List No. 083
A.T. (Practitioner in phisicke and chirurgerie.)
From the concisely titled self-help medical book, A Rich Store-house or Treasury for the Diseased. Wherein, are many approved Medicines for diuers and sundry Diseases, which haue been long hidden, and not come to light before this time. Now set foorth for the great benefit and comfort of the poorer sort of people that are not of abillitie to go to the Physitions, comes two lists: the first, of things that were then, in 1596, considered “good” for the brain; the second, of things thought to be “ill” for the brain.
A Rule to knowe what thinges are good and holosome for the Braine.
To smell to Camamill or Muske, + To eate Sage, but not ouermuch, + To drinke Wine measurablie, + To keepe the Head warme, + To washe your Hands often, + To walke measurablie, + To sleepe measurablie, + To heare litle noise or Musicke or singers, + To eate Mustarde & Pepper, + To smell the sauoue of Red-roses, & to washe the Temples of your Head often with Rose-Water.
These Thinges are ill for the Braine.
All maner of Braines, + Gluttony, + Drunkennes, + Late Suppers, + To sleepe much after meate, + Anger, + Heauines of minde, + To stand much bare-headed, + Corrupt Aires, + To eate ouermuch or hastely, + Ouermuch heate in Trauaylinge or Labouringe, + Ouermuch Watching, + Ouermuch Colde, + Ouermuch Bathing, + Milke, + Cheese, + Garlicke, + Oynions + Ouermuch Knocking or Noise, & to smell a white Rose.