Celebrated by both the Horde and the Alliance, Brewfest is a time to enjoy the fermented fruits of the harvest: pretzels, cheese, and booze! The competing breweries Thunderbrew, Barleybrew, and Gordok all come together outside of the major cities in a bid to outdo each other with their special ales, meads, and beers. Brave adventurers are invited to sit back, take a pull, and sample the finest wares these brewers have to offer.
• Cheddar-Beer Dip
• Essential Brewfest Pretzels
Hallow’s End promises tricks, treats, and triumphs for boys and ghouls all across Azeroth. Each year, you’ll find a special Hallow’s End Wickerman set up and ready to burn in Stormwind and near the Undercity within the ruins of Lordaeron. Every four hours, Genn Greymane and Lady Sylvanas will arrive to light each faction’s respective Wickerman in celebration of Hallow’s End. Of course, it wouldn’t be Hallow’s End without a little mischief . . .
• Fel Eggs and Ham
Pilgrim’s Bounty is a festival of food and sharing and can be celebrated outside of each of the major cities. There, adventurers will find feasting tables full of wonderful seasonal cuisine, which they can gorge on themselves or share with others—if they’re feeling generous.
• Candied Sweet Potatoes
• Cranberry Chutney
• Slow-Roasted Turkey
• Spice Bread Stuffing
The Feast of Winter Veil is a festive time of year during which adventurers can sample delicious festive treats, playfully toss snowballs, and receive special holiday gifts.
Vendors from Smokywood Pastures are available in many of the major cities to sell the most delicious dishes of the season, or you can pick up the ingredients to make your own.
• Gingerbread Cookies
• Graccu’s Homemade Meat Pie
• Graccu’s Mincemeat Fruitcake
• Greatfather’s Winter Ale
• Hot Apple Cider
• Winter Veil Eggnog
• Winter Veil Roast
• Chocolate Celebration Cake
• Delicious Chocolate Cake
• Pandaren Plum Wine
• Tender Shoveltusk Steak
The Darkmoon Faire showcases the weird and the extraordinary. Gathering the exotic from around the world, Silas Darkmoon presents the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of the wonders and mysteries found in Azeroth. The faire spends most of its time in parts unknown but is available from time to time by accessing portals in Elwynn Forest and Mulgore.
• Forest Strider Drumsticks
• Spiced Beef Jerky
On Pirates’ Day, commoners outfitted as scurvy pirates appear in all the world’s cities bringing the news that the Dread Captain DeMeza and her crew have landed in Booty Bay. If you’re brave enough to share her grog, you may have what it takes to become an honorary crew member for the day.
• Boiled Clams
• Cherry Grog
• Savory Deviate Delight