
The following maps show nearly every town and city mentioned in this volume of The Joseph Smith Papers, along with other features and boundaries, as they existed during the period indicated on each map.

To locate a particular place on these maps, consult the map index at the end of the maps section. The map index provides grid coordinates and full jurisdictional identification for each place.

1. Volume Overview

2. New York and Vicinity, 1805–1832

3. Finger Lakes Region and Upper Susquehanna Valley, 1820–1830

4. Ohio, 1831–1838

5. Portion of Kirtland Township, Ohio, 31 December 1835

6. Northwest Missouri, 1831–1839

7. Northern Missouri, Western Illinois, and Southern Iowa, 1840

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Portion of Kirtland Township, Ohio
31 December 1835

Selected Structures

A. Loud-Lyman gristmill

B. Loud-Lyman sawmill

C. Milldam

D. Newel K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney house

E. N. K. Whitney & Co. red store

F. N. K. Whitney & Co. white store

G. Tannery

H. Bark mill

I. Tannery vats

J. John Johnson inn

K. Distillery

L. Sawmill

M. Ashery

N. Schoolhouse on the flats

O. Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith house

P. Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Smith house

Q. Methodist Episcopal church

R. John Johnson Sr. and Elsa Johnson house

S. Schoolhouse/printing office

T. House of the Lord (temple)

U. Sidney and Phoebe Rigdon house

Selected Properties and Owners

1. N. K. Whitney & Co.

2. N. K. Whitney & Co.

3. N. K. Whitney & Co.

4. Austin Loud and Azariah Lyman

5. Austin Loud and Azariah Lyman

6. Austin Loud

7. Frederick G. Williams

8. Frederick G. Williams

9. Elijah Smith

10. Ira Bond

11. Azariah Lyman

12. Newel K. Whitney

13. Martha Raymond

14. Newel K. Whitney

15. Sidney Rigdon

16. Samuel Smith

17. Elijah Smith

18. N. K. Whitney & Co.

19. N. K. Whitney & Co.

20. Jacob Bump

21. Newel K. Whitney

22. Ira Bond

23. Leonard Rich

24. Joseph Smith Jr.

25. Newel K. Whitney

26. Newel K. Whitney

27. Oliver Cowdery

28. Newel K. Whitney

29. Oliver Cowdery

30. Joseph Smith Jr.

31. Sidney Rigdon

32. Joseph Smith Jr.

33. Edmund Bosley

34. Joseph Smith Jr.

35. Jacob Bump

Index of Selected Owners

Bond, Ira, 10, 22

Bosley, Edmund, 33

Bump, Jacob, 20, 35

Cowdery, Oliver, 27, 29

Johnson, John, Sr., J, R

Loud, Austin, A, B, 4–6

Lyman, Azariah, A, B, 4, 5, 11

N. K. Whitney & Co., E, F, 1–3, 18, 19

Raymond, Martha, 13

Rich, Leonard, 23

Rigdon, Sidney, U, 15, 31

Smith, Elijah, 9, 17

Smith, Joseph, Jr., O, 24, 30, 32, 34

Smith, Joseph, Sr., P

Smith, Samuel, 16

Whitney, Newel K., D, 12, 14, 21, 25, 26, 28

Williams, Frederick G., 7, 8

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