
A great big thanks to Bold Strokes for all their amazing support, especially Shelley Thrasher, my editor, for keeping me on point.


This is the first book I’ve written that takes place in my home city, which made researching a lot easier. My Google Maps street view got a bit of a rest. Except for the diner, I’ve tried to keep to real landmarks if possible. There really is a pink painted building called the Palace Arms (soon to be high-rise condos). Trinity Bellwoods does have white squirrels. I’m not sure if they can be called magical, but this is the only place in the city you can find them. And there really is a skating rink underneath the Gardiner Expressway.


I’d like to thank Geoff Dennis for giving me insight into the mind of a chef. Any mistakes or inconsistencies are my own.


And as always, I’d like to thank my readers for giving these stories life in your imaginations.