herb was”: Letter from Jerry Wexler to Barbara Abramson.
“better material”: www.bobbydarin.net.
“shooting the”: Clark and Robinson, Rock, Roll and Remember.
“Bobby Darin”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“Can you”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“creating a”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“he needed”: Ibid.
“a little”: Ibid.
“because that”: Ibid.
“When I cut”: Darin and Paetro, Dream Lovers.
“I thought”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“It was”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Bobby Darin”: Marshall.
“took a very”: Ibid.
“I wish”: Ibid.
“Well, maybe”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“I know”: Ibid.
“a teen idol”: Darin and Paetro, Dream Lovers.
“What are”: Ibid.
“he was going”: Clark and Robinson, Rock, Roll and Remember.
“As we were”: Ibid.
“Two records”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“Each sold”: Ibid.
“during one”: Billboard, 1/13/58.
“Atlantic’s ‘Money’”: Ibid.
“We started”: Ibid.
“alive and healthy”: Ibid.
“Our pleasant”: Ibid.
“FOR DEEJAYS”: Dannen, Hit Men.
“a lavish”: Barlow, Voice Over.
“around-the-clock”: Ibid.
“play money”: Time, 1/8/59.
“liquid refreshments”: Ibid.
“I was”: Smith, Author Interview.
“They were”: Chess.
“one of”: Barlow, Voice Over.
“I remember”: Chess.
“Ahmet hired”: Marshall.
“in the mob”: Ibid.
“a great breakfast”: Ibid.
“Remember”: Ibid.
“media frenzy”: Barlow, Voice Over.
“When I”: Krasnow.
“Tom Donahue”: Ibid.
“When I read”: Marshall.
“Therefore the”: Ibid.
“a very”: Ibid.
“the crime”: Ibid.
“people had”: Ibid.
“never talk”: Ibid.
“In the”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“Immediately a”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“the grunts”: Ibid.
“dance-craze”: Ibid.
“unwanted choruses”: Ibid.
“they had”: Ibid.
“the dance”: Ibid.
“the life”: Ibid.
chills: Ibid.
“a fortune”: Ibid.
“the label’s”: Ibid.
“a singer”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“stuck in”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“soulless corporation”: Ibid.
“exceptional”: Ibid.
“emotionally”: Ibid.
“We felt”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“the guy”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“I would”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“Seventy-five cents”: Ibid.
“Afterwards”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“I worked”: Paul Wexler.
“He was”: Babitz.
“I fell in love”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“find his way”: Mick Brown, Tearing Down the Wall of Sound.
“a natural gift”: Ibid.
“terrific fear”: Leiber and Stoller with Ritz, Hound Dog.
“was frightened”: Ibid.
“I’d never”: Mick Brown, Tearing Down the Wall of Sound.
“one hundred”: Ibid.
“a natural hit”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“going to come”: Mick Brown, Tearing Down the Wall of Sound.
“I don’t know”: Marshall.
“Phil went”: Ibid.
“We got”: Ibid.
“Let me”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“That’s terrific”: Mick Brown, Tearing Down the Wall of Sound.
“fabulous”: Ibid.
“Are you”: Ibid.
“some new”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“That’s the”: Ibid.
“succumbed to”: Ibid.
“Ahmet loved”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“Even in those”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“Ahmet brought”: Richards, Author Interview.
“a natural”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“so sad”: Mica Ertegun.
“At the end”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“the little”: Mica Ertegun.
“very caring”: Ibid.
“very busy”: Ibid.
“pathological”: Turda, “To End the Degeneration of a Nation.”
“Of course”: Mica Ertegun.
“was shoved”: Ibid.
“the Dolder”: Ibid.
“we wouldn’t”: Ibid.
“tried to”: Ibid.
“I put”: Ibid.
“very rich”: Ibid.
“some money”: Ibid.
“We had”: Ibid.
“it was”: Ibid.
“I was”: Ibid.
“If you”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“nearly split”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet adored”: Ibid.
“was against”: Ibid.
“I do not”: Undated letter from Mica Ertegun to AE, AE Archive.
“Mica is”: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“We began”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“he was”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“I really”: Pigozzi.
“a dance floor”: Wolfe, The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby.
“laying fives”: Ibid.
“a few socialites”: Ibid.
“sailors, leather-jacketed”: Gelb, “Habitues of Meyer Davis Land Dance the Twist.”
“fund-raising”: Ibid.
“a hundred”: Wolfe, The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby.
“and I remember”: Mica Ertegun.
“Café society”: Gelb, “Habitues of Meyer Davis Land Dance the Twist.”
“a dance crowd”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“had never”: Ibid.
“She did”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“When Jerry”: Ibid.
“begun moving”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“the business”: Ibid.
“If you didn’t”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Ahmet and I”: Marshall.
