The items of the bibliography are arranged alphabetically under two headings: A. Ancient volumes containing collections of alchemical tracts by various authors; B. General bibliography, including cross-references to the material in section A. Short titles of the ancient volumes are printed in capital letters.
ARS CHEMICA, quod sit licita recte exercentibus, probationes doctissimorum iurisconsultorum.… Argentorati [Strasbourg], 1566.
Contents quoted in this volume:
i Septem tractatus seu capitula Hermetis Trismegisti aurei [pp. 7–31; usually referred to as “Tractatus aureus”]
ii Hortulanus: Commentariolum in Tabulam smaragdinam [pp. 33–47]
iii Studium Consilii coniugii de massa solis et lunae [pp. 48–263; usually referred to as “Consilium coniugii”]
ARTIS AURIFERAE quam chemiam vocant.… Basileae [Basel], [1593]. 2 vols.
Contents quoted in this volume:
i Turba philosophorum [(a) First edition, pp. 1–65; (b) Second edition, pp. 66–139]
ii Allegoriae super librum Turbae [pp. 139–45]
iii Aenigmata ex Visione Arislei et allegoriis sapientum [pp. 146–54; usually referred to as “Visio Arislei”]
iv Aurora consurgens, quae dicitur Aurea hora [pp. 185–246]
v [Zosimus:] Rosinus ad Sarratantam episcopum [pp. 277–319]
vi Tractatulus Avicennae [pp. 405–37]
vii Liber de arte chymica [pp. 575–631]
viii Rosarium philosophorum [pp. 204–384; contains a second version of the “Visio Arislei” at pp. 246ff.]
AUREUM VELLUS, oder Güldin Schatz und Kunstkammer … von dem … bewehrten Philosopho Salomone Trismosino. Rorschach, 1598. (Other editions appeared at Rorschach, 1599; Basel, 1604; Hamburg, 1708.)
Contents quoted in this volume:
i [Trismosin:] Splendor solis [Tractatus III, pp. 3–59]
MANGETUS, JOANNES JACOBUS (ed.). BIBLIOTHECA CHEMIC A CURIOSA, seu Rerum ad alchemiam pertinentium thesaurus instructissimus.… Coloniae Allobrogum [Geneva], 1702. 2 vols.
Contents quoted in this volume:
i Hoghelande: De alchemiae difficultatibus [pp. 336–68]
ii Hermes Trismegistus: Tractatus aureus de lapidis physici secreto [pp. 400–445]
iii Turba philosophorum [pp. 445–65; another version, pp. 480–94]
iv Allegoriae sapientum supra librum Turbae philosophorum XXIX distinctiones [pp. 467–79]
v Bonus: Margarita pretiosa novella correctissima [pp. 1–80]
vi Rosarium philosophorum [pp. 87–119]
vii Consilium coniugii seu De massa solis et lunae libri III [pp. 235–65]
viii Sendivogius: Novum lumen chymicum [pp. 463–73]
ix Sendivogius: Parabola, seu Aenigma philosophicum [pp. 474–75]
x Orthelius: Epilogus et recapitulatio in Novum lumen Sendivogii [pp. 526–30]
MUSAEUM HERMETICUM reformatum et amplificatum … continens tractatus chimicos XXI praestantissimos.… Francofurti [Frankfurt a. M.], 1678. For translation, see WAITE.
Contents quoted in this volume:
i Madathanus: Aureum saeculum redivivum [pp. 53–72]
ii Sendivogius: Novum lumen chemicum e naturae fonte et manuali experientia depromptum [pp. 545–600]
iii [Sendivogius:] Novi luminis chemici tractatus alter de sulphure [pp. 601–46]
THEATRUM CHEMICUM, praecipuos selectorum auctorum tractatus … continens. Ursellis [Ursel] and Argentorati [Strasbourg], 1602–61. 6 vols. (Vols. I–III, Ursel, 1602; Vols. IV–VI, Strasbourg, 1613, 1622, 1661 respectively.)
