MATTHEW 15:21–28
Most of the time, Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God in the Promised Land among Jewish communities. People responded with faith, but Jesus did not often say that their faith was great. Consequently, it is striking when Jesus offers an incredible tribute to a Canaanite woman outside of Israel. She had come to Jesus requesting assistance for her demon-possessed daughter. After much persistence on her part, Jesus proclaimed, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted” (Matt. 15:28).
Jesus and the disciples had traveled north to the Phoenician region that included the cities of Tyre and Sidon (Matt. 15:21). Evidence of a Jewish population living in Phoenicia extends back to when King David’s son Solomon made an agreement with Hiram, king of Tyre, to supply lumber for building the Temple in Jerusalem. Solomon sent three shifts of ten thousand Israelite workers, with each group staying for one month at a time (1 Kings 5:14). Also, Huram of Tyre, whose mother was from the tribe of Naphtali and whose father was from Tyre (1 Kings 7:13–14), was named as assisting in bronze work for the Temple development. In the first century, the population of the region was still predominantly non-Jews who had adopted Greco-Roman culture and were not followers of the one true God.
Phoenician ivory (eighth to ninth century BC).
© Dr. James C. Martin. The British Museum, London, England. Photographed by permission.
The woman in this account was one of the non-Jews—a Gentile of Syro-Phoenician birth, a Canaanite (Matt. 15:21–22; Mark 7:26). That is why we find her language so dumbfounding. She addressed Jesus with what may well be the most Jewish of all titles: “Lord, Son of David” (Matt. 15:22). This title takes us back to the time when God promised King David that one of his descendants would be the Messiah (Acts 2:29–31).
Coast of Tyre.
Matthew’s Gospel makes the point that the woman was not simply a Gentile; she was Canaanite. The fact that Matthew uses the term Gentiles numerous times9 while using the term Canaanite only on this one occasion indicates its significance. So why does he focus on the woman’s Canaanite heritage?
Earlier in their history, after their exodus from Egypt, the Israelites had come to the Promised Land—a place already inhabited by seven nations, including the Canaanites. Moses told his people that the Lord would drive those seven nations out of the land, and at that time the Israelites were to show those nations no mercy (Deut. 7:1–5). Keeping in mind Israel’s history with Canaanites, it is not surprising that the disciples wanted nothing to do with this Canaanite woman who was considered a “dog” from the observant Jewish perspective (Matt. 15:23, 26).
Phoenicia and Nearby Provinces in the Gospel Period
According to Matthew’s Gospel, up to this point Jesus had proclaimed the Kingdom of God to Galilee’s observant Jews, Hellenized Jews, and even a God-fearing Gentile Roman centurion in the region of the Galilee. The news of the Kingdom of God was breaking out of all preconceived barriers. Who would be included next?
In Phoenician territory, this Canaanite woman approached Jesus. At first he seemed to respond by avoiding, ignoring, and then rejecting this Gentile woman’s request: “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs” (Matt. 15:26). This remark can be understood in the context of Jewish prayers made over food. For some, once food had been blessed and dedicated to God, it should never be given to anyone or anything unclean, such as dogs, which would profane the dedicated food. But this Canaanite “dog” believed that Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of David, had the power to heal her daughter and that she, an unclean Canaanite woman, could be a recipient of the Lord’s provisions: “Yes, Lord . . . but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table” (Matt. 15:27). Her great faith resulted in a commendation from Jesus, and her daughter was healed.
Ptolemaic Phoenician inscription (221 BC).