The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
About Easter (Peri Pascha) (Melito)
About Easter (Peri Pascha) (Origen)
Acts of the Apostles
Actus Pilati
Aelius Aristides
afikoman (see also matsah)
Agape (love) meal
Agnus Dei. See lamb, paschal
Akiba, Rabbi
Alexandrian Christians
Alfasi, Rabbi Isaac
Alleluia, the
Alon, G.
Amram, Rabbi
Am Yisrael Hai (Fedler, ed.)
Ani Ma’amin (Wiesel)
in the Middle Ages
seen in Holy Week liturgy
Antonius Margerita
Apostolic Tradition (attributed to Hippolytus)
archetypes, historical events assimilated to
Armenian lectionary
Ascension of Christ, celebration of
Shabbat Hagadol
Ash Wednesday liturgy
on Greco-Roman festive meals
Aune, David E.
Babylonian Jews
Babylonian Talmud
Bahr, Gordon
Balin, Carole
Baneth, Edward
preparation for
baptismal font, blessing of
Baumstark, Anton
Beaudoin, Dom Lambert
Ben-Shalom, Ram
Ben Zoma, Rabbi
Bicentennial Passover, The (Klausner)
Birkat Minim (”Benediction of the Heretics”)
bitter herbs (maror; m’rorim)
different meanings for Christians and Jews
B’nei Brak, story of the five Rabbis at
Bokser, Baruch
Bouyer, Louis
Bradshaw, Paul F.
bread (see also matsah)
Bremer, Jan
Breuer, J.
Brown, R. E.
Brown, Raymond
Cantalamessa, Raniero
“Chad Gadya” (Passover song)
Chaim Or Zaru’a
challah, burning of
Chananel ben Amnon, Rabbi
children: Christian, seen as victims of ritual murder
presence at Greco-Roman meals
presence in the Gospels
Chosen People, Israel as
chrism, blessing of
Christ. See Jesus
Christianity (see also individual topics): burning of leaven seen as symbolizing destruction of
early, seen as sister religion to tannaitic Judaism
Haggadah seen as polemic against
in the Middle Ages
Chromatius of Aquileia
Clement of Alexandria
clothing: worn at Greco-Roman festive meals
worn during afikoman ritual
Cohen, Shlomo
Commentary on the Norms for the Liturgical Year
Communism: influence on contemporary Haggadahs
Marxist influence on Finkelstein
Congregation of Sacred Rites
Conservative Judaism
Constantine (emperor)
conversion of Jews, prayer for
conversion of pagans, prayer for
Cooper, Frederick
1 Corinthians: 5:7–8
Corley, Kathleen E.
Corpus Christi: feast of
parallel between “This is my body” and Ha lachma anya
cross, the, Good Friday veneration of
crucifixion of Jesus. See Passion of Christ
Cup of Elijah, as seder symbol
D’Arms, John
Daube, David
Davies, J. G.
Dayyenu (Haggadah poem)
death, of symposium’s main character
death of Jesus. See Passion of Christ
Dentzer, Jean-Marie
dessert: the afikoman seen as a
at Greco-Roman festive meals
Didascalia Apostolorum
Didymus of Alexandria
Dio Chrysostom
Dionysius of Alexandria
Donceel-Voûte, Pauline
Douglas, Mary
“dry bones,” vision of
Dura-Europos Synagogue
Easter (see also Holy Week)
liturgical celebration
in early Christianity
origins in antiquity
seen as early Jewish-Christian dialogue with Passover
setting the date of
Sunday included in the triduum
Easter Monday
Eastern Christianity
Easter Proclamation (Exultet)
Easter Tuesday
Easter (Paschal) Vigil. (see also Holy Saturday)
in the Middle Ages
twentieth century
education, as a role of the symposia
egg, Easter symbolism of
Egypt, Christians in: early celebration of Easter
forty-day fast observed following January 6
Egypt, Jews in: deliverance (see Exodus, the)
talmudic tradition on Passover
Eisler, Robert
Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi
Eliezer, Rabbi
Eliezer of Worms
Elijah, coming of
feminist Haggadah replacement
England, medieval rituals
English language, use in contemporary Haggadahs
Epiphany, baptisms forty days after
eruv chatserot (Sabbath boundary)
eschatology (see also messianism): as context of Joel 3:3
day of God tied to Sukkot
and timing of Easter Vigil ending
Esther, Book of
eucharist, celebration of (see also host, the)
Christ’s institution of
Easter (see also Easter Vigil); fasting prior to
on Holy Thursday
evil, leaven associated with
Exodus, Book of
Exodus, the
story of in the Haggadah
as topic of discourse at seder
Exultet (Easter Proclamation)
Ezekiel, Book of
fasting, in Christian tradition
during Holy Week
fasting, in Jewish tradition
feminist Haggadahs
Finkelstein, Louis
Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler
firstborn, Egyptian, war of the
firstborn of the Israelites
food: served at Greco-Roman festive meals
served at the seder (see also lamb, paschal [pesach]; matsah)
footwashing: in “free church” tradition
Holy Thursday rite
by slaves prior to Greco-Roman festive meals
Forty Hours’ Devotion
“Four Questions” (in the Haggadah)
“Four Sons Narrative, The” (in the Haggadah)
Fourth Lateran Council of 1215
Fredman, Ruth Gruber
Freedom Haggadah for Soviet Jewry
Freedom Seder, The: A New Haggadah for Passover (Waskow, ed.)
