LUKE STOOD next to the bed, clicking the snap top to the lotion open and closed, taking a few moments to enjoy the sight before him. Lying facedown, Nelson had his cheek resting on his folded arms. His skin was still flushed and glistening from their recent shower. A single drop of water ran from Nelson’s hair down between his shoulder blades, a trail Luke had only moments before followed with his mouth. The taste of Nelson’s clean skin still lingered on Luke’s tongue.
“What are you looking at?” Nelson asked, sounding sleepy.
“You can look all you want while you’re giving me that full-body massage you promised.”
“I always keep my promises, and I plan on working out every kink and sore muscle.” Luke ran the tip of his finger lightly across Nelson’s firm pert asscheek. “Some more than others.”
“Is that so?”
“Oh yeah,” Luke assured him. He climbed onto the bed and straddled Nelson’s thighs. He snapped open the lotion and poured a line down Nelson’s spine.
“Hey!” Nelson yelped.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Was that cold?”
“You know it was,” Nelson grumbled, still squirming beneath him.
Nelson’s movements caused Luke’s cock to brush against the crease of Nelson’s ass setting off a tingling sensation in Luke’s groin. “You keep moving like that and I may not get to all your muscles.”
Nelson went still for a few ticks of the clock, then rose slightly to look over his shoulder at Luke. There was a thoughtful expression on his face, and Luke wasn’t sure which one he wanted more. Skipping the massage and going right to the fucking sounded pretty damn good. However, letting the anticipation build while exploring Nelson’s body sounded awesome too. Hell, either way, it was a win-win situation.
They continued to stare at each other for a brief time, then Nelson laid his head back down and relaxed against the mattress. “I am all yours, masseur.”
Luke ran the palm of his right hand down Nelson’s spine, picking up some of the warmed lotion. He rubbed his hands together before spreading them against Nelson’s back and began working the lotion into his trapezoids and deltoids, kneading the tightness out with a circular motion of his thumbs. Each time Luke hit a spot that made Nelson groan or grunt, he made a mental note of it. Those where the areas that would need the most care.
Only the tiny noises Nelson made from time to time interrupted the silence. It was peaceful and soothing, and yet the heat of Nelson’s body, the smoothness of his creamy skin, ignited sparks along Luke’s nerve endings. If he focused too much on what touching Nelson’s body was doing to his libido, he’d be saying fuck it—literally.
“This feels a lot different than when we did it when we were kids,” Luke commented, needing a distraction.
“I should hope so. I was a scrawny kid.”
“You’re still a runt,” Luke teased. “But now you’re a muscular runt.”
“Some of us weren’t blessed with the Brobdingnagian gene. Ow… ouch.”
Luke froze his thumb over a spot that was beginning to turn purple on Nelson’s right hip. He felt a hard knot just below the skin. “Going to have to work this out. Grit your teeth.”
Luke pressed his thumb against the knot firmly. Nelson cried out, his body tense for a few heartbeats while Luke worked to make the muscle relax. It took several moments before it gave way, and Nelson began to relax.
“Goddamn, that hurt,” Nelson panted.
“Sorry, but I had to. It would have hurt much worse later.”
“I could have done later,” Nelson grumbled.
“You’ll thank me tomorrow,” he assured him. Luke shifted farther down Nelson’s legs to straddle his calves, giving the muscles of his thighs the same attention he’d given Nelson’s back. He found a couple of knots but no bruising. He massaged and inspected Nelson’s calves as well. Satisfied, he went up on his knees. “Roll over.”
“I don’t wanna. I’m comfortable.”
Luke considered swatting Nelson’s ass to get him to comply but instead leaned forward and licked a path from the top of Nelson’s ass crack up his spine. “C’mon, I promise to make it worth your while.”
Nelson shuddered. “But I’d have to move, and then you couldn’t do that again.”
Luke did it again and was rewarded with another shudder from Nelson. “There, I did it again. Now roll over and let me do it to the other side.”
“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Nelson rolled onto his back, his long, slender cock standing tall and erect.
“Hmm, I guess you were enjoying what I was doing to you.”
“You didn’t need to see my dick to know that,” Nelson countered. He crossed his wrists over his chest, taking up a Pharaoh pose.
“Arms over your head,” Luke suggested.
Nelson waggled his brows. “You going to tie me to the bedposts?”
“Only if you want me to, baby.”
Nelson tucked his hands beneath his head. “Maybe another time.”
“Sure. I know you wouldn’t hurt me, and I think it might be kind of fun.”
Luke picked up the bottle of lotion and poured a good amount into his palm. This time he rubbed his hands together, warming the lotion before laying his hands on Nelson’s chest and kneading his pecs. “You ever let anyone do that to you?”
“Nope. You?”
Luke shook his head. “Thought about it, but it’s one of those topics I wasn’t sure how to approach with a one-night stand. Believe it or not, I can be a little shy.”