Contents quoted in this volume:
i Hoghelande: Liber de alchemiae difficultatibus [pp. 121–215]
ii Dorn: Speculativae philosophiae, gradus septem vel decem continens [pp. 255–310]
iii Dorn: De spagirico artificio Trithemii sententia [pp. 437–50]
iv Dorn: Philosophia meditativa [pp. 450–72]
v Dorn: Philosophia chemica ad meditativam comparata [pp. 472–517]
vi Dorn: De tenebris contra naturam et vita brevi [pp. 518–35]
vii Dorn: Congeries Paracelsicae chemicae de transmutatione metallorum [pp. 557–646]
viii Dorn: De duello animi cum corpore [pp. 535— 50]
ix Raymundi Lulli: Theorica et practica [pp. 1–191]
x Aphorismi Basiliani sive Canones Hermetici. De spiritu, anima, et corpore medio, majoris et minoris mundi [pp. 368–71]
xi Hermetis Trismegisti Tractatus vere aureus de Lapide philosophici secreto [pp. 672–797]
xii Allegoriae Sapientum … supra librum Turbae [pp. 64–100]
xiii Tractatus Micreris suo discipulo Mirnefindo [pp. 101-13]
xiv Liber Platonis quartorum … [pp. 114–208]
xv Bonus [Lacinius]: Margarita novella correctissima [pp. 589–794]
xvi Christopher of Paris: Elucidarius artis transmutatoriae [pp. 195–293]
xvii Grasseus: Arca arcani … [pp. 294–381]
xviii Orthelius: Epilogus et recapitulatio … in Novum lumen chymicum Sendivogii [pp. 430–58]
Acts of Thomas. See MEAD, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten; also in JAMES, The Apocryphal New Testament, pp. 365ff.
ADLER, GERHARD. Entdeckung der Seele. Zurich, 1934.
AELIAN (Claudius Aelianus). Varia historia. Edited by Rudolf Hercher. Leipzig, 1866. For translation, see:
———. Claudius Aelianus his Various History. Translated by Thomas Stanley. London, 1665.
“Allegoriae sapientum supra librum Turbae.” See (A) Artis auriferae, ii; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, iv; Theatrum chemicum, xii.
ALPHIDIUS. See (A) Artis auriferae, viii: “Rosarium philosophorum,” wherein quoted.
AMBROSE, SAINT. Explanatio symboli ad initiandos. Text with introduction and translation by Richard Hugh Connolly. (Texts and Studies, 10.) Cambridge, 1952.
Amitāyur-dhyāna Sūtra. Translated by Junjiro Takakusu. In: Buddhist Mahāyāna Sūtras, Part II. (Sacred Books of the East, 49.) Oxford, 1894. (Pp. 159–201.)
ANDREAE, JOHANN VALENTIN. (Christian Rosencreutz, pseud.) Chymische Hochzeit … Anno 1459. Reprinted from a Strasbourg 1616 edition. Edited by Ferdinand Maack. Berlin, 1913. For translation, see:
———. The Hermetick Romance; or, The Chymical Wedding. Translated by E. Foxcroft. London, 1690.
ANGELUS SILESIUS (Johann Scheffler). Der Cherubinische Wandersmann. In: Sämtliche Poetische Werke. Munich, 1949–52. 3 vols. (III, 7–218.)
ANTHONY OF PADUA, SAINT. S. Antonii Patavini Sermones dominicales et in solemnitatibus. Edited by Antonio Maria Locatelli. Padua, 1895. 3 vols.
“Aphorismi Basiliani.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, x.
ARISLEUS (Archelaos). “Visio Arislei.” See (A) Artis auriferae, iii, viii.
ARISTOTLE. [De coelo.] … On the Heavens. With an English translation by W. K. C. Guthrie. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and Cambridge (Mass.), 1939.
AUGUSTINE, SAINT. Sermones. See Migne, P.L., vol. 38.
———. Tractatus in Joannem. See Migne, P.L., vol. 35. For translation, see: Works. Edited by Marcus Dods. Edinburgh, 1874. (Vol. 11, translated by James Innes.)
AUGUSTINE, pseud. De Spiritu et Anima. See: Opera Omnia S. Augustini. Paris, 1836. 11 vols. (Vol. 6.)
“Aurea hora.” See (A) Artis auriferae, iv; Codices and MSS., vi, xiii; FRANZ, Aurora Consurgens; THOMAS AQUINAS, pseud.
AVALON, ARTHUR, pseud. (Sir John Woodroffe) (ed.). Shrīchakrasambhāra Tantra. Translated by Kazi Dawa-Samdup. (Tantric Texts, 7.) London and Calcutta, 1919.
AVICENNA, pseud. See (A) Artis auriferae, vi.
BARBARUS, HERMOLAUS (Ermolao Barbaro). In Dioscoridem corollarium libris quinque absolutum. Venice, 1516.
BARTH, KARL. Bibelstundenüber Luk I. (Theologische Existenz Heute, edited by K. Barth and E. Thurneysen, 19.) Munich, 1935.
———. Credo. Translated by J. Strathearn McNab. London, 1936.
BASTIAN, ADOLF. Das Beständige in den Menschenrassen. Berlin, 1868.