Fried, N.
Gallican Church, early
Gamaliel II, Rabbi
instructions for Passover
words against heretics
games, Greco-Roman
Gaon, Amram
General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar (1969)
Genesis, Book of
Gloria, sung at Easter Vigil mass
Gog and Magog, prophecy of
Goldschmidt, Daniel
Good Friday
inclusion in the triduum
in the Middle Ages
twentieth-century revisions
Gospels, the (see also John, Gospel according to); synoptic (see also Matthew; Mark; Luke)
grace, in the Passover seder
Great Sabbath: in early Christianity
Shabbat Hagadol
Great Week (see also Holy Week)
Greco-Roman world
Dura-Europos Synagogue
meal customs
seder related to
women’s place in
Grimes, Ronald
Guéranger, Prosper
Gumbiner, Rabbi Abraham
Gutmann, Joseph
Had gadya (Passover song)
Haggadah(s) (see also seder); dating in relationship to destruction of the Temple
importance of “Great Day”
in Joel 2:30
medieval additions
the midrash as the heart of
modern developments
relationship to sympotic literature
seen as a reflection of Jewish-Christian polemic
Haggadah for Pesach “Am Yisrael Hai” (Fedler, ed.)
Haggadah for the Liberated Lamb (Kalechofsky, ed.)
Haggadah of Passover, The (Regelson, trans.)
Hagodeh far Gloiber un Apikorsim (parody)
Ha lachma anya (“This is the bread of affliction”)
parallel with “This is my body”
Halakhot Pesukot
Hall, Stewart G.
Hallel (see also Psalms); parody
hand washing: before and after Greco-Roman festive meals
as a religious ritual
Hazkarat Nishmot Hakedoshim (“Commemoration of Martyrs”)
Hebrew language, use in contemporary Haggadahs
Hebrews, The Letter to the
Hebrew Scriptures. See Old Testament; individual books by name
heresy, for Jews: medieval Christianity as
Rabban Gamaliel on
Herzl, Theodor
Hippolytus of Rome
Hoffman, Lawrence A.
Holocaust, the, and twentieth-century Haggadahs
Holy Saturday (see also Easter Vigil)
Holy (Maundy) Thursday
in the Middle Ages
reservation of the host
twentieth-century liturgical revisions
Holy Week (see also Easter Vigil; Good Friday; Holy Thursday; Holy Saturday; Palm Sunday)
as “Great Week”
twentieth-century revisions
in the Middle Ages
hors d’oeuvres: at Greco-Roman festive meals
rabbinic custom
Hosea 6:1–6
Hoshannah Rabba (“The Great Hossana”)
host, the
the afikoman matsah seen as sort of
consecration and elevation during Holy Week
desecration of as a medieval charge against the Jews
distribution from reserved sacrament on Good Friday
reservation of on Holy Thursday
Huels, John M., O.S.M.
