Spiritual Jobs

Any spirits can have jobs. Like I’ve mentioned before, I’m a spirit guide, and I’m learning more and more skills in my position all the time. Spirit guides are kind of like taxicabs in New York City; they’re really common. Some spirits are teachers, some are healers, and some are kind of the equivalent of life coaches, I guess.

It’s not like how it is on Earth, where you design your life around what work you choose, and we don’t identify ourselves based on our “work.” It’s not like, “Who are you?” and the other spirit answers, “Well, I’m a guide.” It’s more like: “Who are you?” “I’m Erik,” and then, “Oh, and what’s your passion?” “I help people on Earth learn and evolve.” So we identify ourselves with what we love to do more than anything else.

Here, spirits are lucky that we don’t have to deal with the necessity of working for a living like people do on Earth, so we don’t have to try to force ourselves into a position that really doesn’t fit our needs and passions. There’s no external force saying something like, “Okay, my father was a doctor, so I’m going to be one too,” or “I need to make a shitload of money, so I wanna be a lawyer.” Like I said, “jobs” here are internally guided.

One big thing that being satisfied with my job as a spirit has taught me is that true passion and self-love drives happiness, not wealth or prestige or whatever. What I learned from working with humans is that when they feel stuck in any situation, whether it’s a job, a relationship, poor health, or whatever, is that if they don’t like it and they feel stuck, then it’s up to them to change it. Easier said than done, right? Yeah, believe me, I feel you. People usually get stuck because they allow themselves to get mired deep down in ruts partially of their own making. But I really don’t want to imply that you’re miserable because you “choose” to get stuck with a dead-end job or “choose” to have health problems or anything like that. That’s not what I mean. What I mean is, even if you’re stuck in a shitty situation, job, whatever, push yourself or find the support to find the things that will bring you joy and help you make progress toward something better. Whether it’s taking night classes to work toward a degree that will one day help you get a job you enjoy more or going outside to walk for a half hour every day so you can breathe some fresh air after sitting in an office all day, that stuff really fucking counts, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. Once you recognize these things, then that’s when you start to put your energy and focus there, and that’s when shit starts to change.

Of course, you also have to be willing to accept what brings you joy. Believe it or not, some people don’t. They’re not willing to accept what could unstick them. For example, some think they don’t deserve a new relationship or a new job, so they can’t imagine themselves opening up their arms to embrace it. That’s the biggest obstacle for people, but when you begin to find and focus on the steps that will yank you out of the La Brea Tar Pit of your dissatisfaction, that’s when the good stuff starts happening.

Sometimes all it takes is a time-out. Take a vacation. Travel somewhere, even if it’s just to the next town or city. Take a break from daily life. It also might help to talk to a therapist, a friend, a life coach, or your spirit guides. But my main point is this: Through my job as a guide, I’ve learned so much about passion, and how, well, alive it makes you feel. Even if it’s rough going and takes a long-ass time, find something you love to do and chase that thing, whether it’s the job that makes you money or not. You could be a postal worker and then knit sweaters for, like, hairless cats on the side, and the sweater knitting is what ultimately feeds your soul. That’s what I’m talking about.