THE ACORN CLUB 1 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, Conn. 06105. Limited to twenty-five members, all of whom must be Connecticut residents. Devoted solely to books relating to Connecticut. Issues occasional publications. Membership by recommendation only, and when there is a vacancy.
THE AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY 185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, Mass. 01609. One of the oldest active clubs of any type in America, having been founded in 1812. Large membership, limited to 325. Some publication activity. Membership by recommendation when a vacancy occurs. Primarily devoted to Americana.
ASSOCIATES OF THE JAMES FORD BELL LIBRARY 472 Wilson Library, University of Minnesota, Minn. 55455. Membership of exactly 300, open to anyone paying the annual fee of $7.50. Several annual publications. Devoted primarily to the art of book production.
THE BAKER STREET IRREGULARS 33 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10023. One of the most famous clubs in the entire world, founded in 1934, devoted solely to the lore of Sherlock Holmes. Open to all who are conversant with the doings of their hero.
THE BALTIMORE BIBLIOPHILES Evergreen House, 4545 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. 21210. Membership limited to 85, new members admitted by recommendation when a vacancy occurs. Three publications per year (for members only). For bibliophiles of all categories.
THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA P.O. Box 397, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10017. Membership unlimited, open to anyone. Publishes a quarterly journal as well as occasional papers on the subject of bibliography.
THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Alderman Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. 22901. Membership of 1,000, open to anyone interested in books, manuscripts, printing, and bibliography. Publishes an annual journal as well as occasional papers.
THE BOOK CLUB OF CALIFORNIA 545 Sutter Street, Room 202, San Francisco, Calif. 94102. Membership limited to 950, open to the public whenever a vacancy occurs. Publishes a quarterly journal as well as three other books or pamphlets per year. Covers all phases of book collecting.
THE BOOK CLUB OF DETROIT In care of Robert C. Thomas, Gale Research Co., Book Tower, Detroit, Mich. 48226. Open to anyone interested in book collecting, printing, graphic arts, bibliography, book auctions and sales, libraries, and other book-related subjects. Publishes a journal irregularly.
THE BROTHERS THREE OF MORIARTY 1907 Fort Union Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87501. Membership limited to 50, by invitation only. No publications. Another Sherlock Holmes club.
THE CAXTON CLUB 60 W. Walton Street, Chicago, Ill. 60610. Membership limited to 265, open to the public by recommendation whenever a vacancy occurs. Publishes occasional monographs and pamphlets pertaining to literary studies and the art of the book.
THE CLUB OF ODD VOLUMES 77 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, Mass. 02108. Membership limited to men only. No publications.
THE COLLECTOR’S INSTITUTE P.O. Box 7219, Austin, Tex. 78712. Membership open to anyone interested in book collecting and literary matters. Publishes occasional broadsides and keepsakes.
THE DELAWARE BIBLIOPHILES 680 S. Chapel Street, Newark, Del. 19713. Membership open to anyone with a love for books or book collecting. Publishes minutes of its meetings as well as catalogs of exhibitions at the University of Delaware.
THE GROLIER CLUB 47 East 60th Street, New York, NY 10022. Membership limited to 300 resident and 325 nonresident members. Publishes a semiannual gazette and other occasional catalogs and bibliographies. Membership upon recommendation for anyone with a sincere devotion to books or allied subjects.
HROSWITHA In care of Mrs. Sherman P. Haight, Sr., Chestnut Hill, Litchfield, Conn. 06759. Membership limited to women book collectors, by invitation. Publishes occasional books.
THE LONG ISLAND BOOK COLLECTORS In care of Library Director’s Office, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530. Membership by recommendation for any bona-fide book collector. Publishes an irregular journal and occasional catalogs.
THE MANUSCRIPT SOCIETY 1206 N. Stoneman Avenue #15, Alhambra, Calif. 91801. Membership open to any collector of autograph material. Publishes a quarterly journal as well as occasional volumes.
THE OLD SOLDIERS OF BAKER STREET OF THE TWO SAULTS 909 Prospect Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 49783. Membership open by invitation only to military men (or ex-military men) interested in Sherlock Holmes. Publishes a journal.
THE PHILOBIBLION CLUB In care of Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. Membership unlimited by nomination of two members. Occasional publications.
THE ROUNCE AND COFFIN CLUB 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, Calif. 90041. Membership upon recommendation for anyone interested in promoting book design and production in the West. Publishes an annual catalog of an exhibition of western-produced books.
THE ROWFANT CLUB 3028 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115. Membership upon recommendation for anyone interested in any phase of book collecting or study. Publishes an annual yearbook and one or two yearly volumes.
THE ROXBURGHE CLUB OF SAN FRANCISCO 545 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94102. Membership limited to 100 men only, by invitation. No publishing program.
THE SACRAMENTO BOOK COLLECTORS CLUB 7440 Alexander Court, Fair Oaks, Calif. 95628. Membership upon recommendation for anyone interested in the printed word, especially as it pertains to the West. Publishes occasional pamphlets.
THE SOCIETY OF BIBLIOPHILES 140 Manning Boulevard, Albany, NY 12203. Membership for anyone interested in book collecting and the art of the book. No publications.
THE TYPOPHILES OF NEW YORK, INC. 140 Lincoln Road, Brooklyn, NY 11225. Membership limited to 500, by invitation, open only to professionals in the field of publishing. Publishes several pamphlets or chapbooks annually.
THE WICHITA BIBLIOPHILES 207 N. Pinecrest, Wichita, Kans. 67208. Membership limited to 12, by invitation only. No publications.
THE ZAMORANO CLUB P.O. Box 465, Pasadena, Calif. 91102. Limited to 80 members, upon recommendation and approval of the board of governors. Publishes a journal, Hoja Volante, three times a year as well as other occasional items.
THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY In care of the British Library, Great Russell Street, WC1, England. Open to the public. Publishes a journal.
THE PRIVATE LIBRARIES’ ASSOCIATION Ravelston, South View Road, Pinner, Middlesex, England. Publishes a journal.
THE ROXBURGH CLUB In care of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, Alnwick Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, England. Membership upon recommendation. The most exclusive British club (no bookseller may be a member).