Bibliographical citations and entries have been revised in the light of subsequent publications in the Collected Works; some revisions have been made in the translation as the consequence of continued study of Jung’s work particularly in alchemy; other revisions and minor additions of a reference nature arose as the result of the publication of Zur Psychologie Westlicher und Östlicher Religion, Band 11 in the Gesammelte Werke (Zurich: Rascher, 1963), which was mostly edited before Jung’s death.

The paragraph numbers of the Swiss and English editions of Volume 11 correspond through par. 963. Thereafter, the “Foreword to the ‘I Ching’” varies somewhat in the original German manuscript, which is reproduced in the Swiss edition. Finally, the Swiss edition contains an appendix of short articles, which are disposed as follows in the English edition:

“Answer to Martin Buber” (1952) : Vol. 18.

“Good and Evil in Analytical Psychology” (1959) : Vol. 10, pars. 858 ff.

“On Die Reden Gotamo Buddhos, by K. E. Neumann” (1955) : Vol. 18.

Four extracts from letters to theologians: to be published in a separate edition of Jung’s Letters under the editorship of Gerhard Adler.