Jet is great fun and he really loves to play.
With his toys and friends he would stay all day.
When playing, there is nothing else on his mind,
than romping, laughing and having a good time.
But sometimes he realizes just a little too late,
that he has to go potty.
Oh no it’s too late!
He makes a mad dash while holding his pants
But that can’t stop the trickle that flows on his hands.
Sometimes at night when it is very late,
Jet is asleep dreaming he's swimming in a lake.
He wakes up to find it wasn't a dream.
His bed is all wet, he didn't keep his sheets clean.
His mother would fuss,
‘Jet, why do you always wait
until you feel it coming, by then it’s too late.'
Now Jet is trying to really make sure
that before the pee comes, he is at the bathroom door.
He is really trying, he wants this to stop.
He doesn't want to be wet or wiping with a mop.
There are many little things he knows he can do.
To make sure these accidents are few.
Now Jet tries to go pee before going to play.
He is determined to stay nice and dry all day.
At night he drinks less and goes one more time.
To wake up wet is not what he has in mind.
So do not feel sad, it happens to others too.
Sometimes the pee just comes and there is nothing you can do.
But try your best to go before it’s too late
Jet no longer gets wet because he is sure not to make that mistake.