List No. 038
Every New Year’s Day of her 44-year reign, from 1559 until 1603, Queen Elizabeth I would amass hundreds of gifts from members of the royal household in a tradition that began centuries before, but which Elizabeth actively encouraged like no other. Although a voluntary arrangement, gifts came from almost all who served her, and the urge to furnish her with something she would adore was undeniable. The Queen even offered presents to some in return albeit of low value and often boasting her image. After each gift exchange a list was drawn up of Her Highness’s takings, beginning with Lords and Ladies and ending with her lowly staff.
New Yer’s Guiftes giuen to the Quene’s Maiestie at her Highnes Manor of Richmond, by these Persons whose Names hereafter do ensue, the First of January, the Yere abouesaid.
£. |
s. |
d. |
By the Lady Margret Countes of Darby, a trayne gowne of tawny vellat. |
Delivered to Rauff Hope, Yoman of her Roobes. |
By Sir Nicholas Bacon, Knight, Lorde Keper of the Greate Seale of Inglande, in golde and siluer |
13 |
6 |
8 |
By the Lorde Burley, Lorde High Treausorour of Inglande, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Marquis of Winchester, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to Henry Sackford, Grome. |
Earles. |
By therle of Leycetour, Master of the Horses, a verey feyer juell of golde, being a clocke fully furnished with small diamonds pointed, and a pendaunte of golde, diamonds, and rubyes, very smale; and upon eche side a lozenge diamonde, and an apple of golde enamuled grene and russet. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By therle of Arondell, in golde |
30 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Shrewesbury, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Darby, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Sussex, Lorde Chamberleyn, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Lincoln, Lord Admirall of Inglande, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the aforesaid Henry Sackford. |
By therle of Warwyck, a juell of golde, being a very great tophas set in gold, ennamuled with 8 perles pendant. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By therle of Bedforde, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By therle of Oxforde, a very feyer juell of golde, wherein is a helmet of golde and small diamonds furnished, and under the same is five rubyes, one bigger then threst, and a small diamond brokenne; and all threst of the same juell furnesshed with small diamonds. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By therle of Rutlande, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Huntingdon, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Penbroke, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Northumberlande, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By therle of Southampton, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By therle of Hertford, a small peyer of writing tabells enamuled with a grashopper, all of golde, ennamuled grene on the backsyde, and a pynne of golde having a small perle at thende thereof. |
By therle of Ormonde, a very fayre juell of golde, whearin are three large emeraldes sett in roses white and redd, one bigger than the other twoo; all the rest of the same juell garnished with roses and flowers enamuled, furnished with very smale dyamonds and rubyes; aboute the edge very smale perles; and in the bottome is parte of a flower-de-luce garnished with smale diamondes, rubyes, and one sapher, with three meane pearles pendaunte, two of them smale; the backsyde a flower-de-luce enamuled greene. |
By therle of Surr’, a gyrdill of tawny vellat embrawdred with sede perle, the buckyll and pendant of golde. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
Vicount. |
By the Vicounte Mountague, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
Duchesses, Marquisses, and Countess. |
By the Duches of Suffolke, a lylly pot of agathe, a lylly flower going owte of it garnsshed with roses of rubyes and diamonds hanging at two small cheynes of golde. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By the Duches of Somerset, in golde and silver |
18 |
6 |
8 |
By the Lady Marques of Winchester, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Marques of Northampton, a gyrdill of golde with buckells and pendants of golde, garneshed with sparks of rubyes and diamonds, and also ١٠ perles set in colletts of golde. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By the Countes of Shrewesbury, a mantyll of tawny satten enbrawdred with a border of Venice golde and silver, lyned with white taphata, and faced with white satten. |
By the Countes of Warwyk, a cap of black vellat with 13 buttons of golde, in every of them eyther a ruby or diamonde; and a knot of small perle, with a garter and a byrde upon the same; and a perle pendant. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hoope. |
By the Countes of Sussex, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Countess of Bedford, a foreparte of white satten, enbrawdred with black sylke and golde, with two feyer borders of Venice golde and sede perle enbrawdred. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hoope. |
By the Countes of Lincoln, a jug of marbill garnesshed with golde, per oz. 18 oz. di. qr. |
Remaynyng with John Astley, Master of the Juells. |
By the Countes of Huntingdon, in golde |