“began laughing”: Ibid.
“The first”: Ibid.
“if someone”: Ibid.
“A couple”: Ibid.
“I was not”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“In the”: Stoller, RS staff interview.
“automatically started”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“hit a”: Ibid.
“Smash!”: Leiber, RS staff interview.
“At that”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Mr. Lust”: Ibid.
“Mr. Disorderly”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“relaxed and friendly”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Fine”: Ibid.
“the big falling”: Ibid.
“took offense”: Ibid.
“George was”: Stein.
“his destructive”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“out of”: Leiber and Stoller with Ritz, Hound Dog.
“Red Bird was”: Ibid.
“who would”: Ibid.
“Can you”: Stein.
“Who needs”: Leiber and Stoller with Ritz, Hound Dog.
“We’re hardly”: Ibid.
“With the”: Ibid.
“it was”: Ibid.
“I didn’t”: Ibid.
“Him and”: Ibid.
“Can you”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“There was”: Ibid.
“truly upset”: Mica Ertegun.
“That was”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“mishandled”: Ibid.
“There are”: Ibid.
“It is”: Leiber and Stoller with Ritz, Hound Dog.
“The Mafia”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Morris looked”: Marshall.
“He invited”: Mica Ertegun.
“I brought”: Krasnow.
“silent partners”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“a favor”: Ibid.
“We were”: Ibid.
“Bert knew”: Marshall.
“amateur”: Ibid.
“they had”: Ibid.
“enormous respect”: Ibid.
“of any”: Ibid.
“I didn’t”: Ibid.
“set up”: Author Interview.
“some mobsters”: Ibid.
“orchestrated”: Ibid.
“obsession with”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“The breach”: Marshall.
“When the”: Author interview with anonymous.
“I know”: Douglass.
“I think”: Mica Ertegun.
“After Sonny”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“Dedicated to”: George Frazier, “The Art of Wearing Clothes.”
“buys ready-made”: Ibid.
“somehow came”: Ibid.
“he promptly”: Ibid.
“Ahmet and”: Bienstock.
“the man”: Richards, Author Interview.
“There were”: Stone.
“Greene and Stone wore”: Goodman, The Mansion on the Hill.
“Greene and Stone were”: McDonough, Shakey.
“around Manhattan”: Goodman, The Mansion on the Hill.
“short and”: Stone.
“living with”: Ibid.
“wrote this”: Ibid.
“just wanted”: Ibid.
“We play”: Ibid.
“were five”: Ibid.
“with the radio”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“How can”: Ibid.
“and he”: Ibid.
“young man”: Ibid.
“came up”: Stone.
“We said”: Ibid.
“No problem”: Ibid.
“Doesn’t bother”: Ibid.
“So we”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Ibid.
“Charlie and”: Ibid.
“had great”: Ibid.
“He said”: Ibid.
“the greatest act”: Ibid.
“Only two”: Ibid.
“We told”: Ibid.
“They saw”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, Jerry”: Ibid.
“a giant party”: Ibid.
“play at this”: Ibid.
“It was”: Stone.
“rather Shakespearean”: Altham, “Sonny and Cher Get Even.”
“My dear”: Schmidt, “Cher’s Fashion History.”
“And the”: Ibid.
“very tall”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“looked as”: Ibid.
“Oh”: Ibid.
“I’ll only”: Ibid.
“the only”: Ibid.
“a good”: Ibid.
“a cross”: Ibid.
“You know”: Ibid.
“Listen”: Ibid.
“I was”: Ibid.
“What are”: Ibid.
“Yes, you”: Ibid.
“Who is”: Ibid.
“And in”: Stone.
“unless it”: Ibid.
“had people”: Ibid.
“Sonny became”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“an $18,500”: McDonough, Shakey.
“Sonny was”: Stone.
“locked up”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, I’ve”: Ibid.
“We went”: Ibid.
“to make”: Ibid.
“something like”: Ibid.
“in various”: Hirschfield.
“‘I’m raising’”: Stone.
“When Ahmet”: McDonough, Shakey.
“We talked”: Stone.
“very special”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“A nice”: McDonough, Shakey.
“could sing”: Ibid.
“music business”: Ibid.
“best band”: Goodman.
“We were”: Priore, Riot on Sunset Strip.
“Overwhelmed by”: McDonough, Shakey.
“they quickly”: Ibid.
“outrageously stoned”: Goodman.
“They said”: Stone.
“I’ll never”: AE, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Speech for Neil Young, AE Archive.
“Neil Young”: Stone.
a royalty statement: Long, “A Brief History of Buffalo Springfield.”
“At one”: AE, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Speech for Neil Young, AE Archives.
“What they did”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“When the”: Stone.
“Stephen’s poetry”: McDonough, Shakey.
“a great musician”: Ibid.
“wanted to”: Ibid.