———. Ethnische Elementargedanken in der Lehre vom Menschen. Berlin, 1895. 2 vols.
———. Der Völkergedanke im Aufbau einer Wissenschaft vom Menschen. Berlin, 1878.
———. Die Vorstellungen von der Seele. In: RUDOLF VIRCHOW and FRANZ VON HOLTZENDORFF. Sammlung gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher Vorträge, 10th series, Heft 226. Berlin, 1875.
BAUMGARTNER, MATHIAS. Die Philosophie des Alanus de Insulis. In: CLEMENS BAEUMKER and GEORG FREIHERR VON HERTLING Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, Vol. 2, Heft 4. Münster, 1896.
BAYNES, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA. A Coptic Gnostic Treatise Contained in the Codex Brucianus—Bruce MS. 96, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Cambridge, 1933.
BERNARD, SAINT, pseud. Vitis Mystica. In Migne, P.L., vol. 184, cols. 635–740. For translation see: Vitis Mystica. Translated by Samuel John Eales. London, 1889.
BERNARD, JOHN HENRY (ed.). The Odes of Solomon. (Texts and Studies, VIII, 3.) Cambridge, 1912.
BERNARDINO DE SAHAGÚN. General History of the Things of New Spain (Florentine Codex). Book 3: The Origin of the Gods. Translated by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble. (Monographs of the School of American Research, 14, Part IV.) Santa Fe, 1952.
BERNARDUS SYLVESTRIS. De mundi universitate libri duo. Edited by Carl Sigmund Barach and Johann Wrobel. (Bibliotheca philosophorum mediae aetatis, 1.) Innsbruck, 1876.
BÉROALDE DE VERVILLE, FRANÇOIS (trans.). Le tableau des riches inventions … representées dans le Songe de Poliphile. Paris, 1600. See also COLONNA; FIERZ-DAVID.
BERTHELOT, MARCELLIN. La Chimie au moyen age. Paris, 1893. 3 vols.
———. Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs. Paris, 1887–88. 3 vols.: Introduction, Textes, Traductions.
Bible. The following versions are cited textually:
[AV] |
Authorized (“King James”) Version (cited unless otherwise indicated). |
[DV] |
Douay-Reims Version. |
[RSV] |
Revised Standard Version (1952). |
[ZB] |
Zürcher Bibel (first trans. 16th cent.; cited in English trans. from a 1932 edn. published by the Consistory of Canton Zurich on the order of the Zurich Church Synod, being the German version generally used by the author). |
BÖHME, JAKOB. XL Questions Concerning the Soule. Propounded by Dr. Balthasar Walter and answered by Jacob Behmen. London, 1647.
BONUS, PETRUS. Pretiosa margarita novella de thesauro ac pretiosissimo philosophorum lapide … Edited by Janus Lacinius Calabrus. Venice, 1546. For translation see WAITE, The New Pearl; see also (A) MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, v; (A) Theatrum chemicum, xv.
BOUCHÉ, LECLERCQ, AUGUSTE. L’Astrologie grecque. Paris, 1899.
BOUSSET, WILHELM. Hauptprobleme der Gnosis. (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testaments, 10.) Göttingen, 1907.
BOVILLUS, KARL (Charles de Bouelles). Ein gesichte Bruder Clausen ynn Schweytz und seine deutunge. Wittenberg, 1528.
BRADFORD, ROARK. Ol’ Man Adam an’ His Chillun. New York. 1928.
BRINKTRINE, JOHANNES. Die Heilige Messe in ihrem Werden und Wesen. 2nd edn., Paderborn, 1934.
BRUNO OF WÜRZBURG, SAINT. Expositio Psalmorum. See Migne, P.L., vol. 142, cols. 39–530.
BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS. Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection. London, 1911. 2 vols.
———. (ed. and trans.). The Book of the Dead. Facsimiles of the Papyrus of Hunefer, etc. London, 1899.
———. The Book of Paradise, being the Histories and Sayings of the Monks and Ascetics of the Egyptian Desert. London, 1904. 2 vols. For St. Athanasius, The Life of St. Anthony, see Vol. I, pp. 3–108.
BUSSELL, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages. London, 1918.
BÜTTNER, H. Meister Eckhart’s Schriften und Predigten. Jena, 1909–17. 2 vols.
CABASILAS, NICHOLAS, of Thessalonica. “De divino altaris sacrificio.” In Migne, P.G., vol. 150, cols. 363–492.
CAMPBELL, COLIN. The Miraculous Birth of King Amon-Hotep III. Edinburgh and London, 1912.
