I am extremely grateful to the many people who have helped me continue Jocelyn’s adventures. Raising my mug of grog (or rather, root-grog) to each and every one of you.
Especial gratitude to:
Keith and Chenowa Egawa for reading and advice on my Tiger Lily chapters. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Gary Dawes and Loretta Three Irons in the Crow Tribe Education Department. I very much wanted to write Tiger Lily and her people sensitively and with respect. If I have made any errors, the fault is mine.
My fearless editor, Rotem “Mo the Wild Spaniard” Moscovich. It is a joy to be edited by you. Additional thanks to Mary Ann Zissimos, Julie Moody, Karen Sherman, Tyler Nevins, and the rest of the black-hearted rogues at Disney • Hyperion.
John Hendrix, a most talented rapscallion, who surely mixed his ink with blood and sweat (most likely his own) in creating this book’s beautiful artwork and cover.
Emma “Emmy Two-Buckle” Trevayne, Claire “Silvertongue” Legrand, Black Becky Albertali the Oreo Plunderer, and Annie “Big-Fat-Ugly-Bug-Face-Baby-Eating” (and fan of Muppet Treasure Island) Cechini for the sanity-saving calls, texts, FaceTimes, and Gchats. I’d sail with you swashbucklingly fierce ladies anywhere.
Brooks “Blue-Bearded Bartleby” Sherman, a true scoundrel and blaggard. Thank you for always believing I can, and reminding me when I forget.
One-Eyed Walt for making me better at everything I do. Is it too corny to say I’m thrilled to have you as both my co-captain and first mate? It is? Don’t care. I love you.
Red-Handed Hannah. It’s such a privilege to be both your mother and your friend. Thank you for teaching me and inspiring me every day. Sorry about the giant hair-bows. (Not sorry.)
All the indie booksellers who have championed Hook’s Revenge, particularly those that have hosted me and my shenanigans: The Book Bin in Salem, Oregon; Powell’s Books, A Children’s Place Bookstore, and Green Bean Books in Portland, Oregon; Rediscovered Books in Boise, Idaho; Tattered Cover in Denver, Colorado; Mockingbird Books in Seattle, Washington; and The King’s English in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Additional gratitude to the Salem Public Library—which is both my childhood and current library—for lending books and support, and for so often providing me a quiet place to write.
And to you, dear reader. Thank you for joining me here again.