“You’re ruining”: Goodman.
“full of”: McDonough, Shakey.
“They were”: Stone.
“a musician’s”: McDonough, Shakey.
“knows music”: Ibid.
“Ahmet always”: Ibid.
“The Sunset”: Priore, Riot on Sunset Strip.
“ingesting hallucinogens”: Ibid.
“Hey, I just”: Stone.
“So we”: Ibid.
“Yes, you do”: McDonough, Shakey.
“The guys”: Stone.
“No, man”: Ibid.
“captured the”: McDonough, Shakey.
Jackie Kennedy: Reeves, http://streetsyoucrossed.blogspot.com/2007/10/lets-swim-to-moon-uh-huh.html.
bikers who: Ibid.
“When they”: McDonough, Shakey.
“Dewey Martin”: Stone.
“Otis was so”: Medious.
“Nescafe”: Rebennack.
“that he liked”: Werbin, “The Big M Is Taking Care of Business.”
“kinda like”: McDonough, Shakey.
“Otis Redding”: Stone.
“I never”: McDonough, Shakey.
“Ahmet used”: Stone.
“They were”: Ibid.
“Greene and Stone”: McDonough, Shakey.
“called Wexler”: Stone.
“ ‘Listen, I’ll’ ”: Ibid.
“Charlie and I”: Ibid.
“didn’t want”: Ibid.
“It was”: Flom.
“ ‘This record’ ”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Stone.
“You will”: McDonough, Shakey.
“They had”: AE, Unidentified video interview, AE Archive.
“Stephen and”: Nash.
“I had”: McDonough, Shakey.
“We were”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“something of”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“What the”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“It was”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“I didn’t”: Bienstock.
“between two”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“I represented”: Marshall.
“I had”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Wexler was”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“In the”: Mica Ertegun.
“could have”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“whose wife”: Hirschfield.
“to meet”: Ibid.
“very anxious”: Ibid.
“mainly regarding”: Ibid.
“the white”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“had every”: Ibid.
“Some of”: Ibid.
“been paying”: Ibid.
“who loved”: Ibid.
“the point”: Ibid.
“I said”: Ibid.
“I explained”: Ibid.
“there was”: Ibid.
“and literally”: Ibid.
“That was”: Ibid.
“the earnings”: Ibid.
“Jerry and”: Ibid.
“Ahmet”: Ibid.
“has its”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“I have”: Ibid.
“My end”: Ibid.
“Jerry Wexler”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, April 22, 2003, AE Archive.
“Here’s a”: Nash.
“It was”: Ibid.
“We all”: Ibid.
“In the”: Goodman.
“were morally”: Zimmer and Diltz, Crosby, Stills & Nash.
“was really”: Ibid.
“reached in”: Nash.
“Ahmet was”: Stigwood.
“was that”: Zimmer and Diltz, Crosby, Stills & Nash.
“because we”: Ibid.
“King David”: Goodman.
“the rudiments”: King, The Operator.
“rockoids”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“Get the”: King, The Operator.
“My God”: Lewis, Academy All the Way.
“love at first”: Ibid.
“Our relationship”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“he was”: Lewis, Academy All the Way.
“Clive said”: Ibid.
“Ahmet knew”: Goodman.
“They made”: AE, Author Interview, 3/11/88.
“Look, I”: Clive Davis with Willwerth, Clive.
“The group”: Ibid.
“Ahmet stole”: Goodman.
“That’s pretty”: Lewis, Academy All the Way.
“Ahmet, you must”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, you gotta”: Stills, RS staff interview.
“Yessir, we’re”: Sander, Trips.
Music from: Ibid.
“Guess they”: Ibid.
“This guy”: Nash.
“At that”: Ibid.
“Everybody is”: Sander, Trips.
“Did you”: Nash.
“They’re going”: King, The Operator.
“Absolutely, there”: Nash.
“We ought”: King, The Operator.
“But, Ahmet”: Ibid.
“Neil and”: Nash.
“concert price”: Sander, Trips.
“and family”: http://garyburdenforrtwerk.com/archives/51.
“beautiful paper”: Ibid.
“a family-operated”: Ibid.
“Fucking artist”: Burden.
“That group”: Sander, Trips.
“Paul McCartney”: Ibid.
“That’s a”: Holzman, lefsetz.com/wordpress.
“I wonder”: Sander, Trips.
“Who is”: King, The Operator.
“really drunk”: McDonough, Shakey.
“Neil”: Ibid.
“Ahmet’s here?”: Ibid.
“All right!”: Ibid.
“CSN signed”: Nash.
“What’s the”: Author Interview (confidential).
“loved him”: Ibid.
“always respected”: Ibid.
“complaining bitterly”: Ibid.
“You fucking”: Ibid.
“That was”: Ibid.
“the sound”: Blackwell.
