List No. 106


Edith Wharton


Novelist Edith Wharton was born in 1862 in New York and stayed there until the turn of the century, plying her trade as a writer. It wasn’t until 1920, at which point she had settled in France, that she wrote The Age of Innocence, her 12th novel and the one that would see her awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction – the first ever to be awarded to a woman. She was also nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature on three occasions. In 1909, she wrote a list of her favourite books.

My Favorite Books, 1909

Faust; Goethe


Divina Commedia; Dante Alighieri

Seneca the Younger

Giacomo Leopardi, John Keats

Blaise Pascal: Pensées & Provinciales


Origin of Species; Charles Darwin

Walt Whitman; The Leaves of Grass

Nietzsche: Jenseits v. gut u Böse (Beyond Good and Evil); Genealogie der Moral (On the Genealogy of Morality); Wille zur Macht (The Will to Power)

Lettres de Flaubert

Goethe’s Conversations with Eckermann

Le Rouge et la noir; Stendhal

La Chartreuse de Parme; Stendhal

Mme Bovary; Gustave Flaubert

The Egoist; George Meredith

Anna Karenina; Leo Tolstoy

Harry Richmond; George Meredith

The Portrait of a Lady; Henry James

Adolphe; Benjamin Constant

Manon Lescaut; Abbé Prévost

Tyndall’s Essays