MATTHEW 26:14–16; 27:3–10

Judas handed Jesus over to the Temple vanguard, people who were determined to have him killed—an act of betrayal that to this day has remained linked to his name. With the full weight of guilt and shame over what he had done, Judas attempted to return the money. But when the chief priests and certain elders showed no interest in his remorse, “Judas threw the money into the temple and left” (Matt. 27:5). Once again insight obtained from Jewish culture will show that he threw the money where he did for a reason.

Judas participated in the evening meal in Bethany given to honor Jesus (John 12:2). This meal became a reminder that the time of Jesus’s death was near (Matt. 26:12). During this time, Judas set off to find the chief priests and offered to betray Jesus to them (Mark 14:10). His plan was to lead them to a place where they could arrest Jesus when the multitude of Jesus’s followers would be unaware of the proceedings. An agreement was made, and Judas was given thirty silver coins (Matt. 26:14–16).

The actual arrest of Jesus was later set in motion when Judas departed from the upper room (John 13:30). After Jesus was taken into custody and condemned, Judas was seized with remorse. He found the chief priests who had paid him for his services and confessed his sin of betraying innocent blood. The chief priests, however, had what they wanted. Their sights were set not on justice but on the elimination of Jesus, so they refused to take back the money. At that moment Judas threw the money into the Temple courts.

This curious action may well be illuminated by a passage from the Mishnah that speaks about the selling of a home. Jewish tradition allowed the seller of a home to change his mind up to one year after the deal was struck.14 All the original owner of the house needed to do was return the purchase price and the sale of the house was then revoked. The purchaser received his money back and the property was redeemed to the seller. This led to an issue that is further addressed in the Mishnah.15 If the purchaser did not want to surrender the home, he would hide from the original owner so that the money could not be returned. Apparently this became a common practice, particularly on the last day of the twelfth month. Consequently, the Mishnah allowed an alternative to the seller who wanted his property returned. The seller could take the money to the Temple and put it in trust there for the purchaser to pick up. Once the money was placed in the Temple courts, the sale was revoked and the seller could return to his former property and consider it his own.


Jerusalem model—Huldah Gate entrances into the Temple complex.
© Dr. James C. Martin. Reproduction of the City of Jerusalem at the time of the Second Temple. (See full credit on page 4.)


Excavations inside the Huldah Gates. When Judas returned the money to the Sanhedrin leaders, he would have most likely entered the Temple courtyards through the Huldah Gates.
© Garo Nalbandian.

Of course Judas had not sold a home and was not attempting to reverse the sale of property. But because guilt was overtaking him, Judas wanted out of the deal he had made with the chief priests. Perhaps this best explains why he threw the betrayal money into the Temple courts. Conceivably it was his effort to revoke the deal that had betrayed Jesus into the hands of those whose actions would bring about his death.16


Greek inscription for a deed to a house.
© Dr. James C. Martin. Thessalonica Museum. Photographed by permission.