How to Be a True Botanist

This much is clear—

have a real understanding of botany,

and know how to name all plants

with intelligible names.

Then, be either of two things:

collectors or methodizers. The first,

concerned primarily with the number

of species of plants.

The second with the arrangement

of plants and nomenclature.

(The amateurs of botany

are those who have produced various

works about botany, though they do

not properly pertain to botanical science:

anatomists, gardeners, physicians,

and miscellaneous, within which fall

economists, biologists, theologians, poets.)

Without fail, studiously seek out

the natural method—of classification.

For this is the beginning and the end

of what is needed in botany. Remember,

nature does not make leaps. All plants exhibit

their contiguities on either side,

like territories on a geographical map.