CASPARI, CARL PAUL. Alte und neue Quellen zur Geschichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel. Christiania (Oslo), 1879.
CAUSSIN, NICHOLAS. De symbolica Aegyptiorum sapientia. Polyhistor Symbolicus, Electorum Symbolorum & Parabolarum historicarum stromata. Paris, [1618 and] 1631.
Chhandogya Upanishad. In: The Upanishads. Part 1. Translated by F. Max Müller. (Sacred Books of the East, 1.) Oxford, 1879. (Pp. 1–144.)
CHARLES, ROBERT HENRY (ed.). The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English. Oxford, 1913. 2 vols.
CHRISTOPHER OF PARIS. “Elucidarius artis transmutatoriae.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xvi.
CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione rhetorica, De optimo genere oratorum, Topica. With an English translation by H. M. Hubbell. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and Cambridge, (Mass.), 1949.
———. Pro Sestio, In Vatinium, Pro Caelio, etc. With an English translation by J. H. Freese and R. Gardner. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and Cambridge (Mass.), in press.
CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA, SAINT. Stromata. See Migne, P.G., vol. 8, col. 685, to vol. 9, col. 602. For translation, see:
———. The Writings of Clement of Alexandria. Translated by William Wilson. (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 4, 12.) Edinburgh, 1867–69. 2 vols.
CLEMENT OF ROME, SAINT. First Epistle to the Corinthians. In: KIRSOPP LAKE (ed. and trans.). The Apostolic Fathers. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and New York, 1914. 2 vols. (Vol. 1, pp. 8–121.)
i Florence. Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana. Codex Laurentianus 71,33. 14th cent.
ii Lucca. Biblioteca governativa. Saint Hildegarde of Bingen, “Liber divinorum operum.” Codex 1942. 12th cent.
iii Munich. Staatsbibliothek. Codex Germanicus 598. “Das Buch der heiligen Dreifaltigkeit und Beschreibung der Heimlichkeit von Veränderung der Metallen.” Offenbahret anno Christi 1420.
iv Oxford. Bodleian Library. Codex Brucianus (Bruce MS. 96). See BAYNES.
v Paris. Bibliothèque nationale. Codex Parisinus 6319. Liber Hermetis Trismegisti. 14th cent.
vi ———. ———. Codex Latinus 14006. “Aurora consurgens.”
vii ———. ———. Codex Parisinus Graecus 1220. 14th cent.
viii Vatican. Biblioteca Vaticana. Codex Palatinus Latinus 1993. Opicinus de Canistris.
ix ———. ———. Codex Latinus 3060. Liber Hermetis Trismegisti. 14th cent.
x ———. ———. Codex Graecus 237. 14th cent.
xi ———. ———. Codex Graecus 951. 14th cent.
xii Wiesbaden. Nassauische Landesbibliothek. St. Hildegarde of Bingen. “Scivias.” 12th cent. (Destroyed in the second World War.)
xiii Zurich. Zentralbibliothek. Codex Rhenoviensis 172. Abh. 1: “Aurora consurgens.” 15th cent. (Note: Mutilated manuscript beginning at the fourth parable.)
COLONNA, FRANCESCO. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.… Venice, 1499. See also BÉROALDE DE VERVILLE; FIERZ-DAVID.
CONNELLY, MARC. The Green Pastures. New York, 1930.
CONNOLLY, R. HUGH (ed.). The So-called Egyptian Church Order and Derived Documents. (Texts and Studies, VIII, 4.) Cambridge, 1916.
“Consilium coniugii.” See (A) Ars chemica, iii; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica curiosa, vii.
CORNFORD, FRANCIS MACDONALD. Plato’s Cosmology: The Timaeus of Plato. New edn., London and New York, 1952.
Corpus Hermeticum. See SCOTT.
CRAWLEY, ALFRED ERNEST. The Idea of the Soul. London, 1909.
CUMONT, FRANZ. Textes et monuments figurés relatifs aux mystéres de Mithra. Brussels, 1894–99. 2 vols.
CYPRIAN, SAINT. Letter lxiii to Caecilius. In Migne, P.L., vol. 4, cols. 372ff. For translation see:
———. Epistles of St. Cyprian. Translated by H. Carey. (Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church.) Oxford, 1844. (Pp. 181ff.)
DANIEL, HERMANN ADALBERT. Thesaurus Hymnologicus. Halle and Leipzig, 1841–56. 5 vols.
“De arte chymica.” See (A) Artis auriferae, vii.
DELACOTTE, JOSEPH. Guillaume de Digulleville.… Trois romans-poèmes du XIVe siècle. Paris, 1932.