“The key”: Ibid.
“popped”: Ibid.
“for no”: Ibid.
“because we”: Ibid.
“thought”: Ibid.
“this little”: Stone.
“Stevie Winwood”: Ibid.
“sounded like”: AE, The Charlie Rose Show, 2/21/05, AE Archive.
“there was”: Ibid.
“Wilson”: Ibid.
“My guitarist”: Ibid.
“this kid”: Ibid.
“You really”: Smith and Fink, Off the Record.
“He’s fabulous”: Ibid.
“So Stigwood”: Ibid.
“I took”: Stigwood.
“He wanted”: Ibid.
“pretended he”: Ibid.
“Just coincidentally”: Ibid.
“and put”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“utterly amazed”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“in terms”: Ibid.
“musicians”: Ibid.
“dropped a”: Stigwood.
“Basically”: Ibid.
“Cream was”: Wenner, “Rolling Stone Interview with Phil Spector.”
“We were”: Stigwood.
“Look, I’ve”: Bruck, Master of the Game.
“You mean”: Ibid.
“Yeah, man”: Ibid.
“who or”: Newsham, Once in a Lifetime.
“Give us”: Bruck, Master of the Game.
“particularly knew”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“got a”: Ibid.
“he just”: Ibid.
“So they”: Ibid.
“hotheaded”: Ibid.
“I’m a”: Ibid.
“Well”: Ibid.
“Remember you”: Ibid.
“Sheldon”: Holzman.
“That’s the”: Ibid.
“played his”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“a hell”: Ibid.
“thick Americans”: Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods.
“the exact”: Atlantic Press Release, www.ledzeppelin.com.
“shaken hands”: Blackwell.
“It was”: Ibid.
“I signed”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“I went”: Carson.
“the Ingram”: Ibid.
“Having worked”: Curbishley.
“Even though”: Robinson, Author Interview.
“in the”: Curbishley.
“Then gradually”: Ibid.
“Zeppelin was”: Carson.
“Zeppelin had”: Medious.
“the wickedest”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleister_Crowley.
“a misunderstood genius”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boleskine_House.
“Ahmet and”: Medious.
“Ahmet had”: Curbishley.
“Ahmet was”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“throw out”: Ibid.
“It all”: Curbishley.
“Page was”: Ibid.
“When Grant”: Ibid.
“The lifestyle”: Ibid.
“Right in”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“It was”: Smith and Fink, Off the Record.
“the most”: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“We had”: Ibid.
“Ahmet got”: Rudge.
“Mick and”: Krasnow.
“was in”: Chess.
“We talked”: Ibid.
“I used”: Greenberg.
“marvelous relationship”: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“a terrific”: Ibid.
“all the color”: Wade, “The Godfather of Rock and Roll.”
“Ahmet had”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“very deliberately”: Holzman, Follow the Music.
“Mick”: Ibid.
“I have”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“Ahmet was”: Holzman, Follow the Music.
“Columbia was”: Clive Davis with Willwerth, Clive.
“a staggering”: Ibid.
“I think”: Richards, Author Interview.
“Whenever I”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“I felt”: Chess.
“I think”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“a very”: Johns.
“was struggling”: Ibid.
“It was”: Wade, “The Godfather of Rock and Roll.”
“During this”: Rudge.
“I don’t”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“It is”: Ibid.
“Ahmet said”: Gefffen, Author Interview.
“Wexler was”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“I was”: Greenberg.
“I’m signing”: Ibid.
“the odd”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“France is”: Ibid.
“It didn’t”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“You’re not”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“We have”: Ibid.
“If we”: Ibid.
“Ahmet is”: Ibid.
“That was”: Ibid.
“We are”: Ibid.
“I know”: Faithfull with Dalton, Faithfull.
“There’s only”: Ibid.
“some guarantee”: Ibid.
“We brought”: Mica Ertegun.
“I was”: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“standing there”: Pompili.
“Keith was”: Flom.
“was keen”: Wyman, Rolling with the Stones.
“We had”: Richards, RS staff interview.
“I was with”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“It was”: Rudge.
“Mick and Keith”: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“a good”: Ibid.
“It’s one”: Ibid.
“Mick Jagger?”: Ibid.
“Ahmet brought”: Rudge.
“There were”: AE, Author Interview, 11/72.
“Right now”: Greenfield, S.T.P.
“intuition told”: Capote.
“would not”: Ibid.
“they were”: Ibid.
“Ahmet and”: Ibid.
“lolled in”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“She never”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003.
“Oh well”: Frears, “Gotham Satyricon.”
“Dollink, ven”: Greenfield, S.T.P.
“And when”: Hughes.
“It’s encompassing”: Lichtenstein, “Mick Jagger, 29.”
“a Felliniesque”: Ibid.
“like a”: Ibid.
