Adlington, William 68

Aesop 238

Alexander, Peter 24, 195, 294

Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling 282

Allen, Ned B. 196

Amadis de Gaule 273

Anders, H. R. D. 1

Annesley, Brian 196

Appolonius of Tyre 14, 15, 252

Appian 118ff., 224ff.

Apuleius 68

Arden of Feversham 214

Ariodante and Genevra 113

Ariosto 6, 19, 113, 131, 183

Armin, Robert 158

Aurelia and Isabella 278

Averell, William 238

Ayrer, J. 279

Ball, R. H. 176

Baldwin, T. W. 1, 12, 13, 17, 55ff., 140, 156, 188, 205

Baldwin, W. 36

Bandello, M. 38, 113ff., 134ff.

Barker, G. A. 256

Barton, Anne 78

Beaumont, Francis 164, 264

Bedingfield, T. 169

Belleforest, F. de 113, 134, 159

Berners, Lord 46

Bestrafte Brudermord, Der 160

Bethell, S. L. 271

Bible, The 7, 10, 237, 281

Blennerhasset 260

Blunden, Edmund 205

Boaistau, P. 38ff.

Boccaccio 6, 170, 262

Bodin, J. 241

Boethius 4

Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry 20

Boswell-Stone, W. G. 33, 82

Bowes 78

Bradbrook, Muriel C. 78

Bradley, A. C. 205

Bridges, Robert 181, 194

Bright, Timothy 166ff.

Brooke, Arthur 38ff.

Brooks, Harold F. 37, 51, 121, 260

Buchanan, George 4, 210

Budd, F. E. 177

Bullough, Geoffrey 26, 35, 37, 67

and passim

Cadoux, A. T. 180

Caesar’s Revenge 121

Cairncross, A. S. 24

Calahorra, D. O. de 279

Calderwood, J. L. 84

Cambises 76

Camden, William 48, 197, 238

Campbell, Oscar J. 142

Cardenio 265, 284

Carter, T. 7

Castiglione 115

Caxton, William 20, 141ff., 238

Challoner, T. 4

Chambers, E. K. 24, 28, 65

Chapman, George 1, 5, 93, 141ff

Chappuys, G. 174, 182

Chaucer, Geoffrey 4ff., 66, 72, 141ff., 205, 223

Chronicque de la Traïson see Traïson

Churchyard, T, 285

Churchill, G. B. 35

Cicero 57ff., 156

Cinthio, Giraldi 6, 174, 182

Claudian 278

Coggeshall, Radulph of 80ff.

Coghill, Nevill 273

Coleridge, S. T. 11, 81

Collins, William 278

Commedia dell’Arte 78, 279

Common Conditions 138

Cooper, Thomas 10, 205

Creton, J. 46ff.

Daniel, Samuel 10, 45ff., 58, 79, 92, 208, 227

Da Porto, Luigi 38

Darrell, J. 202

Davenport, Arnold 167

Day, John 252, 258

Dee, John 48

Della Porta, G. B. 113

Dekker, Thomas 6, 86, 125, 275

Dictys 157

Digges, Dudley 102, 239

Digges, Leonard 278

Digges, Thomas 239

Douglas, Gavin 4

Doran, Madeleine 175

Dryden, John 252

Du Bartas, S. 61

Earnshaw, Dorothy 63

Eden, R. 280

Edward III 13, 111

Edwardes, R. 19

Edwards, Philip 256

Eliot, John 6, 61

Eliot, T. S. 162

Elizabeth I 103, 199, 236

Elyot, Sir Thomas 18, 95, 151

Erasmus 4, 6, 13, 20, 56, 169, 219, 238, 305

Eslava, A. 279

Essex, Earl of 53

Ewbank, Inga-Stina 212, 278

Fabyan 28

Famous Victories of Henry the fifth 13, 91, 96, 106ff.

Farnham, W. 230

Felix and Philiomena 18

Fiorentino, G. 86, 104

First English Life 111

Fletcher, John 13, 264, 284

Flores Doctorum 6

Florio, John 6, 8, 155, 281

Foakes, R. A. 284ff.

Forde, E. 138, 272

Forman, Simon 276

Forset, E. 242ff.