DENZINGER, HEINRICH, and BANNWART, KLEMENS. Enchiridion symbolorum. 6th–7th edition, edited by J. B. Umberg. Freiburg, 1928.
DIETERICH, ALBRECHT. Eine Mithrasliturgie. Leipzig, 1910.
DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. With an English translation by R. D. Hicks. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and New York, 1925. 2 vols.
DORN, GERHARD. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, ii–viii.
———. Lychgate. London, 1945.
———. Many Mansions. London, 1943.
DOZY, REINHART, and DE GOEJE, M. J. “Nouveaux documents pour l’ètude de la religion des Harraniens.” Actes du sixième congrès international des Orientalistes, 1883. Leiden, 1885.
DRUMMOND, HENRY. The Greatest Thing in the World, and other addresses. London, 1894.
———. Natural Law in the Spiritual World. London, 1883.
DUNBAR, HELEN FLANDERS. Symbolism in Medieval Thought and Its Consummation in the Divine Comedy. New Haven, 1929.
DUNNE, JOHN WILLIAM. An Experiment with Time. London, 1927.
DURRER, ROBERT. Bruder Klaus—Die ältesten Quellen über den Seligen Nikolaus von Flue, sein Leben und seinen Einfluss. Sarnen, 1907–21. 2 vols.
[ECKHART, MEISTER.] Meister Eckhart. [Works.] Translated by C. de B. Evans. London, 1924–52. 2 vols.
———. Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation. Translated by Raymond Bernard Blakney. New York, 1941.
EISLER, ROBERT. Orpheus—the Fisher. London, 1921.
———. Weltenmantel und Himmelszelt. Munich, 1910. 2 vols.
ELIADE, MIRCEA. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Translated by Willard R. Trask. New York (Bollingen Series) and London, 1964.
EMERSON, RALPH WALDO. Essays. (Everyman’s Library.) New York and London, 1930.
Enoch, Book of. See CHARLES.
EPIPHANIUS. Panarium, sive Arcula (Contra Octoginta Haereses). In Migne, P.G., vol. 41, col. 173, to vol. 42, col. 852.
ERMAN, ADOLF. Aegypten. Tübingen, 1885. For translation, see: Life in Ancient Egypt. Translated by H. M. Tirard. London, 1894.
EUSEBIUS. Evangelica praeparatio. In Migne, P.G., vol. 21, cols. 21–1408.
EVANS-WENTZ, W. Y. (ed.). The Tibetan Book of the Dead. London, 1927; 2nd edn., 1957.
———(ed.). The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation. London, 1954.
FENN, GEORGE MANVILLE. Running Amok. London, 1901.
FIERZ-DAVID, LINDA. The Dream of Poliphilo. Translated by Mary Hottinger. New York (Bollingen Series XXV) and London, 1950.
FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De errore profanarum religionum. Edited by Carolus Halm. (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 2.) Vienna, 1867.
FOERSTER-NIETZSCHE, ELISABETH (ed.). Der werdende Nietzsche. Munich, 1924.
FRANZ, MARIE-LOUISE VON. Aurora Consurgens. A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy. Translated by R. F. C. Hull and A. S. B. Glover. New York (Bollingen Series) and London, 1966.
———. Die Passio Perpetuae. In: C. G. JUNG. Aion: Untersuchungen zur Symbolgeschichte. Zurich, 1951.
———. Die Visionen des Niklaus von Flue. (Studien aus dem C. G. Jung Institut, 9.) Zurich, 1959.
FRAZER, SIR JAMES GEORGE. Adonis, Attis, Osiris. (The Golden Bough, Part IV.) 2nd edn., London, 1907. 2 vols.
———. The Dying God. (The Golden Bough, Part III.) London, 1911.
———. Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. (The Golden Bough, Part II.) London, 1911.
FREUD, SIGMUND. The Future of an Illusion. In: Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works, translated under the editorship of James Strachey, 21. London, 1961. (Orig., 1928.)
———. The Interpretation of Dreams. Ibid., 4, 5. London, 1953. (Orig., 1900.)
FROMER, JAKOB, and SCHNITZER, MANUEL. Legenden aus dem Talmud. Berlin, 1922.
GARNERIUS DE SANCTO VICTORE. Gregorianum. In Migne, P.L., vol. 193, cols. 23–462.
GAUDENTIUS, SAINT, Bishop of Brixen. Sermones. In Migne, P.L., vol. 20, cols. 827–1002.
