So I will start out this foreword by warning you dear reader of the power you now hold in your hands! This book does not only educate but also create a defining moment on how business, organization, and people will from now on look at their network security. For too long we have led ourselves to believe that the dangers of our online interactions were limited and shielded because of the need for an Internet connection or an IP address. Well, no more! The author has brought to light the grim truth that without physical security you have no online security. He shows how everyday gadgets, gizmos, and computer accessories that we take for granted can be used to penetrate our networks. He shows that the sky is now literally no longer the limit. By showing how devices ready to attack your network can even fly to their target! These devices are not from the future; they are not even from DARPA! He will walk you through how you too can create these cyber-weapons using low-cost parts and this book. The golden age of cyberwar has long since passed where only nation states had this power. Thanks to the author’s diligent efforts, he has brought this kind of know-how and technology to the masses! This book should be given to every CIO, CEO, CFO (well, any person who has a title that starts with “C”), so that they can realize the threats that are out there! I’ve said, “I don’t have to bypass your firewall if I can bypass your receptionist.” Well, the author does an excellent job showing in graphic detail just how easy that has become. This is not a book for those who are afraid to look into the void (or into their current information security policies and procedures)! This is a book for those who dare to ask, “Why does that power plug have an Ethernet cable attached to it?” and who are never afraid to ask, “I wonder what this does?” This is not a “light reading on a rainy Sunday afternoon” book. This is a “break out the soldering iron, my laptop, and a box of band aids” book! Go forth, reader, and learn of the wonders of weaponizing your mouse, making a toy robot more terrifying than the Terminator, and how sometimes seeing a blue police box should fill you with dread!
I’m serious, this is a great book and I’ve learned some really great things from it. Enjoy!
June 2014