8 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Countes of Oxford, a foreparte of a kyrtyll of white satten enbrawdred with flowers of silver, and two borders of golde and sede perle enbrawdred upon black vellat. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hoope. |
By the Countes of Penbroke, doager, in golde |
12 |
0 |
0 |
By the Countes Penbroke, junior, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Countes of Northumberlande, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Countes of Southampton, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Countes of Essex, a greate cheyne of amber slightly garneshed with golde and small perle. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By the Countes of Rutlande, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Countes of Kent, doager, a mufler of purple vellat, enbrawdred with Venice and damaske golde and perle. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By the Countes of Kent, junior, a foreparte of a kyrtyll network, floureshed with golde and tufts of sundry coloured sylke. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hoope. |
By the Vicecountes of Mountague, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Busshops. |
By the Archebusshop of Yorke, in golde |
30 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Ely, in golde |
30 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Dureham, in golde |
30 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of London, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Winchester, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Salisbury, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Lincoln, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Norwiche, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Worcetour, in golde |
20 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Lichfelde, in golde and silver |
8 |
6 |
8 |
By the Busshop of Hereford, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Seint David, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Karlyle, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Bathe, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Peterborough, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Glocestour, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Chicester, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Busshop of Rochester, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Lordes. |
By the Lorde of Burgavenny, in golde |
30 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lorde Howarde, a lock of golde, black ennamuled, garneshed with 16 small diamonds. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By the Lorde Russell, a cawle of here, garneshed with buttons of golde, within ennamuled, and set with ragged perle. |
Delivered to the Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By the Lorde Riche, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Darcy of Chyche, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Shandowes, in golde and silver |
6 |
13 |
4 |
By the Lorde North, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Paget, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Stafford, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Compton, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Norrys of Rycote, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Lumley, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Wharton, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lorde Morley, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lorde Cobham, a dublet of white satten lyned with murry, white sarcenet leyed with a pasmane of golde and sylke. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lorde Henry Hawarde, a juell of golde, being a ded tre with mysaltow, set at the rote with sparks of diamonds and rubys. |
Baronesses. |
By the Lady Baronesse Burleigh, 36 buttons of golde, one broken. |
Delivered to the Lady Haward. |
By the Lady Barones Howarde, Dowager, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Barones Howard, jun. a juell of golde, garnesshed with rubys and diamonds, and thre smale perles pendant. |
Delivered to the same Lady Hawarde. |
By the Lady Barones Cobham, a petticote of crymsen rewed with silver. |
By the Lady Barones Dacres, a gowne of wrought vellat. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Barones Tayleboyes, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Barones Shandowes, douger, a feyer skarf of grene sersenet enbrawdred with byrds and flowers of sylke and golde of sundry collours, frenged with Venice golde, and lyned with murry sarceonet. |
By the Lady Barones Shandowes, jun. a vale of black networke flurreshed with flowers of silver and a small bone lace. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By the Lady Barones Seint John Bletzelow, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Barones Paget, the Lord’s wyf, a pettycote of cloth of golde, stayned black and white, with a bone lace of golde and and spangells leyed lyke waves of the see. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Barones Paget Darce, a small cheyne of golde, with a luer of golde hanging at it, on thone syde a white dove, and on thother syde a hawke with a button white ennamuled. |
By the Lady Barones Cheyny, a carcanet of golde, cont’ 8 peces, with byrds and frute ennamuled. |
Delivered to the foresaid Lady Hawarde. |
By the Lady Barones Awdeley, a foreparte of a kyrtill of orenge collored satten. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Barones Barkeley, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lady Barones Bookehurst, in golde |