GEBER (Jābir ibn-Hayyān). “Livre de la misèricorde.” In Berthelot, La Chimie au moyen âge, q.v., Vol. III, pp. 163–90.
GNOSIUS, DOMINICUS. Hermetis Trismegisti Tractatus vere Aureus … cum scholiis Dominici Gnosii. Leipzig, 1610. See also (A) MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, ii; and Theatrum chemicum, xi.
GOETHE, J. W. VON. Faust: Parts I and II. Translated by Philip Wayne. (Penguin Classics.) Harmondsworth, 1949, 1959.
GOMPERZ, THEODOR. Greek Thinkers. Translated from the German by Laurie Magnus and G. G. Berry. London, 1901–12. 4 vols.
GRASSEUS. “Arca arcani.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xvii.
GREGORY THE GREAT, SAINT. Dialogues (Dialogorum Libri IV). See Migne, P.L., vol. 77, cols. 149–430.
———. Expositiones in Librum I Regum. See Migne, P.L., vol. 79, cols. 17–468.
GREGORY OF NYSSA, SAINT. De Vita Beati Gregorii Miraculorum Opificio. In Migne, P.G., vol. 46, cols. 911-14.
GRIFFITH, FRANCIS LLEWELLYN. A Collection of Hieroglyphs. (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, 6th Memoir.) London, 1898.
GUILLÉN, JORGE. Cantico: Fe de Vida. Buenos Aires, 1950.
HAEUSSERMANN, FRIEDRICH. Wortempfang und Symbol in der alttestamentlichen Prophetie. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 58.) Giessen, 1932.
HARNACK, ADOLF VON. Dogmengeschichte. 7th edn., Tübingen, 1931.
HARPER, ROBERT FRANCIS. The Code of Hammurabi. Chicago, 1904.
HARRISON, JANE ELLEN. Themis. Cambridge, 1912.
HASTINGS, JAMES (ed.). Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics. Edinburgh and New York, 1908–27. 13 vols.
HAUCK, ALBERT (ed.). Realenzyklopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche. Leipzig, 1896–1913. 24 vols.
HAUER, J. W. “Symbole und Erfahrung des Selbstes in der indoarischen Mystik,” Eranos-Jahrbuch (Zurich), [II] (1935), 35–96.
HEATH, SIR THOMAS L. A History of Greek Mathematics. Oxford, 1921. 2 vols.
HENNECKE, EDGAR (ed.). Neutestamentliche Apokryphen. 2nd edn., Tübingen, 1924.
HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Tractatus aureus. See (A) Ars chemica, i; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, ii;Theatrum chemicum, xi.
HERODOTUS. The Histories. Translated by Aubrey de Selincourt. (Penguin Classics.) Harmondsworth, 1954.
HERRAD OF LANDSBERG. Hortus deliciarum. See KELLER and STRAUB.
HILDEGARDE, SAINT, of Bingen. Scivias. See Codices and Manuscripts, xii; also, Scivias, vel Visionum ac revelationum libri tres, in Migne, P.L., vol. 197, cols. 383–738.
HIPPOLYTUS. Elenchos (Refutatio omnium haeresiarum). In: Hippolytus’ Werke. Edited by Paul Wendland. Vol. III. Leipzig, 1916. For translation, see LEGGE, FRANCIS.
———. Church Order. See CONNOLLY.
HOGG, JAMES. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. London, 1824. (Reprinted, with introduction by André Gide, London, 1947.)
HOGHELANDE, THEOBALD DE. “De alchemiae difficultatibus.” See (A) MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, i; Theatrum chemicum, i.
HOLMYARD, ERIC JOHN (ed. and trans.). Kitāb al-’ilm al-muktasab fi-zinā’at adhdhahab [Book of knowledge acquired concerning the cultivation of gold]. [By Abu’l Qāsim Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-’Irāqī.] Paris, 1923.
HORTULANUS, pseud. (Joannes de Garlandia). “Commentariolum.” See (A) Ars chemica, ii. For translation, see: ROGER BACON. The Mirror of Alchimy.… London, 1597.
HUBERT, HENRI, and MAUSS, MARCEL. Melanges d’Histoire des Religions. (Travaux de l’Annèe Sociologique.) Paris, 1909.
IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA, SAINT. The Spiritual Exercises. Edited and translated by Joseph Rickaby, S.J. 2nd edn., London, 1923.
IRENAEUS, SAINT. Contra [or Adversus] haereses libri quinque. See Migne, P.G., vol. 7, cols. 433–1224. For translation, see:
———. Five Books of Irenaeus against Heresies. Translated by John Keble. (Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church.) Oxford, 1872. Also: The Writings of Irenaeus. Translated by Alexander Roberts and W. H. Rambaut. Vol. I. (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 5.) Edinburgh, 1868.
