List No. 062


Galileo Galilei


In August 1609, Galileo Galilei presented his latest telescope to the public – an instrument built using pre-made spectacle lenses that boasted an approximate magnification of 8x. Although it was effective, Galileo was determined to improve on the design; however, the only way to do so would be to take full control and make his own lenses. The shopping list seen here, written by Galileo on the back of a letter dated November 23rd, 1609, shows, amongst other items, the equipment needed for such an endeavour. In January 1610, he wrote a letter in which he announced the discovery of Jupiter’s moons, spotted thanks to improvements to his telescope.

Scarfarotti e cappelletto per Vinc.o.

La cassa delle robe di Mar[in]a.

Lente, ceci bianchi, risi, uva passa, farro.

Zucchero, pepe, garofani, cannella, spezie, confetture.

Sapone, aranci.

Pettine d’avorio n.° 2.

Malvagia da i S.i Sagredi.

Palle d’artiglieria n.° 2.

Canna d’organo di stagno.

Vetri todeschi spianati.

Spianar cristallo di monte.

Pezzi di specchio.

Tripolo, spantia

Lo specchiaro all’insegna del Re.

In calle delle aqque si fanno sgubie.

Trattare in materia di scodelle di ferro, o di gettarle in pietre, o vero come le palle d’artiglieria.

Privilegio per il vocabolario.

Ferro da spianare.

Pece greca.

Feltro, specchio per fregare.


Pareggiarsi col S. Mannucci, et rendergli l’Edilio.


Shoes and hat for Vincenzo.

The case of wares for Marina.

Lentils, white chickpeas, rice, raisins, spelt.

Sugar, pepper, cloves, cinnamon, spices, jams.

Soaps, oranges.

Two ivory combs.

Malvasia by Lords Sagredo.

Two artillery balls.

Organ pipe of tin.

German lenses, polished.

Have rock crystal polished.

Pieces of mirror.

Tripolitan, ‘spantia’

The mirror-maker under the insignia of the Kmg.

Small iron tuning chisels made in the Calle delle Acque.

To haggle about iron bowls, or to make them out of stone, or like the artillery balls.

Privilege for the vocabulary.

Iron plane.

Greek pitch.

Felt, mirror to rub.


Pay debts to Lord Mannucci and give him back the Edilio.