“It was”: Medious.
“It’s a”: Lichtenstein, “Mick Jagger, 29.”
“Society finally”: Greenfield, S.T.P.
“Ahmet and”: Rudge.
“a very close”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“And what”: Ibid.
“Because we”: Sheffield, “How the Rolling Stones Got their Bitch Back.”
“I suppose”: Wyman, Rolling with the Stones.
“to please”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“a stupid”: Ibid.
“supposed to”: Ibid.
“I said”: Ibid.
“I thought”: Ibid.
“had no”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Ahmet”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Ahmet, you’re”: Ibid.
“vulgar and”: Wyman, Rolling with the Stones.
“an insult”: Ibid.
“We do”: Ibid.
“everybody you”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Ahmet was”: Rudge.
“He used”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“like my”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“a great”: Ibid.
“and say”: Ibid.
“just go”: Ibid.
“Scared to”: Ibid.
“a sea”: Ibid.
“I thought”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“quite to”: AE, “What’d I Say.”
“Oh man”: Ibid.
“started to”: Ibid.
“On the”: Ibid.
“And suddenly”: Ibid.
“we all”: Ibid.
“That man”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“pushy”: Ibid.
“I shouted”: Ibid.
“big trouble”: Ibid.
“a thousand”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Jerry Wexler, Author Interview.
“I don’t”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“Familiarity breeds”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“It always”: Rudge.
“Mick is”: Ibid.
“I was”: Geffen, RS staff interview.
“It’s about”: Morris.
“He plays”: Goodman.
“I’m telling”: Ibid.
“Ahmet looked”: Geffen, RS staff interview.
“I thought”: King.
“kind of”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“We’re going”: King.
“be number”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was involved”: Geffen, RS staff interview.
“Ahmet was unbelievably”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“very congenial”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“In many”: Ibid.
“We bought”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“regarded as”: Smith, Author Interview.
“They lined”: Ibid.
“OK, David”: King.
“Well, if”: Ibid.
“You stole”: Ibid.
“You’re an”: Ibid.
“You agent!”: Ibid.
“enormous temper”: Smith, Author Interview.
“We can’t”: King.
“I’m outta”: Ibid.
“I couldn’t”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“I had”: Smith, Author Interview.
“What happened”: Ibid.
“Jerry was”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“I was”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“David said”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, May 1, 2003, AE Archive.
“We have”: King.
“been frightened”: Ibid.
“Jerry Wexler”: Ibid.
“mutiny was”: Ibid.
“One day”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“How can”: King.
“Now come”: Ibid.
“This is”: Ibid.
“much more”: Greenberg.
“Mel goes”: Ibid.
“I don’t”: Ibid.
“Steve, I’ve”: Ibid.
“The next”: Ibid.
“So then”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Ahmet never”: Ibid.
“By the”: Ibid.
“another lady”: Ibid.
“There’s got”: Ibid.
“for a”: Ibid.
“beautiful in”: Ibid.
“Look at”: Ibid.
“David, what”: Ibid.
“Of course”: Ibid.
“We never”: Ibid.
“That was”: Ibid.
“one of”: Stevenson, “Geffen Records Sold to MCA.”
“When I”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“Are you”: King.
“couldn’t slip”: Greenberg.
“viewed as”: Ibid.
“For me”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“The problem”: Smith, Author Interview.
“Under no”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“Man, you”: Ibid.
“One of”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“When I”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“Ahmet sees”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“He Meant”: Ibid.
“There was”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“Jerry called”: Hochberg.
“they didn’t”: Paul Wexler.
“At the”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“an extremely”: Ian Frazier, Author Interview.
“style was”: Hertzberg, “Swift.”
“was the”: Ibid.
“jazzy, telegraphic”: Ibid.
“as a cultural”: Ibid.
“George went”: Ian Frazier, Author Interview.
“blue suit”: Graham and Greenfield, Bill Graham Presents.
“looked like”: Ibid.
“I knew”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, may”: Ibid.
“I would”: Ibid.
“beat the shit”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“five or six”: AE, Author Interview, 3/11/88.
“took one”: Ibid.
“minor record”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“a striking”: Ibid.
“Yah. They”: Ibid.
“But I”: Ibid.
“one at”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“looked ravaged”: Ibid.
“Such a”: Ibid.
“a burlesque”: Ibid.
“A lot”: Ibid.
“What do”: Greenberg.
“There was”: Ian Frazier, Author Interview.
“and closed”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Kincaid.
“I wouldn’t”: Ibid.
“When it”: Ibid.
“First and”: Ian Frazier, Author Interview.
“He must”: Trow, “Profiles.”
“We’ll give”: Ibid.
“sound business”: Ibid.
“If you’re”: Ibid.
“chintzy”: Ibid.
“You know”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“You’re responsible”: King.