Foxe, John 28, 284

Fratricide Punished 160

Fraunce, A. 113

Frederyke of Jennen 263ff.

Froissart 47ff.

Fulbecke, W. 245

Gammer Gurton’s Needle 16

Gardiner, William 105

Gardner, Dame Helen 191

Garnet, Henry 215

Gamier, R. 225

Gascoigne, George 19

Gaw, A. 24

Geoffrey of Monmouth 197

Gesta Romanorum 89

Gl’Inganatti 113

Golding, Arthur 2ff., 15, 23, 68, 123, 141

Gonzaga, C. 132

Googe, B. 6

Gorboduc 199, 259

Gorgeous Gallery of Gallant Inventions, A 72

Goslicius, L. G. 168, 245

Gosson, Stephen 86

Goulart, S. 19, 224

Gower, John 2, 68, 253

Grafton, R. 27, 32

Graves, Robert 282

Granville-Barker, Harley 258, 265

Green, H. 156

Greene, Robert 8, 15, 24ff., 35, 67, 150, 168, 266, 275, 279

Greer, C. A. 100

Greg, Sir Walter 125, 197

Grévin, J. 120

Groto, L. 38

Guazzo, S. 169

Gurr, A. 246

Gwinn, Matthew 208

Hall, Arthur 141

Hall, Edward 27ff., 32ff., 46ff., 91ff., 106ff.

Handful of Pleasant Delights, A 70

Harman, Thomas 275

Harriot, Thomas 78

Harrison, William 65

Harsnett, Samuel 8, 135, 202ff.

Harvey, Gabriel 103

Harvey, Sir William 197

Hay, Sir James 262

Henryson, R. 141ff.

Henslowe, Philip 23, 104, 283

Heuterus, P. 19

Heywood, Jasper 23, 37, 168

Heywood, Thomas 179, 252

Higgins, John 260

Hoeniger, F. D. 255ff.

Holinshed, Raphael 27ff, 32ff, 46ff., 85, 91ff., 106ff., 197, 209, 259, 262, 284

Holland, Philemon 6, 188, 238

Homer 5, 141ff.

Homilies 53, 154

Hooker, Richard 155

Horace 2, 3, 12, 205, 223

Hosley, Richard 19ff.

Hotson, J. L. 105, 138

Hunsdon, Lord 105

Huon of Bordeaux 67

Hurrell, J. D. 126

Hyrde, Richard 21

Inganni 132

Interesse, L133

James I 199, 208, 216

Jew, The 86

Jew of Malta, The 89

Jew of Venice, The 86

Jodelle, E. 230ff.

John a Kent and John a Cumber 279

Johnson, Samuel 181, 258

Jonson, Ben 1, 252, 280

Jourdain, S. 280

Juvenal 13

Kaufman, H. A. 133

Kaula, D. 8

Kermode, F. 281

King Leir 197

Knight, G. Wilson 219, 276

Knolles, R. 241

Knollys, Sir William 138

Kyd, Thomas 9, 158

Kynge Rycharde 79

Laelia 301

Lactantius 6

Lambarde, William 48

La Primaudaye 78

Lascelles, Mary 175ff.

Lavater, L. 167

Law, R. A. 218

Lawlor, John 166

Lawrence, W. J. 173, 181

Le Beau 46

Lefranc, A. 78

Legge, T. 34

Legh, G. 20, 197

Le Loier, P. 216

Leslie, J. 4, 210

Lever, J. W. 61

Lewkenor, Sir Lewis 7, 187

Livy 6, 238

Lloyd, Michael 237

Lloyd, R. 78

Locrine 259

Lodge, Thomas 9, 25, 63ff., 125

Lopez 89

Lucan 123, 212

Lucian 219

Lupton, Thomas 175ff.

Lydgate, John 68, 141ff.

