
Cover    1

Endorsements    2

Half Title Page    5

Title Page    7

Copyright Page    8

Dedication    9

Foreword by Seth Haines    13

Introduction: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit    17

Part 1: Weakness    23

1. The Nakedness of Need: The Glorious Weakness of Poverty    25

2. The Ransom of Words: The Glorious Weakness of Longing    45

3. A Secondhand God and a Place to Call Home: The Glorious Weakness of Lack    65

Part 2: Hope    81

4. I Am Not Labeled, I Am Named: The Hope of Identity    83

5. Uncomfortable Love: The Hope of Community    99

6. I Walk with a Limp: The Hope of Brokenness    115

7. Where Home Is: The Hope of Ordinary    131

Part 3: Strength    143

8. Let Us Rejoice and Be Sad: The Strength of Lament    145

9. Starving to the Feast: The Strength of Dependence    163

10. The God of the Lost: The Strength of Being Found    179

Part 4: Glory    203

11. And If Not, He Is Still Good: The Glory of the Beloved    205

Acknowledgments    223

Notes    229

About the Author    231

Back Ads    233

Back Cover    235