“Don’t be”: Ibid.
“And he didn’t”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“Oh, David”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“who liked”: Ibid.
“wound up”: Ibid.
“had a huge”: Ibid.
“He said”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“simply get”: Ibid.
“a metropolis”: Wolcott, “Splendor in the Grit.”
“the tourists”: Ibid.
“getting back”: Ibid.
“I like”: New York magazine, title and author unknown, January 15, 1988.
“Ahmet was”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“started lighting”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“I used”: Morris.
“a ten-course”: Wexler and Ritz, Rhythm and the Blues.
“an apparently”: Tobias, “The Middle-Aged Turk of the Pop Music Business.”
“favorite artist”: Ibid.
“Where do”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“And he”: Hughes.
“He was”: Howar.
“For Ahmet”: Ibid.
“He is”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“Clever as”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“Steve had”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“So I”: Ibid.
“no shares”: Ibid.
“at a”: Ibid.
“made a”: Ibid.
“Talk to”: Ibid.
“Ahmet wanted”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“Steve gave”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“Ahmet would”: Greenberg.
“I said”: Ibid.
“a major”: Ibid.
“He said”: Ibid.
“called Steve”: Ibid.
“Is Ahmet”: Ibid.
“I said”: Ibid.
“the record”: Ibid.
“Sheldon Vogel”: Ibid.
“It would”: Ibid.
“It wasn’t”: Grubman.
“a brilliant”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“If you”: Ibid.
“I’m not”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“This is”: Grubman.
“Now, do”: Ibid.
“In those”: Ibid.
“What Steve”: Author Interview.
“I want”: Crowder and Dower, Once in a Lifetime.
“for anybody”: Vecsey, “New Mission for Kissinger.”
“a big”: Emmett, Author Interview.
“Steve told”: Ibid.
“completely hands-on”: Newsham, Once in a Lifetime.
“My God”: Ibid.
“anticorporate”: Ibid.
“with the”: Ibid.
“Ahmet brought”: Ibid.
“and the”: Ibid.
“I knew”: Marsh.
“real job”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“to play”: Ibid.
“There’s a”: Ibid.
“set the”: Ibid.
“slipped badly”: Horowitz, unidentified article, AE Archive.
“I listen”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Why should”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Noreen”: Ibid.
“I was”: Grubman.
“Atlantic Records”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“You couldn’t really”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“When we”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“We were”: Ibid.
“A courtesy”: Ibid.
“approached”: Ibid.
“He said”: Ibid.
“if the”: Ibid.
“We want”: Ibid.
“But you’re an old man”: Suzan Hochberg Evans, Author Interview.
“really didn’t”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Ahmet was so”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“I’ve got it”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“a lot of”: Ibid.
“the forms”: Dr. Lori, “Masters of Architecture.”
“large walkways”: Ibid.
“travel from”: Ibid.
“off-centered”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I._M._Pei.
“a sense”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was delighted”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Ahmet was the”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“deputized”: Ibid.
“Okay, I’ll be”: Ibid.
“In the record”: Ibid.
“nonplussed”: Ibid.
“had changed”: Evans, Ray Charles.
“Some years”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“mightily resisted”: Ibid.
“it was wrong”: Ibid.
“Ahmet wanted”: Krasnow.
“I get”: Ibid.
“And Ross”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: Begle.
“A big”: Begle.
“laid herself”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“entitled to more”: Ibid.
“I truly”: Begle.
“So I”: Ibid.
“I was”: Ibid.
“the smoking”: Ibid.
“We did”: Ibid.
“What they”: Ibid.
“these people”: Ibid.
“awful, terrible”: Ibid.
“I’d spoken”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Ahmet loved”: Begle.
“We went”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“The gala”: Ibid.
“Ahmet could”: Marsh.
“pushing to”: Begle
“a really”: Ibid.
“In a”: Ibid.
“We were”: Marsh.
“The guys”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Ahmet was”: Ibid.
“to what”: Ibid.
“No, they”: Ibid.
“Jerry claimed”: Burke.
“I showed”: King.
“Ahmet had”: Ibid.
“failed stock”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“Is it”: Ibid.
“vicious and”: Ibid.
“There is”: Landau.
“Ahmet was”: Jon Landau e-mail, 6/30/09.
“I really”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“The only”: Ibid.
“Many tried”: Ibid.
“good-natured”: Ibid.
“It was”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“Ruth was”: Begle.
“a little”: Ruth Brown with Yule, Miss Rhythm.
“It’s Ahmet”: Jeske, “Ruth Brown.”
“I just”: Ibid.
“You know, Ruth”: Ibid.
“You know that”: Collins, RS staff interview.
“Ahmet was”: Ibid.
“On more”: Ibid.
“who did”: Pond, “Atlantic’s Birthday Bash.”
