MARK 16:9–14; LUKE 24:13–48

Two followers of Jesus had heard some of the women report what had occurred at the tomb that morning: Jesus’s body was missing, and angels had said he was alive (Luke 24:23–24)! These two men had left the group and headed for the village of Emmaus.

Walking the seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus (Luke 24:13) provided the men time for reviewing the events of the past week. As they walked, a third man joined them whom they did not recognize. They were amazed he did not know what had just occurred in Jerusalem. But their new companion, who seemed so in the dark, proved to be the one who provided illumination (John 12:46). The two men had all the facts but lacked a context that would give those facts meaning. The unrecognized Jesus asked them, “Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” (Luke 24:26). So starting with Moses and all the prophets, he taught them about himself (Luke 24:27).


Twelfth-century marble capital of the angel meeting the women at the tomb.
© Dr. James C. Martin. Musée du Louvre; Autorisation de photographer et de filmer—LOUVRE.

As the three travelers approached the village of Emmaus,22 Jesus seemed to continue on his way. But since it was almost evening, the other two encouraged him to stay with them in the village. After entering the house, they gathered at the table where Jesus “took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them” (Luke 24:30). As he broke the bread the two men recognized Jesus, whereupon he disappeared from their sight. In their excitement the two men hurried back to Jerusalem and spoke with the remaining apostles (referred to as the Eleven) and the others among them (Luke 24:33). While they were speaking, Jesus stood among them and said, “Peace be with you” (Luke 24:36).

It is significant that Jesus did not first show himself to the apostles. These men had been at the Master’s feet as he taught. They had walked the country with him and personally witnessed his many miracles, and meal after meal they had fellowshipped with him. Yet on the morning Jesus rose from the dead, it was the women who first saw him and who were sent from his tomb with a message (Luke 23:55; 24:1, 10).

Mary Magdalene and another Mary had met the resurrected Messiah and worshiped him (Matt. 28:1, 9). They were instructed to tell the disciples that Jesus was risen and to go to Galilee, where he would meet them. Then Jesus walked with the two men on the road to Emmaus. When Jesus opened their eyes, they immediately went back to Jerusalem and told the Eleven and those with them that Jesus had risen. Jesus then joined them in Jerusalem and continued to open their hearts to all the Scriptures said of him (Luke 24:44–47).


Roman road near the village of Emmaus (Qubeibeh).

The Eleven learned a valuable lesson as the message of the resurrection went from Jerusalem to Emmaus and back—that others could be faithful witnesses even when the truth seemed impossible to believe and the messenger appeared unbelievable (Mark 16:14). They experienced firsthand that the Lord would use everyone who was willing to proclaim the proofs of Jesus’s resurrection and power and that his messengers would never be limited to a small, select group.
