Note: Index entries from the print edition of this book have been included for use as search terms. They can be located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.

Breastbone Rub and Thymus-Chest Tap

Cat Stretch

Central Channel and Three Elixir Fields, The

Chi Brushing the Body

Closing the Gate

Deep Wide Squat (The Pylon)

Ear Tug

Egg Nest Ovary Rub

Eye Cup

Eye Roll

Face Stretch

Flushing the Filters

Focus on the Flow of Breath

Focus on the Flow of Energy

Forward Bend and Plunge

Four Standing Postures for Still Standing Chi-Gung

Front Thigh Stretch

Great Tai Chi Circle, The

Head and Neck Sweep

Heating the Cauldron

Horse Stance

Iron Bridge, The

Jade Pearls Testicle Rub

Kidney Rub and Kidney-Adrenal Tap

Lifting the Sky

Long, Slow Spinal Stretch

Neck Rub and Head-Pituitary Tap

Neck Stretch and Head Roll

Palm Breathing

Pelvic Rotation

Pelvic Thrust

Pill Palace

Plucking Stars

Polarizing the Palms

Priming the Pump

Pylon, The

Rib and Waist Side Stretch

Serpent, The, First Form

Serpent, The, Second Form

Seven Chakras, The

Shake the Head and Wag the Tail, First Form

Shake the Head and Wag the Tail, Second Form

Shoulder Roll

Single Palm Pressed to Heaven

Sitting Posture, First Form

Sitting Posture, Second Form

Spinal Twist and Arm Swing, First Form

Spinal Twist and Arm Swing, Second Form

Spooling Energy and Packing It into the Elixir Field

Stoking the Three Burners

Tapping the Celestial Drum

Thanking the Teacher, the Lineage, and the Universal Source

Throat and Thyroid Stretch

Warming the Gate of Life

Wing Flex



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