“I got”: Lydon, Ray Charles.
“Tell Ray”: Ibid.
“I won’t”: Ibid.
“Don’t”: Ibid.
“Ahmet had”: Kissinger, RS staff interview.
“It was”: Gross, “The Real Sultan of Swing.”
“I tried”: Kissinger, RS staff interview.
“I didn’t”: Wade and Picardie, Music Man.
“had no”: Kissinger, Author Interview.
“Henry, this”: Poole, “Lush Life.”
“Henry Kissinger”: Ibid.
“Mr. Pickett”: Ibid.
“How do”: Shelley Lazar e-mail, 7/27/10.
“I luff”: Ibid.
“I’m a happy man”: Pond, “Atlantic’s Birthday Bash.”
“Dear Jerry”: Document, AE Archive.
“I declined”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“He went”: Greenberg.
“You get”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“all the”: Moran.
“let over”: Ibid.
“The music”: Smith, Author Interview.
“imperially”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“Ahmet stood”: Ibid.
“area of”: Ibid.
“a euphemism”: Ibid.
“Nesuhi put”: Moran.
“loose, undirected”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“With all”: Ibid.
“I don’t”: Ostin.
“be fully”: Letter from Nesuhi Ertegun to Jerry Wexler, 3/20/89.
“some peace”: Ibid.
“Frankly”: Ibid.
“Elegant and”: Anderson, “Nesuhi Ertegun.”
“mother’s favorite”: AE, Eulogy for Nesuhi Ertegun, www.youtube.com.
“Nesuhi was”: Ibid.
“the most”: Morris.
“I’m the”: Greenberg.
“I learned”: Morris.
“amazing”: Ibid.
“Wow, what”: Ibid.
“Ahmet then”: Ibid.
“They had”: Ibid.
“I said”: Ibid.
“So help”: Ibid.
“Oh, here’s”: Ibid.
“Doug and”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“If you”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“Like all”: Ibid.
“genius for”: Ibid.
“Atlantic isn’t”: Ibid.
“I felt”: Ibid.
“Ahmet worked”: Moran.
$600,000: Official Memorandum, Time Warner, September 13, 1991, AE Archive.
“Okay”: Morris.
“the junior”: Ibid.
“not at”: Ibid.
“Tell them”: Ibid.
“What do”: Ibid.
“Well”: Ibid.
“In the”: Ibid.
“George Bailey”: Bruck, Master of the Game.
“his full”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“appeared to”: Ibid.
“questioned it”: Morris.
“actually made”: Horowitz.
“the label heads”: Ibid.
“The Clash”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“The Showdown”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“an unprecedented”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“We have”: Mica Ertegun.
“was then”: Ibid.
“a reputation”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“blown way”: Ibid.
“merely speculation”: Ibid.
“without merit”: Ibid.
“chairman and CEO”: Ibid.
“Morgado had”: Ibid.
“This isn’t”: Phillips and Hilburn, “Clash of the Titans.”
“We’re coming”: Smith, Author Interview.
“Us bandits”: Ibid.
“DOUG MORRIS”: Cornyn with Scanlon, Exploding.
“I was”: Morris.
“Of all”: Dannen, “Showdown at the Hit Factory.”
“When Morgado”: Holzman, Author Interview.
“Doug wanted”: Moran.
“bumping into”: Morris.
“I talked”: Ibid.
“the most”: Ibid.
“I’m not”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, January 30, 2003, AE Archive.
“Ahmet was”: Hughes.
“before the”: Berman, Naples Museum of Art.
“Ahmet had”: Ibid.
“When Ahmet”: Mica Ertegun.
“corporate in”: Berman, Naples Museum of Art.
“reflect his”: Ibid.
“If Ertegun”: Ibid.
“to assemble”: Ibid.
“he enjoyed”: Ibid.
“with strong”: Ibid.
“compatible”: Ibid.
“the hottest”: “Turkey Trot,” Vanity Fair.
“bread, honey”: Ibid.
“one of”: Ibid.
“later in”: Ibid.
“After dinner”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: Simon.
“Cher loved”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“He was”: Joseph.
“His thing”: Carvello.
“the local mayor”: Jenni Trent Hughes, Author Interview.
“cleaner”: Confidential Author Interview.
“The only person”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, November 13, 2002, AE Archive.
“I don’t think”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“Ahmet had”: Mica Ertegun.
“young Elvis”: Flom.
“that white”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Rock.
“When Twisted”: Flom.
“It was”: Ibid.
“I dragged”: Ibid.
“all sat”: Ibid.
“We did”: Kid Rock.
“proceeded to”: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_Rock.
“he fell”: Ibid.
“I’ll never”: Ibid.
“ ‘I don’t’ ”: Ibid.
“I had”: Ibid.
“I arrived”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet sort”: Landeau.