illustrations: Haggadahs
medieval prayer-book
Improperia (Reproaches), in Good Friday liturgy
incense, with paschal candle
initiation, as a function of the symposium
In Passione Domini, as ancient title for Good Friday
intercessory prayers (orationes solemnes), on Good Friday
Iobacchi, society of
Isaac ben Elijah
Isaac of Vienna, Rabbi
Isaac Or Zarua
Isaiah: 34:5–7
Israel, Reform Judaism on mission of
Israel, State of: Haggadahs
Isserles, Rabbi Moses
Italy, medieval
Jacob the Aramean
Jeremiah, Book of
Jerusalem: significance for Christians
significance for Jews (see also “Next Year in Jerusalem”; Temple, the)
Jerusalem Talmud. See Palestinian Talmud
Jesus (see also Passion of Christ; resurrection of Christ); descent into hell
Last Supper
as the paschal lamb
symbols of in Palm Sunday procession
“Jewish Women’s Haggadah”
Joel, Book of
Johannes de Thilrode
John, Gospel according to
John the Deacon
John XXIII (pope)
Joseph Tov Elem
Joshua 24:2–4
Joshua, Rabbi
Judaism (see also Conservative Judaism; Orthodox Judaism; Reconstructionist Judaism; Reform Judaism; individual topics); liquidation of in Soviet Union
medieval Christianity’s influence on
reckoning of the beginning of day
Justin Martyr
Kaplan, Mordecai
karpas (parsley), use for dipping
Kiddush (K’dushat Hayom)
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kitzingen, Jacob
Klauser, Theodor
Klausner, Abraham J.
lamb, as symbol in Pharaoh’s dream
lamb, paschal (Agnus Dei; Lamb of God)
Jesus as
lamb, paschal (pesach)
date for taking and slaughtering
eating of
eating the afikoman matsah as a remembrance of
substitutions for
Last Supper
Latin language, use in Holy Week liturgies
leaven (see also matsah): burning of
search for and destruction of
Lent (see also Holy Week)
Leshana habaa bi-Yerushalim. See “Next year in Jerusalem”
Levey, Samson
Levine, Lee
Leviticus 6
Leyerle, Blake
Lietzmann, Hans H.
Lucian, on festive meals
Luke, Gospel according to
Machzor Vitry
MacMullen, Ramsay
Maimonides, Moses
Malachi 3
Mann, Jacob
Marcus, Ivan
Mark, Gospel according to
Marmorstein, A.
maror. See bitter herbs
Martin, John
mass. See eucharist
matsah (unleavened bread)
burning of dough
at the paschal meal
removal from table
as symbol of hope for Soviet Jewry
“Matsah of Hope, The” (ritual)
Matthew, Gospel according to
Maundy money
Maundy Thursday. See Holy Thursday
Maximilian (emperor)
McManus, Frederick
meal(s): customs of the Therapeutae
early Christian
in first century B.C.E. mystery religions
Greco-Roman (see also symposia); Jewish (see also seder)
Mediator Dei (Pius XII)
Melito of Sardis (bishop)
Peri Pascha
Melloh, John Allyn
messianism, in Judaism
meaning in removal of leaven
overtones of in Sukkot
significance of the afikoman
Middle Ages, Christian tradition in: Holy Week and Easter ritual
Middle Ages, Jewish tradition in
additions to the Haggadah
Passover ritual
Miriam the Prophet
of Berakhot
seder description
Missal Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II . . .
Mitchell, Nathan
modernity, Judaism’s responses to
monstrance, display of the host
Morris, Sarah
Moses, I. S.
motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini (Pius I)
m’rorim. See bitter herbs
Murner, Thomas
Murray, Oswyn
mystery plays, as para-liturgical
mystery religions
National Conference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ)
national identity, Jewish
National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL)
New Covenant
“new” fire, blessing of
New Haggadah for the Pesach Seder (1941)
New Testament (see also individual books by name)
“Next year in Jerusalem” (Leshana habaa bi-Yerushalim)
Nicea, Council of
normative (paradigmatic) meaning of ritual
North Africa, as center of primitive Christianity
Ofer, Joseph
oils, holy, blessing of
Old Testament (see also individual books by name); readings at Easter Vigil
orationes solemnes (intercessory prayers), on Good Friday
Ordo of 1955. See Restored Rite of Holy Week of 1955
Orthodox Judaism
Palestinian Jews, the Great Sabbath for
Palestinian (Jerusalem) Talmud
Palm (Passion) Sunday
alternative names for
in the Middle Ages
Shabbat Hagadol as a counternarrative to
paradigmatic (normative) meaning of ritual
parousia (second coming)
parsley (karpas), use for dipping
Pascha, celebration of (see also Easter)
paschal candle(s)
paschal meal. See Haggadah(s); lamb, paschal; seder
paschal vigil. See Easter Vigil
“passage,” focus on in the Easter feast
Passion of Christ
accounts in Good Friday liturgy
accounts in Palm Sunday liturgy
bitter herbs identified with
celebration of
Passion Sunday. See Palm Sunday
Passover (see also Haggadah[s]; seder); date for
medieval ritual of
pilgrimage to Jerusalem for
seen as early Jewish-Christian dialogue with Easter
tradition of seen in Easter Vigil readings
Passover Haggadah (Gatzler, ed.)
