For whatever may be found laudable in The Eagle and the Viper, I have a remarkable unsung association of bright and witty colleagues to thank.
Many years ago, in collaboration with her late father, Fred, Mary Ann Verdi founded a fortnightly writers’ group in her home in Beverly Hills, Michigan. It’s still going.
The membership was crucial to the development of this book. These talented writers include Peter Barlow (who also suggested the title), Mike Brogan, Lee Helms, James O’Keefe, Frances Patricia (Pat) Olson, the late Phil Rosette, John Hus, and Mary Ann Verdi-Hus. The act of reading one’s writing aloud to a group is a technique I recommend; in that milieu, when a word or phrase is off, it makes a dull thud in one’s own ears that’s often missing when read in solitude. Then there is the bonus of intelligent feedback from a learned and experienced audience.
I mention also our late dear friend Frank Wydra, a brilliant writer and former member. Although he didn’t live to lend aid to this book, his support, professionally and personally, helped to make this world worth writing about. We toast his memory regularly, as we do Phil Rosette’s; and express wishes for the recovery of our chum Len Charla from serious illness; his suggestions during the reading of an early draft helped jump-start the final version.
The publishing personnel I’ve been privileged to work with shun attention (perhaps to avoid being inundated with manuscripts they’ll never find time to assess); however, I want them to know how grateful I am. My longtime agent—who I know prefers to remain in shadow—tops that list.
As always I thank my wife, author Deborah Morgan, for wise counsel, constant support, and the occasional kick in the tail. This gifted author and accomplished editor provided criticisms and suggestions that helped me apply the final polish to a project that had been many years in the making. In her light I have grown beyond my imagination.