Lyly, John 8, 15, 18, 56ff., 105, 168, 219

Machiavelli 245

MacCallum, M. W. 224, 227

Manningham, J. 137

Mantuan 2

Marlowe, Christopher 8, 25, 36, 68, 79, 89, 116, 168

Marston, John 5, 163, 202, 273

Mary, Queen of Scots 236

Masefield, John 115

Masuccio 89

Matchett, W. M. 310

Maxwell, J. C. 58

Meyerstein, E. H. W. 180

Middleton, Thomas 178

Mirror for Magistrates, A 46, 91, 110, 121, 197, 259, 288

Mirror of Knighthood, The 279

Montaigne 6, 8, 155, 205, 219, 281

Montemayor, J. de 17, 68

More, Sir Thomas 29, 32, 69, 283

Mouffet, Thomas 63ff.

Mucedorus 255, 279

Munday, Antony 88, 113, 229

Muret, M. A., 120

Murry, John Middleton 173, 192, 247

Nashe, Thomas 9, 25, 77, 93, 95, 125, 167

Nenna, G. B. 172

Noble, Richmond 7

North, Sir Thomas 116, 221ff. (cf. Plutarch)

Nosworthy, J. M. 258ff.

Obey, A. 179

Olivier, Lawrence (Lord Olivier) 23

Orator, The 87, 254

Ovid 3, 7, 12, 23, 68, 123, 141, 283

Oldcastle, Sir John 101

Orsino, Virginio 138

Painfull Adventures of Pericles, The 252

Painter, William 38, 105, 170, 218

Palingenius 6

Panecia 113

Paris, Matthew 80

Parismus 133, 272

Pasqualigo 113

Pecorone, Il 86, 104

Peele, George 23, 24

Pembroke, Countess of 225

Perez, A. 78

Persius 2

Pettie, George 68, 169, 273

Phaer, T. 4, 91

Piot, L. 87

Plato 156

Plautus 4, 14ff., 22, 105, 132, 253

Pliny 6, 188

Plutarch 6, 23, 66, 116ff., 219ff., 237ff., 258

Pollard, A. W. 24

Ponet, J. 6

Porter, Henry 104

Preston, Thomas 76

Price, H. T. 22, 26

Propertius 2

Prosser, Eleanor 281

Prouty, C. T. 113ff.

Puttenhani, George 276

Pyle, Fitzroy 138

Racine, Jean 165

Radulph see Coggeshall

Ralegh, Sir Walter 78

Ralph Roister Doister 16

Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune, The 258, 279

Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye 141ff.

Regius 12

Renault, Mary 111

Reyher, Paul 51

Riche, Barnabe 104, 135ff.

Richter, A. see Barton, Anne

Robertson, J. M. 162

Robinson, R. 89

Rossiter, A. P. 51

Rouillet, Claude 174

Rowley, Samuel 283

Rymer, Thomas 195

Sabie, F. 274

Sackville, Thomas 8

Salerno see Masuccio

Santayana, George 162

Saxo Grammaticus 159

Schanzer, E. 119ff., 224ff.

Schöne Sidea, Die 279

Scot, Reginald 67, 216

Seaton, Ethel 237

Secchi, N. 132

Seneca 2, 23, 37, 164, 168, 211ff.

Shaw, G. Bernard 144

Shrewde and Curste Wyfe, The 20

Sidney, Sir Philip 9, 45, 138, 196, 238

Silvayn, A. 87, 178, 254

Simpson, Percy 2

Slater, Ann Pasternak 282

Smallwood, R. L. 84

Solinus 15

Southampton, Earl of 89, 197

Speed, John 284

Spenser, Edmund 93, 113, 156, 197, 259

Squire, Sir John 162

Stanyhurst, R. 4

Stempel, D. 237

Sterne, Laurence 272

Stow, J. 94

Stoll, E. E. 194

Strachey, William 280

Studley, J. 168

Surrey, Earl of 4

Swinburne, Henry 7, 169

Sylvester, Joshua 62

Tacitus 111

Tale of Gamelyn, The 126

Tarltons Newes 105

Terence 17

Theleman, A. 157

Theobald, L. 202

Thomas, W. 277

Thomson, J. 77

Thorndike, A. H. 264

Three Lords and Ladies of London 20

Tillyard, E. M. W. 147, 187

Tourneur, Cyril 164

Traïson 46ff.

Troublesome Raigne of King John, The 79ff.

True Tragedie of Richard III, The 34

Twine, L. 2, 253

Two Angry Women of Abingdon 104

Ure, Peter 47ff.

Valerius Maximus 58