

PREP: 5 minutes

COOKING: 30 minutes

CHILLING: 1 hour

MAKES: 2 servings


Lightly sweetened milk tea is the base mixture in this refreshing beverage. With chewy, honey-flavored pearls at the bottom, it’s halfway to a meal for a human, although it’s just a satisfying snack for someone with the appetite of a pandaren.

5 cups water

5 tea bags (green, black, jasmine, chai, oolong, or your favorite)

1 /2 cup sweetened condensed milk

1 /2 cup milk (yak milk is best, but cow’s milk will work)

1 /2 cup raw sugar

1 /2 cup honey

1 cup cooked boba pearls, made according to packaging

MAKE THE TEA: Pour four cups boiling water over the tea of your choice and allow to steep for about 6 minutes. Remove the teabags, stir in the milks, and chill.

MAKE THE HONEY SYRUP : Combine the sugar and honey with one cup water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. When the sugar has dissolved, leaving you with a thick syrup, remove from heat. Add the boba pearls to this mixture, and let them soak for at least an hour while the tea is chilling.

When you are ready to make the drink, add the chilled tea-milk mixture and a few ice cubes to a cocktail shaker or a tightly sealed jar and shake until everything is mixed. Add several generous scoops of the boba pearls to two glasses, then pour the tea mixture over. Serve with long spoons or wide straws.

COOK’S NOTE : The cooked boba should be enjoyed within three hours of cooking. If you like your tea sweeter, add some of the honey syrup to taste.
