LUKE 2:22–38

After Jesus’s birth, he, Joseph, and Mary remained in Bethlehem for over a month before journeying the five and a half miles to the Temple in Jerusalem (Lev. 12:4; Luke 2:22). For the first time this place, so filled with imagery representing the Messiah, actually experienced his presence. Luke records that Joseph and Mary were at the Temple not only for her purification but also to present Jesus to a priest who would dedicate him at the ceremony of the redemption of the firstborn son (Luke 2:22–24).

Following Mary’s purification and offering, Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the Temple’s Nicanor Gate37 that opened from the Court of Israel to the Court of Women at the top of fifteen, semicircular steps. This place was set aside for ceremonies that were to be done before the Lord, including parents bringing their firstborn sons to be redeemed in remembrance of God’s deliverance of ancient Israel from Egyptian bondage (Exod. 13:2–3). This captivity had come to an end with a plague that took the life of every firstborn Egyptian son (Exodus 11). In gratitude that Israel’s firstborn sons were spared the fate of the Egyptians, every firstborn Israelite male was to be presented to God soon after his birth so that he might be redeemed (Exod. 34:19). A brief ceremony was held to remind Israel of God’s saving act, which was referred to as “redemption.” In this ceremony a priest pronounced two blessings: one giving thanks for the birth of the child and the other celebrating his redemption. After the offering was given, the ceremony was over.38


The Temple Mount (aerial view looking north). The main entrance onto the Temple Mount, located at the bottom of the photo, was where Joseph and Mary entered the Temple complex with the infant Jesus.


Illustration of Mary’s purification at the Temple after the birth of Jesus.
© Dr. James C. Martin. Illustration by Timothy Ladwig.

Although Joseph and Mary had brought Jesus to the Temple and completed the ceremony, something was missing. The priest had done his part, but he did not recognize that Jesus was the promised Messiah. What the priest had not seen was clearly acknowledged by two other faithful servants of God, Simeon and Anna, who made the public proclamation of Jesus as the Redeemer of Israel.

The first, Simeon, was an old man who had been given a special promise. God had told him that he would not die before seeing the promised Messiah (Luke 2:25–26). Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Simeon entered the Temple courts, took Jesus in his arms, and praised God saying, “My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel” (Luke 2:30–32; see also Isa. 42:6–7; 49:6; Acts 4:12).

Next there was an elderly prophetess at the Temple, Anna, who had been waiting many years in the Temple courts for the arrival of the Messiah. When she saw the infant and heard Simeon’s blessing, she gave thanks to God and talked about the baby Jesus to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem (Luke 2:36–38). Thus Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Nicanor Gate to perform the ceremony to redeem Jesus. But the Father used this occasion to announce in the Temple that this child, this light to the nations (John 8:12), would redeem the world.


Jerusalem Temple


Jerusalem and Temple at the Time of Jesus


Scuola Nuova tapestry (AD 1524–31) depicting the presentation at the Temple.