“They wanted”: Fine.
“running back”: Ibid.
“It was”: Ibid.
“an incredible”: Ibid.
“There was”: Ibid.
“Kid was”: Ibid.
“Ya boys”: Ibid.
“Hot dogs”: Ibid.
“wiped out”: Ibid.
“another”: Ibid.
“I never”: Kid Rock.
“We’re by”: Ibid.
“The villa”: Simon.
“Ahmet hung”: Kid Rock.
“Winston”: Ibid.
“Bette Midler”: Ibid.
“a convention of”: Bennets, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“I’ve never been”: Bette Midler, Author Interview.
“It was”: Ibid.
“Ahmet always”: Robinson, Author Interview, McCormick, “The Gold Lamé Dream of Bette Midler.”
“at this”: Kid Rock.
“and everybody”: Ibid.
“a pretty”: Mica Ertegun.
“to puncture”: Ibid.
“It’s my”: Marsh.
“Ahmet wanted”: Mica Ertegun.
“brilliant and”: Ibid.
“Up to”: AE, Columbia University Oral History Research Office, March 14, 2003, AE Archive.
“I know”: Ibid.
“no withdrawal”: Ibid.
“He must”: “The Man From Atlantic,” The Tatler.
“wisteria”: Mica Ertegun.
“It was”: Ibid.
“He said”: Chantly.
“To me”: Kallman.
“We’re going”: Ibid.
“nappy haircut”: Evangelista, “How Napster Made an Industry Change Its Tune.”
“It was”: Curbishley.
“The Titanic”: Sisario, “Retailing Era Closes with Music Megastore.”
“What made”: Geffen, Author Interview.
“There’s a”: Sisario, “Retail Era Closes with Music Megastore.”
“The basic”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“Little Lansky”: Rich Cohen, “Little Lansky and the Big Check.”
“because I”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“to right-size”: Ibid.
“many, many”: Ibid.
“no one”: Ibid.
“the previous”: Ibid.
“What Ahmet”: Ibid.
“made me”: Ibid.
“not getting”: Flom.
“When Edgar”: Kallman.
“It’s a”: AE, The Charlie Rose Show, 2/21/05, AE Archive.
“made a”: Bardach, “Interrogating Ahmet Ertegun.”
“absolutely crazed”: Howar.
“Mica said”: Ibid.
“Ray was”: Wexler, Author Interview.
“The best”: Hackford, Author Interview.
“Eventually”: Ibid.
“Ahmet Ertegun”: 200 Motels.
“When Ahmet”: Bennetts, “Devil in a Bespoke Suit.”
“He was”: Joseph.
“It was”: Kid Rock.
“in this”: Ibid.
“I’ve never”: Ibid.
“the last”: Kaus.
“Ahmet didn’t”: Ibid.
“at that”: Ibid.
“Ahmet, we”: Ibid.
“They put”: Ibid.
“I knew”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet was”: Pigozzi.
“We spent”: Simon.
“Ahmet came”: Kaus.
“Ahmet was”: Kallman.
“we were”: Landeau.
“I said”: Ibid.
“hometown wedding”: Kid Rock.
“I’m so”: Ibid.
“a well-done”: Kallman.
“sex, drugs”: Ibid.
“could get”: Ibid.
“a full-blown”: Ibid.
“Make sure”: Ibid.
“ ‘Listen’ ”: Ibid.
“The chosen”: www.woodlawncemetery.org.
“made this”: Chantly.
“talk about”: Morris.
“Well, we”: Mica Ertegun.
“Because we”: Ibid.
“Ahmet was”: The Charlie Rose Show.
“I was”: Ibid.
“Feel the”: Richards, Author Interview.
“He asked”: Richards, RS staff interview.
“Ahmet said”: Mica Ertegun.
“Ahmet was”: Dunn.
“Alan Dunn”: Shelley Lazar e-mail, June 19, 2010.
“When I”: The Charlie Rose Show.
“A few”: Mica Ertegun.
“The doctors”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“Mica came”: Ibid.
“We tried”: Landeau.
“The way”: Ibid.
“Dear Ahmet”: Photo, AE Archive.
“ghostly”: Richards, Author Interview.
“Ahmet, never”: Photo, AE Archive.
“beloved boss”: Frances Chantly e-mail, 5/11/10.
“was alone”: Chantly, Author Interview.
“a kind”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“I did”: Bardach, “Interrogating Ahmet Ertegun.”
“It’s suitable”: Young, RS staff interview.
“described some”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“What I”: Ibid.
“We stopped”: Ibid.
“The Islamic tradition”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“Muslims believe”: Lyor Cohen, Author Interview.
“It was the”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“The chauffeur missed”: Mica Ertegun.
“Mica was incredibly”: Wenner, Author Interview.
“When Ahmet”: Landeau.