The trick to cooking Azerothian cuisine is learning to build a proper cooking fire. Start with some kindling and twigs and then . . . What?

Oh. You want to cook these dishes in your oven at home? Well, I suppose that’s reasonable. More than reasonable, really, given that these recipes started as items in a game; it’s only natural that some amount of adjustment was bound to happen during their transformation into real food. In that case, just swing by your local market for some fresh Chimaerok Chops, then take your giant wheelbarrow to the Auction House for a Juicycrunch Carrot, so you can . . . Why are you looking at me like that?

Wait. What do you mean there are no chimaeroks in your world? Seriously, why did you even buy this cookbook if the recipes all rely on ingredients that are imaginary?

Don’t worry. The very reason that you can already imagine what these fictional dishes taste like is because the foods of Azeroth have a basis in our own reality. Just because we are using nonimaginary ingredients and a modern kitchen doesn’t mean we have to settle for anything less than delicious cuisine that evokes the aesthetic of World of Warcraft . The right spices, peppers, salts, vegetables, and meat can make the difference between a dish that leaves a lot to be imagined and one that just might convince you that you’re on the plains of Mulgore after all. If you have access to game meat, great! Want the Lukewarm Yak Roast Broth to taste more unique? Go for some bison meat. New recipes are a perfect excuse to try something you’ve never had before, so go on a quest through your local market.

Despite the impressive globalization of foodstuffs in the modern world, good spices remain one of those items that have retained just a hint of the exotic. Nothing beats a whiff of warm fresh cinnamon or the cool peppery bite of juniper berry. Spices have been treasured throughout the ages, and that connection with history remains with them, giving dishes a richer feeling of authenticity. Don’t be a kitchen noob. Level up your seasoning collection: If you’ve been hoarding the same bottle of ground cinnamon for the last decade, it’s probably time to bin it in favor of some fresh stuff. Experiment with interesting new peppers or various types of salt. It’s an adventure that will likely end with some really tasty foods.