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———. La Mythologie primitive. Paris, 1935.
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LÜ PU-WEI (Lü Bu We). Frühling und Herbst des Lü Bu We. Edited by Richard Wilhelm. Jena, 1928.
LULLY, RAYMOND. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, ix.
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———. Commentary on the Dream of Scipio. Translated by William Harris Stahl. (Records of Civilization, Sources and Studies, 48.) New York, 1952.
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———. De circulo physico quadrato. Oppenheim, 1616.
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MICRERIS. “Tractatus Micreris.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xiii.
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[P.L.] Latin Series. Paris, 1844–64. 221 vols.
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(These works are referred to in the text and in this bibliography as “Migne, P.L.” and “Migne, P.G.” respectively. References are to columns, not to pages.)
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MORET, ALEXANDRE. Du caractère religieux de la royauté pharaonique. (Annales du Musée Guimet, Bibliothéque d’études, 15.) Paris, 1902.
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The Mysteries. Translated by Ralph Manheim and R. F. C. Hull. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 2.) New York (Bollingen Series XXX) and London, 1955.
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NEUMANN, ERICH. The Origins and History of Consciousness. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. New York (Bollingen Series XLII) and London, 1954.
NIELSEN, [CHRISTIAN] DETLEF. Der Dreieinige Gott. Copenhagen, 1922–42. 2 vols. (Vol. I, Die dreigöttlichen Personen; Vol. II, Die drei Naturgottheiten.)
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———. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Translated by Thomas Common and revised by Oscar Levy and John L. Beevers. London, 1931.
———. Werke. Edited by Alfred Baeumler. Leipzig, [1930–32]. 8 vols. (“Dem unbekannten Gott” appears in Vol. 5, p. 457.)
NINCK, MARTIN. Wodan und germanischer Schicksalsglaube. Jena, 1935.
NORDEN, EDUARD. Die Geburt des Kindes. (Studien der Bibliothek Warburg, 3.) Leipzig and Berlin, 1924.
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ONIANS, RICHARD BROXTON. The Origins of European Thought. Cambridge, 1951.
OPICINUS DE CANISTRIS. See Codices and Manuscripts, viii.
ORIGEN. Contra Celsum. See Migne, P.G., vol. 11, cols. 657–1632. For translation, see:
———. Origen, Contra Celsum. Translated by Henry Chadwick. Cambridge, 1953.
———. In Jeremiam Homiliae. See Migne, P.G., vol. 13, cols. 255–544.
———. De Principiis. See Migne, P.G., vol. 11, cols. 115–414. For translation, see:
———. On First Principles. Translated by G. W. Butterworth. London, 1936.
ORTHELIUS. See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xviii; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, x.
OTTO, RUDOLF. The Idea of the Holy. Translated by John W. Harvey. 4th impr., Oxford, 1926.
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PEUCER, KASPAR. Commentarius de praecipuis generibus divinationum … Wittenberg, 1560.
PICINELLI, FILIPPO. Mondo simbolico. Milan, 1669. Translated into Latin as: PHILIPPUS PICINELLUS. Mundus symbolicus. Cologne, 1680–81.
Pistis Sophia. See MEAD.
PITRA, JEAN-BAPTISTE. Analecta sacra Spicilegio Solesmensi parata. Paris, 1876–91. 8 vols.
PIUS XII, POPE. Apostolic Constitution “Munificentissimus Deus.” Translated into English. Dublin (Irish Messenger Office), 1950.
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———. Timaeus and Critias. The Thomas Taylor Translation. (Bollingen Series III.) New York, 1944.
———. Timaeus und Kritias. Translated (into German) by Otto Apelt. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 179.) Leipzig, 1922.
———. See also CORNFORD.
PLATO, pseud. “Liber Platonis quartorum.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xiv.
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———. “Mysterium Lunae,” Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie (Innsbruck and Leipzig), LXIV (1940), 80.
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Rig-Veda. See: NICOL MACNICOL (ed.). Hindu Scriptures. (Everyman’s Library.) London and New York, 1938.
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Rituale Romanum (The Roman Ritual.) Editio typica. Vatican City, 1952.
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ROSCHER, W. H. (ed.). Ausführliches Lexikon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie. Leipzig, 1884–1937. 6 vols.
“Rosinus ad Sarratantam.” See (A) Artis Auriferae, v.
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RULAND, MARTIN. Lexicon alchemiae, sive Dictionarium alchemisticum. Frankfurt a. M., 1612. For translation, see: A Lexicon of Alchemy or Alchemical Dictionary [London, 1892].
