When I ascend Wallavari, I scarcely know whether I am in Asia or Africa,
the soil, the situation, and every one of the plants being strange to me.
Snowy mountains on every side, and I walk in snow, as if it is severest winter.
All the rare plants I previously met with are here in miniature, and new ones
in such profusion, I am overcome with astonishment. Silky Alchemilla with
fingered leaves, three-toothed Jussiaea, Dillenia of woody stem and purple
flower, Bannisteria, large and ovate, Saxifraga with hairy leaves and creeping
stem, yellow-bearded Pinguicula, blunt Ranunculus with triangular plaited
flowers, flat-podded Hesperis, humble Salix villosa, upright Veronica serpyllifolia.
I look upon all that I have named and see that it is good.