JOHN 18:12–27
Following the arrest of Jesus, he was first taken to the former high priest, Annas (John 18:13), and then sent on to the current high priest, Caiaphas. Peter and another disciple followed at a distance into the courtyard of the high priest. Of all the locations associated with the disciples’ time in Jerusalem, this courtyard receives comparatively little attention and with good reason. Archaeologists thus far have not produced strong evidence to mark its precise location.10 We suspect that Peter would have preferred that it remain as anonymous as possible because it represents a horrendous event in his life. He went to this courtyard in a bid to support Jesus, but the most significant memory associated with the place became his denial of Jesus.
The Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu in Jerusalem commemorates Peter’s denial of Jesus in the courtyard of the high priest.
Jerusalem model. The red-roof buildings represent the palatial estates of the families of the priestly aristocracy.
© Dr. James C. Martin. Reproduction of the City of Jerusalem at the time of the Second Temple. (See full credit on page 4.)
Although the precise location of the high priest’s courtyard at that time is unknown, it was probably either located in the affluent suburb of Jerusalem known as the Upper City or it was affiliated with the Temple complex.11 Archaeologists have uncovered palatial homes in the Upper City of Jerusalem that provided luxurious living space and floor plans that included a central courtyard completely enclosed by the rooms of the wealthy estate.12 Wherever it was located, the courtyard of the high priest was not open to the general public. When Peter arrived, he had to wait outside at the door while the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, entered. And it was only when that disciple secured the right for Peter to enter that access was granted (John 18:15–16).
Neither John nor any of the other Gospel writers directly state why Peter entered the courtyard. They simply acknowledge that at the time of Jesus’s arrest, the disciples all scattered (Matt. 26:56), but Peter and another unnamed disciple quickly gathered themselves and followed Jesus to the courtyard of the high priest. Perhaps Peter had a special reason to be there; he had promised Jesus his unfailing support and willingness to die for him (John 13:37). Maybe he entered this courtyard in order to get as close to Jesus as possible. But this place in which Peter wanted to be loyal to Jesus became the place associated with his denial of the Master.
Steps leading up to the palatial estates of the high priests.
Jesus had told Peter that before the rooster crowed, he would engage in three acts of denial rather than loyalty (John 13:38). The rooster crow (i.e., cock crow) may be a reference to an actual rooster, but it is more likely a reference to the trumpet blast that signaled the beginning of the liturgical day at the Temple. This trumpet blast was called “cock crow.”13 While standing in the courtyard of the high priest, Peter was challenged three different times to associate himself with Jesus. On each occasion he denied his Lord. As he was speaking the words of the third denial, “cock crow” sounded, and Jesus turned and looked straight at Peter (Luke 22:60–62). Peter had come to this courtyard, risky though it was, in order to prove his loyalty to Jesus. Ironically, it became the place that marked his verbal denial.
Relief from St. Peter in Gallicantu of Jesus being taken from Gethsemane to the Sanhedrin authorities.