5 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lady Barones Norris, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Barones Sheffelde, a kyrtyll of purple satten, with roses of white lawne enbrawdred with golde unlyned. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Vere, Mr. Bartewe’s wyf, a vale oof open worke with golde and spangills. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By the Lady Barones Morley, a pettycote of white satten all over enbrawdred with roses of golde; and 3 gards, likewyse enbrawdred, lyned with white satten, and frenged with sylke and golde. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Barrones Wharton, a juell of golde, wherein is a parret hanging, garnesshed with small diamonds, and a cluster of perle pendaunt lacking a ffysshe on thone syde. |
Delivered to the forsaid Lady Hawarde |
Ladies. |
By the Lady Mary Sydney, a smock and two pillowbyers of cameryk, feyer wrought with black worke, and edged with a brode bone lace of black sylke. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Mary Sem’, wif to Mr. Rogers, a touthe-pike of golde made gonne fation. |
Delivered to the foresaid Lady Haward. |
By the Lady Elizabeth Sem’, alias Knightlye, a kyrtell of oring tawnye satten, edged with a passamayne of silver. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Stafforde, a juell of golde, being an agate garnished with golde, sett about with sparks of rubyes and diamonds, with a smale perle pendaunt. |
Delivered to the forsaid Lady Haward. |
By the Lady Carowe, a cusshen clothe camereke, blake worke, and frenged with Venice golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Cheeke, a foreparte of golde and silver networke. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Butler, in golde |
6 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Heniaige, a pomaunder gar’ with golde and 12 sparks of rubies and perles pendaunt, per oz. |
Delivered to the foresaid Lady Haward. |
By the Lady Waulsingham, 4 paire of gloves set with buttons of golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By the Lady Drury, a foreparte of clothe of silver, all over enbraudred with clothe of golde. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Pawlet, in golde |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Willoby, Sir Francis’ wif, tow pillowberes of camerike wrought allover withe carnatyon silke. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Gresham, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By the Lady Cromwell, Sir Henrye’s wif, in golde |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By the Lady Ratclyf, a vale of white worke with spangles, and a smale bone lace of silver, a swete bag, beinge of changeable silke, with a smale bone lace of golde. |
The vale delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls; and the bag to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Frogmorton, a large bag to put a pillow in of morre satten, allover enbrauderid with golde, silver, and silke of sondry collours, with 4 tassels of grene silke and golde; and a cusshen-cloth of networke, florisshed over with flowers of golde, silver, and silke of sondry collours, lyned with white satten. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Cromwell, Lorde Cromwell’s wif, ٣ sutes of ruffes of white cute worke, edged with a passamayne of white. |
Delivered to Mrs. Jane Bresett. |
By the Lady Wilforde, thre peces of lawne, wroughte with white and florisshed with golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By the Lady Marvey, a paire of sleaves of oringe-colour satten. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Crofts, a peticote of carnation satten, enbrawderid with flowers of silke of sondry collours. |
Delivered to the same Rauf Hope. |
By the Lady Souche, thre peces of superior cut-worke, florisshd with golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
Knights. |
By Sir Frauncis Knowles, Treasorour of our Householde, 3 angells |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir James Crofts, Comptrolor of the same, in di. sovereignes |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By Sir Chrystopher Hatton, Vice-chamberlen, a carkanet and a border of golde; the same carkanet contayning seven redd roses of golde, in every of them very smale diamondes, and in the topp a garnet and eight troches of meane pearles, four in every troche, and fourteen perles pendante, being lose; and the said border containing twenty-four redd roses of golde garnished with a very smale diamonde, in every of them a garnet and perle pendaunte, garnished with very small seed perle, and seven open pendants of golde; every one of them garnished with very small dyamondes, three meane perles, and thedges garnished with a very small seed perle. |
Delivered to the Lady Haward. |
By Sir Frauncis Waulsingham, Pryncipall Secretary, a night-gowne of tawney satten, allover enbraderid, faced with satten like heare collour. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mr. Thomas Wilson, Esquire, also Secretary, a cup of agath, with a cover and garnisshment of golde enamuled, the same agath crased in dyvers places, per oz. 17 oz. qrt. |
Delivered to Mr. Asteley, Mr. Threausorour of the Juells. |
By Sir Rauf Sadler, Chauncellor of the Duchey |