Nelson’s eyes went wide. “You?”
“Yeah, me. At least when it comes to asking a stranger if I can tie him or her up. That could be taken two ways, ya know. Either very sexy or ‘you fucking perv.’”
“You were with Charlotte for quite a while. How come you didn’t ever ask her?”
“She wasn’t the adventurous type.” Luke pinched Nelson’s nipple, making him squirm. “I don’t want to talk about her or anyone else right now. I want to focus on the here and now. Me and you.”
Nelson’s smile warmed Luke all the way down to his toes. “That works for me.”
THE DUAL sensation surging through Nelson was driving him mad. Luke was working Nelson’s sore muscles with his warm hands , turning part of him into a big pile of contented goo. Yet at the same time, those same ministrations were making his cock ache with need. Each time Luke’s fingers got close to Nelson’s cock, Nelson wanted to beg Luke to stroke it, suck it, anything to relieve some of the pressure that was building. But then Luke would move to a hip, a thigh, a calf, working out each tense muscle, and Nelson would melt into the mattress again.
However, soon enough the madness eased, and Nelson didn’t have to beg because Luke moved farther down Nelson’s body and wrapped his fist around Nelson’s prick. He began stroking it from base to tip. Luke’s tongue left a wet trail across the inside of Nelson’s thigh, and he forgot all about madness, sore muscles, and melting. His only thought was how badly he wanted that perfect warm mouth on him. “How about you put that tongue where your hand is at?” Nelson suggested.
“How about both?”
Nelson’s hips snapped of their own accord as Luke placed a soft kiss to the tip of his cock. Luke looked up at him with heated eyes as he continued to stoke Nelson slowly, snaking out his tongue to tease the tip each time he slid his hand down to the base. A pearl of precome seeped from the small slit, and Luke lapped it up.
“I’d say your cock likes the idea as well,” Luke murmured and licked his lips. He took Nelson’s erection into his mouth, flicking his tongue along the underside as he slowly sucked Nelson’s shaft farther into his mouth. A shudder went through Nelson as Luke took him deep, moving his hand down to caress and squeeze Nelson’s balls.
When his cock hit the back of Luke’s throat, Luke hummed his approval, and Nelson felt the vibration shoot up his spine, and his hands flew to Luke’s head, threading his fingers into his hair, holding on. “Fuck yeah, Luke, suck me.” He snapped his hips forward, the urge to move too strong to ignore. Luke released his hold on Nelson’s sac, taking Nelson’s hips in his big meaty hands, encouraging him to thrust harder and take what he wanted, what he needed.
Oh, and how he needed. He thrust deep into that warm, wet mouth, rutting and groaning, and holy fuck, it felt so goddamn good. Luke slid his hands back to Nelson’s ass, lifting him until Nelson had to plant his knees on the bed. In this new position, Nelson used the power in his legs to thrust even harder, Luke encouraging him with his hands as well as the moans and grunts pouring from him. Luke teased the underside of Nelson’s prick with the tip of his tongue each time he pulled out before slamming back in. On the next snap of his hips, Luke swallowed, and his throat constricted around the head of Nelson’s shaft.
His orgasm suddenly raced through him like a runaway train. Nelson didn’t know where the brakes were and was powerless to use them, even if he did know where they were. “I…. Fuck….” Nelson’s words turned into more of an incoherent animalistic growl, and he was coming, pumping his release down Luke’s throat hard and fast.
Luke apparently didn’t mind that Nelson hadn’t warned him. He swallowed down every drop and then lapped at Nelson, his tongue almost gentle against his still-pulsing prick. Luke pulled back, letting Nelson’s softening cock slide from his mouth. Licking his lips, he placed one last kiss on the tip.
Nelson glanced down with heavy-lidded eyes to watch Luke slide up Nelson’s body until they were face-to-face. Luke leaned forward, nibbling on Nelson’s lips before diving in for a deep, tongue-probing kiss. He tasted himself on Luke’s tongue. The mix of his own essence and Luke’s unique flavor made his flagging cock twitch as if it were seriously thinking how quickly it could be ready for another go-round. Luke kissed him senseless, leaving him panting for more.
“Damn, that was good,” Nelson complimented. “Both the blow job and the body massage.”
“You’re welcome.”
“I’m pretty sure the mattress and I have become one. Don’t think I could move if I wanted to.”
Luke sat back on his calves, exposing his hard prick. He looked down at it, then arched a brow at Nelson. “Your mouth seems to be moving just fine.”
“Yes, it is. You move up here, and I’ll show you just how fine it can move.”
“Oh fuck yeah,” Luke crowed. He moved up to straddle Nelson’s chest. He wrapped his hand around his dick and guided it toward Nelson’s mouth. “Open up, baby.”
Nelson tilted his head up, opened wide, and true to his word showed Luke just how damn fine his mouth was.