Passover Haggadah (Goodman, ed.)
Passover Haggadah, A (Strassfeld, ed.)
Passover Haggadah, A (Wiesel and Podwal)
Passover Haggadah, The (Riskin, ed.)
Passover Haggadah, The (Silverman, ed.)
pastoral renewal, as focus of pre-Vatican II liturgical movement
past tense, actions portrayed in
Paul, St. (see also Corinthians)
peace movement, influence on contemporary Haggadahs
Pellizer, Elio
Pentateuch. See Old Testament; individual books by name
Peri Pascha (About Easter) (Melito)
Peri Pascha (About Easter) (Origen)
pesach. See lamb, paschal (pesach)
Peter (fourteenth-century convert from Judaism)
Peter, St., release from jail
satiric description of Greco-Roman meals
Pfefferkorn, Johann
Pierce, Joanne
Pines, Shlomo
Pius I (pope)
Pius V (pope)
Pius XII (pope)
Pliny the Younger
“Poem of the Four Nights,” in the Targumim
“political” hermeneutics, the Haggadah seen as reflection of Jewish-Christian polemic
political movements, influence on contemporary Haggadahs
Pontifical Commission for the General Liturgical Restoration
prayer books, penned by Geonim
prayers, at Greco-Roman symposia
private domain, and the Sabbath boundary
procession(s): role in Easter Vigil ritual
role in Palm Sunday ritual
Protestant Reformation, simplification of Easter season ceremonies
Provençal Jewry
Pseudo-Clementine letters
on date and time for celebration of Easter
Quern quaeritis dialogue
Qumran, excavations at
rabbinic society, table spirituality
Rabbis, the (see also individual Rabbis by name)
rabbit, Easter symbolism of
Siddur Rashi
reconciliation: prayer for during Easter Vigil
rite for on Holy Thursday
Reconstructionist Judaism
Christian view of
Jewish view of
Elijah as harbinger of
represented by the afikoman
State of Israel as Haggadah symbol for
Reform Judaism
Regan, Patrick
Reif, Stefan
Reiner, Leopold
relic, veneration of (see also cross, the)
rememorative mode of liturgical celebration
as element in Holy Week and Easter celebrations
in recitation of the Haggadah
representational mode of liturgical celebration
as element in Holy Week and Easter celebrations
Stations of the Cross
Reproaches (in Good Friday liturgy). See Improperia
Restored Rite of Holy Week (Ordo) of 1955
resurrection, in Ezekiel 37
resurrection of Christ
celebration of as focus of Easter
resurrection of the dead, for Judaism
Reuchlin, Johann
revenge, divine, invocation of in the Haggadah
Reynolds, Roger E.
Riskin, Shlomo
Roman Catholic Church
twentieth-century changes in Easter season liturgies
Roman Missal: revision of 1970
Rome, ancient (see also Greco-Roman world): as center of primitive Christianity
Easter in
Jews and Christians seen as struggling against
removal of leaven seen as symbol for destruction of
Rome, medieval, Holy Week and Easter in
Rosh Hashanah
Rouwhorst, Gerard
Saadiah, Rabbi
Sabbath boundary (eruv chatserot)
sacred time
salvation: meaning for Reconstructionist Judaism
symbols of
Samson bar Tzadok
San Diego Women’s Haggadah, The (Sprague, ed.)