15 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir Waulter Mildmay, Chauncellor of the Exchequer, in angells |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir William Cordell, Master of the Rolles, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By Sir Henry Sydney, Lorde Deputie of Irelande, a feyer juell of golde, with a Dyana, fully garnisshed wythe dyamonds, one biggar than the rest, three rubyes, two pearles, and a pearle pendante; the backsyde a ship. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Sir William Damsell, Recevor of the Courte of Wardes |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir Owine Hopton, Livetenant of the Tower |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By Sir Thomas Hennaige, Treasoror of the Chamber, a proper ringe of golde ennamulled in the top thereof, an white rubye without a foyle, with a grahounde in it. |
By Sir Edwarde Horsey, Captayne of thile of Wight, a touthe picke of golde, the top beinge garneshed with a faire emeraude, a dyamond, and ruby, and other smale dyamonds and rubies, with two perles pendaunt. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Sir Guilbarte Dethicke, alias Garter, Principall Kinge at Armes, a booke at armes. |
By Sir Christopher Haydon, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir Henry Cromwell, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By Sir Gawine Carowe, a smoke of cameryke, wrought with blake worke, and edged with bone lace of golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Sir Thomas Gresham, in golde |
10 |
0 |
0 |
By Sir John Thynne, in golde |
5 |
0 |
0 |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
By Sir Henry Lee, a juell of golde, being a faire emeraude, cut lozanged hartwise. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Sir William Drury, a paire of myttows of blake vellet enbraudered with damaske golde, and lyned with unshorne vellat carnation. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Sir Amyas Pawlet, a pece of tyssue of carnation golde and siluer, cont’ 18 yedrs qr. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Sir Edwarde Clere, in golde. |
Delivered to the foresaid Henry Sackford. |
Gentilwomen. |
By Mrs. Blanche Parry, a peir of brasletts of Cornelion hedds two small perles betwixt every hed, gar’ with golde. |
Delivered to the Lady Haward. |
By Mrs. Fraunces Howarde, two sute of ruffes of stitched clothe florisshed at the sides, thone withe golde, thother with siluer with spangles. |
Delivered to Mrs. Jane Bressills. |
By Mrs. Elizabethe Knowles, a fayre cap of black vellat, gar’ ith longe agetts golde enamuled. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mrs. Edmonds, three peces of networke with spangles and threds of golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Skydmore, a foreparte with bodyes and sleaves of satten, ginger colour, cut, lyned with murre taphata, with two laces of golde and siluer, and frenged with like golde and siluer. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mrs. Snowe, six handkercheues, faire wroughte and edged, with a passamayne of golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Bapteste, a lace of russet silke and sede perle. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Mrs. Chaworthe, two handkerchives of Hollande, wroughte with blacke worke, and edged with a smale bone lace of golde and siluer; and an asse of golde enamuled. |
The handekerchers with Mrs. Skydmore; and the asse with the Lady Haward. |
By Mrs. Weste, a faire scarfe of grene networke florisshed with golde and siluer, and edged at bothe ends with a brode bone lace, and at the side with a narrowe passamane of golde and siluer, and lyned with murre serceonete. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Mrs. Katherin Newton, a forepart of a kirtill of tawny satten, enbroderid with gardes of golde and siluer, lyned with white sercenet. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mrs. Marbery, six handekerchers of cameryke faire wrought with blacke silke, edged with a smale bone lace of golde and siluer. |
By Mrs. Digby, six faire handkerchers of camerike of blake Spanish worke, edged with a brode bone lace of golde and siluer. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Bissels, a partelet and ruffs of lawne wrought with white worke, with a blake sipers upon yt, gar’ wythe bewgles. |
Delivered to Mrs. Jane Brissetts. |
By Mrs. Townesend, a cheyne of ambey, jeate, and mouther of pearll. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Mrs. Cave, two pillowberes of Hollande, wroughte with blacke silke, and edged with a passamane of blacke silke. |
By Mrs. Lichefelde, a fare lokinge glasse set in a case of purple taphata, allou’ fare enbrawdered with seade perle and damaske golde. |
By Mrs. Sackefourde, a paire of sleaves of lawne wrought with knit worke, striped with golde and siluer, and edged wtih a bone lace of golde and siluer. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Elizabeth Howarde, a vale of networke florisshed with gold and spangles of gold, and smale bone lace of golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Mrs. Wingefeld, a chaine and a border of bewegels and seed perles very smale. |
Delivered to the Lady Haward. |
By Mrs. Hermon, a faire smoke, the sleves wroughte with blake silke, and edged with gold. |
By Mrs. Taylor, a coif and forehed clothe of blake, edged with a smale bone lace of gold, and roses of gold and silke. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Twiste, six towthclothes wroughte with blake silke, and edged with golde; and a sute of ruffes of lawne, wroughte with Spanisshe worke. |
