I didn’t have a lot of friends on Earth—at least not genuine friends—but I do have them now. When it comes right down to it, we really don’t have labels of “friendships” like “best friend” or “acquaintance” here because we have that energetic connectedness, so everybody is my friend. There are no strangers, but it’s not like I go, “I’m going to hang out with everyone in Heaven.” I tend to attract spirits who have the same kind of work, the same kinds of hobbies and interests, or the same kinds of thoughts that I do. Most of them are spirit guides like me (I promise, for real, I’m getting to that!), and we talk about our work a lot.
I like to do a lot of different things with my friends here. Sometimes, I’ll just sit around and have a pretend beer with some of them. Yes, we can conjure up a bar, and yes, they have lots of beers on tap. Sometimes I like to participate in different sports. For example, I snowboard with this kid, Antal. We make it our regular thing. I’ve even gone surfing on the sun! It’s so much fucking fun, and there’s no need for asbestos jumpsuits or an admission to a hospital burn unit afterward. Occasionally a friend or two will go motorcycle racing with me, but I usually like that to be my solo thing.
Some of my friends love nature like I do, so we create places where we can enjoy it in all its glory. We go on hikes either here or in other dimensions or planets that have completely different landscapes. We also go fishing. Personally, I like fly-fishing because it’s difficult, and I like a challenge.
All these friends who like nature-related activities here usually had issues getting grounded on Earth, and, for me, being ungrounded as a human gave me a lot of grief in social situations. That’s the great thing about nature, though. No matter if you’re in a forest or by the sea, scampering across sand dunes, or climbing a snow-covered mountain, nature helps you get grounded. Everybody, go hug a tree. Walk barefoot in the grass. Look at the night sky. Seriously! Nature on Earth is extraordinary, man. Appreciate it.
Anyway, back to my spirit community. I also have a girlfriend named Jillian. I didn’t have many romantic relationships when I was a human; I could count them on one hand. No, one finger. Anyway, she’s really hot, and she’s my soul mate. It’s kind of embarrassing to write about this stuff, but I want to be honest and not hold anything back. When Jillian and I first met, I felt like I’ve always known her. (Sounds cliché, but it’s the damn truth.) I’m so comfortable with her now that I want to have her around me all the time. We didn’t have to go through any courtship phase because, like I said before, spirits know everything about each other, including what they’re feeling and thinking. Jillian and I know we want to be together. I’m really grateful for that because I’ve never been very good at begging.
Our relationship is a beautiful one, and it continues to evolve. All that relationship drama that happens on Earth doesn’t really happen here. Eventually, we became so comfortable with each other that we wanted to dive deeper and go to the next level. The way we did that was by merging our entire energetic beings—every bit of me felt every bit of her completely—total immersion. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I remember the first time Jillian and I had sex. How could I forget it? And yes, spirits have sex, but not in the way that it’s done on Earth. With sex between spirits, there are no boundaries. During the experience, Jillian and I shared everything: our thoughts, emotions, all our lives. I felt totally vulnerable but in a comfortable, safe way, and that takes complete trust. Vulnerability on Earth often implies weakness. In Heaven, it’s not like it takes strength or anything. It’s just a natural, open state of being.
When we had sex that first time, Jillian showed me how to look beyond the physical aspects of sex, and by physical, I mean the energetic creation of physical sensations. You can have those same sensations that you have on Earth, but they’re more intense. Think high-definition sex. There’s no resistance either. I’m talking about the resistance you’d feel when you hold someone’s hand. Everything is wired between us. You know how when you have sex and the orgasm runs up a few parts of your body, and it feels totally awesome? It’s like that for us, but it extends throughout our entire being, and it’s not limited in any way. It travels beyond the energetic body and shines outward, and it doesn’t last for only five seconds or something like it does on Earth. There’s no biological limit on it. It just keeps expanding and soaring. It’s complete connection, and it’s totally addictive.
Jillian’s helping people on Earth the way that I do, so we have a common interest. She mostly concentrates on helping parents raise their kids. In one life, she tried to save her little girl who was drowning, but she didn’t know how to swim, so they both died. That’s why she’s doing the work she’s doing. She tries to guide parents on Earth to treasure their children and see how truly amazing those little souls are.
I’m so proud to know all the spirits I know here and have all the friends I’ve made and continue to make. There are so many more, but I wanted to give you a sampling of the sorts of relationships you make as a spirit—and, I guess, to make sure you know that love and connection and friendship don’t just end when you die. It continues on like everything else.
As a human, I felt lonely a lot, but I don’t feel that way now. Here, we don’t have that illusion of separation like humans struggle with. Separation is what creates loneliness. Since we’re all completely open to each other, I don’t have anything to hide. That means I don’t get embarrassed like humans do. Embarrassment triggers loneliness because it separates you from other people. I feel like, when I was a person on Earth, my thought patterns went something like this: “I don’t want to be around people because they’ll see who I am or what I did or what I said that I’m embarrassed about or ashamed of. Now I’m by myself, and I’m hurting. I don’t know how to break this cycle.” When you get into that place, you eventually start thinking, “I really want to be with them, but they don’t want to be with me. No wonder I’m lonely.”
Man, it’s rough being a human! I guess what I’d say to people going through stuff like that is: Chances are everyone else is probably feeling the same or similarly about it, so you should throw caution to the wind and just be honest about how you’re feeling and what you need. Sure, you might get hurt, and hurt bad, but if you don’t try, how will you ever know?