List No. 018
Nick Cave
The great Nick Cave is a lover of lists. He also, as someone who for decades has spent his time writing songs, screenplays and novels, has a mild obsession with language. It therefore makes perfect sense to learn that Cave sometimes writes, by hand, personal dictionaries filled with notable words – those words which for some reason need to be committed to paper, filed away for future use. Here is a page taken from just one magnificent example, penned in 1984 as he travelled in Berlin.
ANATHEMA – curse; anything acursed anything accursed; ban of the church
ANEURISM – swelling out of part of an artery
AMUCK – run about in murderous frenzy
ANABOLISM – constructive process as opposed to destructive process * (KATABOLISM)) of metabolism.
ANABRANCH – Tributary of river which rejoins mainstream forming island
ANASTOMOSE – Interconnection of views, arteries, rivers etc: interleaving of any spreading system as the views of leaves etc.
ANABAPTIST – advocate of adult baptism only + of the rebaptism of inb
AVOCATION – vocation, employment
AVOUCH – v. to affirm, maintain attest, own n.-avouch n.-ment
AWN – bead of cord, etc.
AWNING – canvas roof or shelter to protect from sun
AWRY – crookedly, perversely – a crooked distorted wrong.
AVIDITY – eagerness – (AVID)
AVAUNT! – interj. – away!
AVAST! – interj. – stop!
AUTOGENOUS – self generated
AUTOGAMY – self fertilisation
AUTO-EROTICISM – in psycho-analysis: self produced erotic emotion
AUTOCRAT – absolute ruler
AUTOCH’THON – (-ok-) primitive or original inhab inhabitant
AUTARCHY – despotism, absolute power dictatorship