The toth clothes delivered to Mrs. Skydmore; and the ruffes delivered to Mrs. Jane Brissetts. |
By Mrs. Note, sixe handkerchers of camerike, edged with bone lace of gold and siluer. |
By Mrs. Barley, six handekerchers, lykewyse edged with Venice golde. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Mountague, a pertelet of fyne cameryke, wroughte with flowers of blake silke. |
Delivered by Mrs. Jane Bressett. |
By Mrs. Dane, thre peces of lawne. |
Delivered to Mrs. Blanche Parry. |
By Mrs. Crokson, a night coyf of white Cipers florisshed ouer with siluer. |
By Mrs. Huggaynes, four handekerchers faire wroughte with Spanyshe worke. |
By Mrs. Amye Shelton, sixe handkercheves edged with black worke with a passamaine of golde and siluer. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mrs. Julio, a dublet of crymsen satten, cut and laide with a passamayne of siluer. |
By Mrs. Dale, a dublate and foreparte of clothe of gold, garnisshed with a passamayne of golde. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mrs. Allen, a fayre cawle of damaske golde, with pypes and flowers garnished with a smale seade perle. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
Chaplyns. |
By Archedeacon Carewe, in golde £10. |
Delivered to the forsaid Henry Sackford. |
By Absolyn, Clerc of the Closet, a boke couered with cloth of tyssue, garnesshed with siluer and guilte. |
With her Majestie, by Mr. Sackford. |
Gentilmen. |
By Mr. Philip Sydney, a wastcoate of white sarceonet, quylted and enbrawdred with golde, siluer, and silke of diuers collors, with a pasmane lace of golde and siluer rownde abought it. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mr. Rauffe Bowes, a hat of tawny taphata, enbrauderid with scorpions of Venice golde, and a border garnisshed with sede perle. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mr. John Harington, a bole of christall without a couer, grasd, garnisshed with gold enamuled about the mouth and fote, per oz. 4 oz. 3 qr. di. |
With Mr. Asteley, Master of the Juells. |
By Mr. Edward Basshe, in golde £10. |
Delivered to Henry Sackford. |
By Mr. Dyer, a foreparte of white satten, with a brode garde of purple satten, enbraudered withe Venice golde, silluer, and sede perle, unlyned. |
By Mr. Stanhope, a dublate of oringe tawnie satten with a brode passamayne of siluer and buttons of the same. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mr. Foulke Grevill, a smale juell, being a lambe of mother-of-perle, garnished with two smale dyamonds, two smale rubies, and three perles pendante. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Mr. Smythe Coustom’, two boults of camerycke. |
Delivered to Mrs. Blanch Pary. |
By Mr. Beinedicke Spenolle, a foreparte of white and tawnie satten, al ouer faire, enbrauderid with golde and siluer; and two fannes of strawe, wrought with silke of sondry collours. |
The foreparte with Rauf Hope; the fannes with Mrs. Elizabeth Knowll. |
By Mr. Wolly, a forke of agathe garnisshed with golde. |
Delivered to the Lady Hawarde. |
By Mr. Lychfeld, a very fayre lute, the backeside and necke of mother-of-perle, the case of crymsen vellat, enbrawedered with flowers, and the inside grene vellate. |
With her Majestie, by Charles Smyth. |
By Mr. Newton, a paire of sleves of satten, ginger collour, enbrauderid with borders of gold and siluer, lined with white sarceonet. |
Delivered to the foresaid Rauf Hope. |
By Mr. Doctor Hewicke, two potts of oringe flowers, and cande jenger. |
By Doctor Mr. two lyke potts. |
By Doctor Julio, two lyke potts. |
By John Hemnigeway, Apotticary, sittornes preservid. |
By John Ryche, Apotticary, abrycos two boxes, and two glasses of peare pomes. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By John Smythesone, alias Taylor, Master Cooke, a fayre march pane with a cattell in myddes. |
By John Dudley, Sargeaunte of the Pastry, a fayre pye of quynces. |
By William Huggans, a fere grete bad of sarceonet, enbraudered, sixteen smale swete bagges. |
Delivered to Mrs. Skydmore. |
By Mr. Edwarde Stafforde, two laces of golde and siluer. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Mr. Thomas Layton, Captayne of Garnesey, a gowne of blacke vellat, with bodyes and sleaves cut, lyned with white sarceonet, and sett with longe agletts of golde white enamuled. |
Delivered to the forsaid Rauf Hope. |
By Marke Anthony Gaiardell, four Venyse glasses. |
By Ambrose Lupo, a box of lute-strynge. |
By Petricho, a boke of Italian, with pictures of the lyfe and metomerpheses of Oved. |
Delivered to Mr. Baptest. |
By Charles Smythe, a small juell, being a salamaunder, a smale ruby, two smale dyamonds, and three smale perles pendaunte. |
Delivered to the Lady Haward. |
By Peter Wolfe, five songe books. |
With her Majestie, by Mr. Knevet. |
By Anthonias Phenotus, a smale booke in Italian meter. |
Delivered to Mr. Baptest. |
By Mr. Henry Bronker, a pese of stitched clothe wrought with gold cont’ fifteen yerds di. |
Delivered to Rauf Hope. |
By Mr. William Russell, a paire of gloves, garnished with gold and sede perle. |
Delivered to Mrs. Elizabeth Knowlls. |
By Guylham Sketh, a dyall noctornalla, di. onc’ of copper, and guylte. |
With her Majestie, by Mrs. Knevet. |
By Morrys Watkins, eighteen larkes in a cage. |
Delivered to Mrs. Blanch Parry. |
Summa totalis of all the money giuen to her Maiestie, and deliuered in man’ and fourme aboue declared |
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