Be sure to leave, as I did, on the day when you turn twenty-five. But first be appointed
by the Royal Academy of Sciences for the purpose of investigating, in this country,
the three kingdoms of Nature. Seize the four hundred daler. Promise to report faithfully on your travels,
and to be useful. Leave at eleven o’clock, on the twenty-third of May, in the year 1732.
Choose the season when nature wears her most delightful aspect, with all of creation
glowing with light and life. When the winter corn is half a foot in height, and the barley
is just shooting out its blade. When the birch and elm have begun to put forth their leaves.
The starting point must be to marvel at all things, even the most commonplace.
In a leather bag, half an ell in length, furnished on one side with hooks and eyes,
so that it may be opened and shut at pleasure, pack the following items: light coat
of Westgothland linsey-woolsey cloth; leather breeches; round wig, green leather cap,
one shirt, two pairs of false sleeves; two half shirts, and a pair of half boots.
Inkstand, pen case, microscope, and spying glass; a gauze cap for protection occasionally
from gnats; a comb; a journal and parcel of paper for drying plants, both in folio.
Pocketbook containing travel papers, and a recommendation from the Academy.
A small fowling piece, as well as an octangular stick, graduated for purpose of measuring.
Set out from Uppsala.
Through the old northern gates, past the burnt palace, and three large sepulchral mounds.
For a quarter of a Swedish mile, walk by fertile cornfields bounded by hills.
Head toward the spacious forests.