I’ve learned some pretty important things in my life, my death, and my afterlife. Most of the big ones happened after my death, like communication, manifestation, the nature of time and energy, traveling, becoming the best spirit guide I can be, and the awareness that there are no secrets in Heaven. The rest of my learning has been more tailored to my individual journey, like learning how much I should let in and how much I shouldn’t. It’s like I’m an energy filter.
Think of a jellyfish. You know how they open up and kind of suck in the water and then squirt it out? Well, I can open up my “filter” and make it bigger to take in more energy or I can close it down to take in less. It’s like I tighten or widen my energy web to absorb more of the information or less of it, more of the emotion or less of it, emotions being a form of energy. Learning how to control this flow of energy determines how separate I am from the whole or how united I am with it. If I feel like I don’t want so much independent thought or autonomy, I open up my flow of energy full throttle and sort of merge with everything. It’s intense. I feel like I’m being swallowed whole because all the information is so overwhelming. Sometimes I want more of that illusion of being an independent being, though. It’s not like I prefer one to the other. I just like being able to control which one I experience at a given time. It’s nice having the choice.
I’m still always learning, but I like the more intimate and casual learning groups better than the big lecture-hall type settings here. I don’t like to go to the formal “sit and listen” events—in fact, I’ve never been to one. This should come as no surprise because I never liked going to class when I was a human student. I’m part of small meet-and-greet groups in private settings—those are the ones where I feel the most at ease, and that makes me more curious to learn. Because the groups are so small, I can become involved. They’re like think tanks that pull together spirits with different backgrounds and views to solve a particular problem, and the spirits who participate don’t always have the same expertise.
That’s not the way it is on Earth. Let’s say you humans are trying to figure out how to clean up an oil slick. You wouldn’t call in, I don’t know, the inventor of Jell-O, right? Earth people wouldn’t do it that way. They’d only call in oil slick experts, but over here, we’re like, “Hell yeah, call in the Jell-O guy. Call in all the beings who can think about this problem from a different, outside-the-box perspective so we can see what they can contribute and maybe what we’re missing. What twist can they put on the solution?” I really like that. Maybe we’re so open-minded because we technically don’t have brains. I’ve never thought about it that way before!
I also learn a lot by joining spirit communities apart from the specifically educational ones. It’s a give-and-take thing, so I don’t just learn; I share too. They’re different than what you might find on Earth, but it’s also similar to joining a chat room where all the people in it are interested in traveling. We all instinctively know everyone who has the same interests, and we connect to each other energetically. So in these communities I come across, these groups of spirits communicate with me telepathically. As we move close to each other, I sense what they like and don’t like. So if I want to meet with spirits interested in traveling, we connect automatically. All I have to do is pull from this huge bank of knowledge to make that connection naturally and energetically. When I’m interested in a topic, I get that flow of information, like who’s going to be there and what the location and time of the gathering is. (I’m just using the word “time” because I know you’re familiar with it, but remember, time works differently here.)
One of the “chat rooms” I’m in is made up of spirits who like motorcycles, of course. All I had to do was think about my interest, and we all became available to communicate. Say, if one spirit wants to meet other spirits interested in literature, they automatically hook up too. I’m not a fan of reading, so their beckoning little energy fingers pass me up altogether.
I’ve also learned about different dimensions here. I always thought Heaven was separate from the earthly plane, but now I know that it’s just one of an infinite number of dimensions, and all these dimensions aren’t stacked; they’re swirled together with each other, including the earthly dimension. So it’s not like Heaven is above the Earth, like I used to think. I just had to conceptualize it that way because the human mind likes to separate, sort, compare, categorize, and organize stuff. I know lots of religions go with the whole “Heaven’s up there in the sky somewhere” thing, but it’s really more like all around us.
I used to have trouble with this idea of dimensions being swirled and folded into each other, but now I’m pretty sure I get it. Think of this book you’re reading. There’s a page on the left side and a page on the right side. Most humans think there’s nothing in between those pages, while actually 99 percent of that “emptiness” isn’t really empty. All the dimensions are among those pages—hell, if I really wanted to screw with you, I could put my ass between the left page and the right page right now as you’re reading this and you’d never know! In fact, my ass is in a dimension that’s weaving in and out of every page and the spaces between them in every universe where someone’s reading a book. My ass does get around.
Anyway, sometimes another spirit might tell me about a dimension I didn’t know about. It’s not a conversation of words and sentences or a lecture. Instead the communication and education is sent on many levels: to my head, to my heart, to my entire energetic body. It’s like an instant spirit-to-spirit download, and all the information gets transferred directly and completely.
All this makes it easy to never want to stop learning. I have so many resources at my nonexistent fingertips.