satirical sketches, as source of information on Greco-Roman meal customs (see also Petronius)
Scaliger, Joseph
celebration by Christians during Holy Week
history of paschal meal (see also lamb, paschal [pesach])
symbolism of the afikoman (see also afikoman)
Seder Olam Rabba
“Seder Ritual of Remembrance”
sermons: preached on the Great Sabbath
during the triduum
servitude-and-deliverance paradigm, of Biblical Israel
Shabbat Hachodesh
Shabbat Hagadol (Great Sabbath)
Shabbat Shuvah (“The Sabbath of Return”)
Shalom Neustadt, Rabbi
Shammaites (Rabbinic school)
Shibolei Haleket
Sh’ma and its Blessings
Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute
Siddur Rashi
Sidonius Apollinaris
Silverman, Morris
Simon of Trent
singing, during the seder
Sitz im Leben, of the Psalms
slavery: meaning of in the New Haggadah for the Pesach Seder
servitude-and-deliverance paradigm of Biblical Israel
slaves, role at Greco-Roman meals
social hierarchy/status, importance at Greco-Roman festive meals
social justice, importance for Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism
social movements, influence on contemporary Haggadahs
Soloveitchik, H.
Song of Songs, in Haggadahs
South Africa, 1981 Haggadah
Soviet Jewry
spring, symbols of
spring equinox
Stabat Mater Dolorosa
Stations of the Cross (Way of the Cross)
Stein, Leopold
Stein, Sigmund
Stevenson, Kenneth
story-telling, as part of Passover and Easter
suffering of Christ. See Passion of Christ
Sylvester, St.
of lamb in Pharaoh’s dream
in Palm Sunday procession
Cup of Elijah
symposia, Greco-Roman (see also meal[s], festive, Greco-Roman)
seder related to
symposia, rabbinic, early seders seen as
sympotic literature (see also Athenaeus; Lucian; Petronius); relationship to the Haggadah
tables: use during the seder, removal and return of
use in Greco-Roman dining
Tabory (Tabori), Joseph
Taft, Robert, S.J.
Talley, Thomas J.
Talmud(s) (see also Mishnah)
tannaitic Judaism
Ta-Shma, Israel
Temple, the
history of paschal meal seen as beginning at
interpretations for Passover following
Tenebrae, celebration of
Therapeutae, Egyptian (Jewish ascetics)
“This is my body,” parallel with Ha lachma anya
Three Hours’ Service
Tiberius (emperor)
for holding Greco-Roman festive meals
role in medieval messianism
toasts, at Greco-Roman symposia
Torah, the (see also Old Testament; individual books by name)
transubstantiation, doctrine of
Tridentine Roman Missal
triduum (see also Good Friday; Holy Saturday; Holy Thursday)
Easter Vigil as major liturgical event of in the Middle Ages
evening mass on Thursday seen as beginning of
liturgies of
trinity, Christian, the afikoman seem as alluding to
Trisagion, sung on Good Friday
True Cross, relic of the
Union Haggadah, The: Home Service for the Passover Eve
Union Prayer Book
unitive mode of liturgical celebration
as element in Holy Week and Easter celebrations
Unity of Christians, 1955 Prayer for
Urbach, E.
Urban IV (pope)
Van der Geest, Hans
Vatican II (Second Vatican Council)
Holy Week liturgical changes as result of
Holy Week liturgical changes in years preceding
vegetables, dipping of: into charoset
eliminated from The Union Haggadah
vegetarian Haggadahs
Victor I (pope)
Victor von Karben
vigil, Easter. See Easter Vigil
“Visit to the Sepulchre” (liturgical drama)
Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943
Watcher (Watchman), the
water, blessing of during Easter Vigil
water, image of
Way of the Cross (Stations of the Cross)
wedding feast, described in Matthew 22:11–14
weddings, women at in Greco-Roman world
Werner, Eric
“Who Knows One?” (Passover song)
Wiesel, Elie
William of Norwich
wine: customs at Greco-Roman symposia
mixed in the charoset
place in Greco-Roman world
as synagogue leaders in first century
Yerushalmi, Yosef
Yiddish language: tolerated as the Jewish language in the Soviet Union
use in Haggadahs
Yochebed (mother of Moses)
Yom Kippur
Yose, Rabbi
Yuspa Hahn, Rabbi
Yuspa Shamash, Rabbi
Yuval, Israel
Zechariah 14
Zeitlin, Solomon
zero’a (shankbone)
Zuckoff, Aviva Cantor