RUPERT, ABBOT OF DEUTZ (Rupertus Abbas Tuitiensis). Commentarium in Joannem. In Migne, P.L., vol. 169, cols. 205–826.
RUPESCISSA, JOANNES DE. La Vertu et la propriété de la quinte essence. Lyons, 1581.
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RUYSBROECK, JOHN OF. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage, etc. Translated by C. A. Wynschenck Dom. London, 1916.
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———. Religion and the Cure of Souls in Jung’s Psychology. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. New York (Bollingen Series XXI) and London, 1951.
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SCOTT, WALTER (ed.). Hermetica. Oxford, 1924–36. 4 vols.
SENDIVOGIUS. See (A) Musaeum Hermeticum, ii, iii; Theatrum chemicum, xviii; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, viii, ix.
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SINGER, CHARLES (ed.). Studies in the History and Method of Science. Oxford, 1917.
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SPAMER, ADOLF (ed.). Texte aus der deutschen Mystik des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1912.
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Spirit and Nature. Translated by Ralph Manheim and R. F. C. Hull. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 1.) New York (Bollingen Series XXX), 1954; London, 1955.
“Splendor solis.” See (A) Aureum vellus, i.
STEEB, JOANNES CHRISTOPHORUS. Coelum sephiroticum hebraeorum. Mainz, 1679.
STERN, LUDWIG. “Die koptische Apokalypse des Sophonias,” in Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Alterthumskunde (Leipzig), XXIV (1886), 115–36.
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———. An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. London and New York, 1949.
———. The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk. Kyoto, 1934.
TAYLOR. F. SHERWOOD. “A Survey of Greek Alchemy,” Journal of Hellenic Studies (London), L (1930), 109–39.
TERTULLIAN. Adversus Judaeos. In Migne, P.L., vol. 2, cols. 595–642. For translation, see: The Writings of Tertullianus. Translated by S. Thelwall, P. Holmes, and others. Vol. III. (Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 18.) Edinburgh, 1870.
———. Apologeticus adversus Gentes pro Christianis. In Migne, P.L., vol. 1, cols. 257–536.
———. De Carne Christi. In Migne, P.L., vol. 2, cols. 751–92.
———. De testimonio animae. In Migne, P.L., vol. 1, cols. 607–18. For translation, see:
———. Tertullian. Translated by C. L. Dodgson. (Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church.) Oxford, 1842.
[THEODORE, BISHOP OF MOPSUESTIA.] Ritus Baptismi et Missae quem descripsit Theodorus ep. Mopsuestanus in sermonibus catecheticis. Translated by Adolf Rücker. (Opuscula et textus, series liturgica, 2.) Münster, 1933.
Theologia Germanica. Translated by Susanna Winkworth; revised and edited by Willard R. Trask. New York, 1949; London, 1950.
Theologische Zeitschrift. Basel.
Thomas, Acts of. See Acts of Thomas; JAMES; MEAD.
THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Quaestiones de veritate. In: Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Quaestiones disputatae. Edited by P. Mandonnet. Paris, 1925. 3 vols. (Vol. I.)
———. The Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas. Literally translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province. London, 1911–22. 18 vols.
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THORNDIKE, LYNN. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. New York, 1923–41. 6 vols.
TONQUÉDEC, JOSEPH DE. Les Maladies nerveuses ou mentales et les manifestations diaboliques. Paris, 1938.
“Tractatulus Avicennae.” See (A) Artis auriferae, vi.
Tractatus aureus. See HERMES TRISMEGISTUS.
“Tractatus Micreris.” See (A) Theatrum chemicum, xiii.
TRISMOSIN, SOLOMON. “Splendor solis.” See (A) Aureum vellus, i. For translation, see:
———. Alchemical Treatises of Solomon Trismosin. With explanatory notes by J. K. London, 1920.
“Turba philosophorum.” See RUSKA; (A) Artis auriferae, i; MANGETUS, Bibliotheca chemica, iii.
“Viridarium chymicum.” See STOLCIUS DE STOLCENBERG.
“Visio Arislei.” See (A) Artis auriferae, iii, viii.
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———. The Secret of the Golden Flower. With a European commentary by C. G. Jung. Translated by Cary F. Baynes. London and New York, 1931; new edn., with revised translation, 1962.
———. See also LÜ PU-WEI.
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———. Kunstform und Yoga im indischen Kultbild. Berlin, 1926.
———. Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Edited by Joseph Campbell. (Bollingen Series VI.) New York, 1946.
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