The amazing bayou country of south Louisiana provides the backdrop for this new series and many of the images I describe in the story. But Saint Catherine Parish, the town of Les Barbes, and the Roux River Bayou exist only in my imagination.

During the writing of this second book, I drew from several resource people, each of whom shared generously from his or her storehouse of knowledge and experience. I did my best to integrate the facts, as I understood them. If accuracy was compromised in any way, it was unintentional and strictly of my own doing. I also made good use of numerous Internet sites relating to idiosyncrasies and customs of the Cajun culture and language.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Retired Commander Carl H. Deeley of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for a wealth of information he’s shared over the past several books. Carl, it’s been fun creating Sheriff Jude Prejean, and I hope I’ve made him to your liking. I prefer showing the human side of my law enforcement characters—glimpses into the person beyond the professional demeanor. You added so much to my understanding.

I want to thank my friend Paul David Houston, former assistant district attorney, for explaining the pitfalls of withholding evidence and helping me understand the crime of moral turpitude. Paul, you’re such a great resource guy! Your thorough, concise, and speedy replies to my questions are so appreciated.

I’d like to express my gratitude to my cousin Mark Phillips and his wife, Kim, former owners of Sedalia House Bed and Breakfast in Sedalia, Missouri, for explaining to me the fundamentals of B and B operations. I hope you enjoy Langley Manor on the pages of this story. This one is for Aunt Carol! Something tells me our two moms are smiling down on us.

I am so thankful to my faithful prayer warriors: my sister Pat Phillips, friends Mark and Donna Skorheim and Susan Mouser; my online prayer team—Chuck Allenbrand, Pearl and Don Anderson, Judith Depontes, Jackie Jeffries, Susie Killough, Joanne Lambert, Adrienne McCabe, Deidre Pool, Kim Prothro, Kelly Smith, Leslie Strader, Carolyn Walker, Sondra Watson, and Judi Wieghat; my friends at LifeWay Christian Store in Tyler, Texas, and LifeWay Christian Resources in Nashville, Tennessee; and my church family at Bethel Bible Church. I cannot possibly express to you how much I value your prayers.

To the retailers and suppliers who sell my books, the church and public libraries that make them available, and the many readers who have encouraged me with personal testimonies about how God has used my words to challenge and inspire you: He uses you to fuel the passion that keeps me creative.

To my agent, Joel Kneedler at Alive Communications. Thanks for all the times you’ve called just to encourage me. And for all the ways you look out for my best interests. Nothing you do goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

To Cris Doornbos, Dan Rich, Don Pape, and the amazing staff at David C Cook Publishers for believing in me and for getting my books into the marketplace. It’s a good partnership. I’m increasingly proud to be part of the Cook “family.”

To my editor, Diane Noble, for graciously granting me extension upon extension so I would have the time to do my best work. Thanks for your insightful and challenging editorial suggestions. I’m always amazed at the ways you see to strengthen the story that never even occur to me. You’re such a joy to work with.

And to my husband, Paul, the other half of my heart, who kept pace with me as I ran this eighteenth race to the finish line. Thanks for cheering me on and pushing me until I got a second wind. We made it—again!

And to my heavenly Father, for pouring out Your lavish mercy on me. May everyone who reads this book see a picture of Your goodness and mercy through the characters I brought to life. Let my words glorify Your name.